Aeneid 74-89 Flashcards
Nunc media Aenean secum per moenia ducit
Now she brings Aeneas with her to the middle of the city
Sidoniasque ostentat opes urbemque paratam
And shows him the Sidonian wealth and the city, prepared
Incipit effari mediaque in voce resistit;
And she begins to speak and in the middle of a word she stops;
Nunc eadem labente die convivia quaerit
Now with the day waning, she seeks the same banquets
Iliacosque iterum demens audire labores
And madly demands to hear the Trojan struggles again
Exposcit pendetque iterum narrantis ab ore
And again hangs in the words of Aeneas speaking
Post ubi digressi, lumenque obscure vicissim
Afterwards, having departed, and the gloomy moon in turn
luna permit suadentque cadentia sidera somnos,
suppresses its light and the falling stars persuade sleep
sola domo maeret vacus stratisque relictis
alone in the empty house she grieves and on the bed coverings she lies
incubat. illum absens absentem auditque videtque,
absent from him, she sees and hears that man, absent
aut gremio Ascanium genitores imagine capta
or seized by the image of his father she holds Ascanius in her lap
detainer, infandum si fallere possit amorem
if only she might be able to deceive her unspeakable love
non coeptae adsurgunt turres, non arma Juventus
the twoers begun do not rise up, the youth do not exxercise with weapons
exercet portusue aut propugnacula bello
or prepare ports or battlements, safe for war
tuta parant: pendent opera interrupta minaeque
the interrupted projects hang and
murorum ingentes aequataque machina caelo
huge heights of the walls and the scaffolding made equal to the heavens