AE Flashcards
Er episodic memory short-term eða long-term memory?
long term
Hvað er TUC í 35,000 ft?
30-60 sec
Hvað er presbyacusis?
Hearing loss due to age
Hvað er Myopia?
Narrow runway, hvernig gætir þú misséð og lent?
flat, short.
Í hvaða dB eru sársaukamörk hljóðs?
140 dB
Hvernig breytist partial oxygen pressure með hæð?
identical decrease as with atmospheric pressure
Er þetta synergistic: “Decision taken by the captain but prepared by the crew”
small sacs located in the vestibule are chalk like crystals called ____.
Hvaða lögmál lýsir því hvernig þrýstingur minnkar með hæð?
Boyle’s law
Lögmál hvers á við um Hypoxiu?
Hvernig breytist öndun við aukningu carbon dioxide?
shortness of breath
Presbyacusis; loss of lower or higher tones?
Maximum cosmic radiation you can be exposed to is __ millisieverts
Hypoxia affects rods or cones more?
Getur þú fengið visual disturbances í hyperventilation?
Getur þú fengið visual disturbances í hypertension?
Otoliths in the inner ear are sensitive to..
linear acceleration and gravity
Er headache a symptom of Hypoxia?
Breathing 100% oxygen at 38,000 ft is the same as breathing ambient air at __ ft.
Með því að pressuriza cabin, hvað ertu að ná miklu oxygen saturation in blood (%)?
An active error is produced by the…
Positive linear acceleration while flying will cause you to feel like..
you are pitching up
Time of useful consciousness at 20,000 ft is..
30 minutes (5 min if the person is moderately active)
Can a pressurised cabin prevent coronary disease?
Hypoxia is caused by reduced..
partial oxygen pressure in the lung.
TUC at 30,000 ft is..
1-2 min
____ fatigue generally has psychological roots.
Hypoxia can affect night vision at ___ ft.
Illutions of interpretation (cognative) are associated with the task of mental ____ of the environment
The vestibular system is composed of a s___, an u____ and three ____.
saccule, utricle, semicircular canals
Alcohol can contribute to
a) irritation of the inner ear
b) promotion of barotrauma
a) irritation of the inner ear
Hvernig reiknar þú út í hvaða hæð eitthvað hefur bólgnað út x mikið í volume?
Þú færð vanalega t.d. 8x meira volume.. þá bara tekur þú 1013/8=126 hpa. Svo bara breytir þú hpa í FL.
Hvaða tíðnisvið heyrir maðurinn?
20 Hz - 20 kHz
Í hvíld dælir hjartað _ lítrum á mínútu
The critical threshold is at ___ ft.
Hvaða sjúkdómar geta fylgt contaminated water?
Typhoid, cholera, dysentery
The needs of an individual lead to a change in the individuals motivation and consiquently to an adaption of the ____.
Human error rate on a simple repetative task is ___ and with practice ____.
1/100, 1/1000
Which scanning technique is good for flying at night?
Look to the side (10°-15°) of the object
Negative radial acceleration affects sitting pilot with inertia along the vertical/lateral body downwards/upwards
vertical, upwards
Hvernig reiknar þú BMI?
Mass / height^2
Hvað er normal BMI fyrir karl og konu?
Karl: 18,5 - 24,9
Kona: 17,5 - 23,9
Hvenær er einstaklingur orðinn ekki bara overweight heldur obese (karl og kona)?
Karl: 30
Kona: 29
Hvaða er carbon dioxide mikið hlutfall andrúmsloftsins?
Hvað er rare gas mikið hlutfall andrúmsloftsins?
Information stays in the short-term memory for how long?
20 seconds
Atmospheric pressure reduces with heigh linearly/exponentially
1 klst í svefn gefur þér _ credits.
Hvaða þrír hlutar eru mikilvægastir í heilanum?
Brain stem, cerebellum og cerebrum
Can organisational threats be controlled?
From which altitude can you suffer hypoxia?
6000 ft
TUC at 35,000 ft
30-60 sec
The optic system of the eye consists of what three things?
The cornea, lens and vitreous humor.
Episodic memory is memory of a) experienced events b) events
a) experienced events
Hvaða phases eru í GAS?
Alarm -> Resistance -> Exhaustion
Does severity of hypoxia depend among other on “rate of decompression”
Hvað er angina?
Narrowing/obstruction of the coronary artery causing reduced oxygen supply to the heart
Hvað af þessu myndi teljast conductive hearing loss?
a) damage to ossicles
b) obstruction in the outer ear
c) damage to auditory nerve
d) ruptured tympanic membrane
allt nema damage to auditory nerve
Ef þú flýgur “with a cold” þá eru meiri líkur á barotrauma en er það í klifri eða descent?
Hypoxia er
a) too low C02
b) Oxygen deficiency
b) Oxygen deficiency
Is breathlessness a symptom of hyperventilation
já, ótrúlegt en satt.
The ability of the lense to change it’s shape is called
a) Adaption
b) Accomodation
b) Accomodation
You approach an airfield VFR following procedure, you encounter a new and unexpected problem, you show
a) skill based behaviour
b) rule and skill based behaviour
a) skill based behaviour
það er samt mikið kvartað yfir þessari.
The basis of all perceptions is the intensity of the ___.
Adaption is
a) Change of the diameter of the pupil
b) Adjustment of the eyes to high or low levels of illumination
b) Adjustment of the eyes to high or low levels of illumination
The basic concept of the TEM is threats, errors and ____.
undesirable aircraft states.
The critical value of partial oxygen pressure is __ mmHg
When spinning an aircraft, the predominating type of acceleration will be ____ acceleration.
Blood consists of _% blood cells and _% blood plasma
45%, 55%
When at rest the normal rate of breathing is _ to _ cycles a minute
How much of our knowledge is aquired through sight?
Hvað kallast það ef þú ert með “a mis-shaped cornea”?
Altitude hypoxia should not occur under ___ ft.
Professional language, does it have a limited vocabulary?
The human vestibular system performs spatial orientation by measuring ___ and ___ acceleration within the inner ear
linear, radial
We can listen for __ words per minute and speak __ words per minute.
500, 125
Which part of the body acts as a reflex centre for the co-ordination of equilibrium?
The cerebellum
Semantic memory, it is the meaning of words eða memory of events?
meaning of words. More accurate than episodic memory.
Hvað heitir það sem stýrir stærð pupils?
True or false; The ozone layer absorbs UVB better than UVA.
Decreased/Increased carbon dioxide causes shortness of breath.
What controls the rate of breathing? ___ cells in the brain
Vision of terrain relief is based on ___ vision.
Lung volume er __ lítrar
Hvað er “adaption”?
adjustment of eyes to high or low level of illumination
Roll change is sensed by the ___.
semicircular canals.
TUC við 25,000 ft
3-5 mín
Hypoclycaemia can be caused by
a) Excessive sugar in the blood
b) not eating regularly / fasting
b) not eating regularly / fasting
Er carbon monoxide poisoning að hafa áhrif á sjón?
Er anaemia að hafa áhrif á sjón?
management of several matters, dealt with individually one after the other. This is ____ attention.
What monitors angular accelerations?
Semicircular canals
At what altitude does the human organism start with remarkable measures to compensate for the drop in the partial O2 pressure when climbing?
6000 - 7000 ft
Hvað gerist fyrir performance í high og low arousal?
slæmt í báðum tilvikum en gott í miðjunni, optimal arousal
What are the various factors which guide attention?
a) Salience of information
b) response time
c) Level of automation of behavior
d) expectations
a) Salience of information
c) Level of automation of behavior
d) expectations
Salience er hversu vel upplýsingarnar birtast þér (fylgist vel með ef þetta er greinilegt), fylgist illa með ef behavior er automatic og ef þú ert með expectations þá fylgistu vel með.
What kind of acceleration has the most significant physiological effect on the pilot? Linear-, transverse eða radial acceleration?
The normal visual acuity allows discrimination of two different points under an angle of _ minute of arc
Smoking can cause ___ hypoxia
Can excessive motivation lead to stress?
Í hyperventilation, hvað gerist fyrir blóðflæði til heilans?
Það hægist á því
Which part of the body acts as a reflex centre for the co-ordination of equilibrium?
The cerebellum
Er “lack of concentration” symptom í hypoglycaemia?
Physical stress takes place when
a) perceived demand is greater than perceived ability
b) outside conditions put a strain upon the homeostatic mechanism of the body
b) outside conditions put a strain upon the homeostatic mechanism of the body
Hvað er paradoxic svefn kallaður öðru nafni?
Astigmatism is normally caused by a..
mis-shaped cornea
The ___ allows for the acquisition of the visual signal and it’s coding into physiological data.
Hvort værir þú að lenda í Vertigo eða Coriolis effect ef þú beygðir þig eftir penna í gólfinu?
Coriolis effect
Hvort snýst Rasmussen módelið um behavior eða personality?
Memoric: Behave Rasmussen!!
TUC í 25,000 ft?
3-5 mín
The ability of the eye to read alphanumeric information is limited to the ___ are of the retina.
_% of the information processed by man enters through the visual channel.
A stressor causes a___.
How is yellow fever contracted?
If warned of a thunderstorm, hvað gerir þú?
Turn up the cockpit lights
Hvað er þetta? “Condition of dizziness and/or tumbling sensation caused by contradictory impulses to the central nervous system CNS”.
Pilot’s vertigo
The absolute/relative humidity measures percentage of water vapour saturation.
Hvað í auganu sér um “accomodation”?
The crystalline lens
_____ correspond to memorized representations of the various procedures and situations which can be reactivated by the pilot at will.
Mental schemas
True or false: Fixation or tunnel vision is primarily to be expected when stress is low.
False. Ert greinilega að fá tunnel vision í stressi.
Hvað gerist fyrir blóð í hyperventilation?
acidity reduces
Hve mörg prósent eyðir þú í stage 2 svefns?
Snýst “Swiss cheese model” um errora eða accidents?
Partial pressure of repiratory gases within the pulmonary alveoli is _mmHg CO2 _mmHg H20 _mmHg 02.
40, 47, 100
Increased carbon dioxide does what to breathing?
shortness of breath
The ____ system reacts to sensation from pressure on skin, joints and muscles and senses the movement that has led to the term seat-of-the-pants flying
Records of radiation are kept for flights above ___ ft.
Describe the principle of information transfer along the axon of neurons.
a) Charged molecules move along the axon towards the synapse.
b) small molecules called neuronal transmitters move along the axon towards the synapse.
a) Charged molecules move along the axon towards the synapse.
Rétt eða rangt varðandi decision making: “There is a natural tending to select only objective facts for decision-making purposes”
Rangt, rétt væri subjective held ég.
The first stage in the information process is:
a) recognition of information
b) sensory stimulation
c) perception
b) sensory stimulation
Errors of a motor programme are ___ slip and ____ capture (habituation).
action, environmental
Einn kostur við coordination er clarification of _____.
Hvað finnur þú í carotid and aortic arterial vessels?
Taxiing the wrong way is an error of __.
Er “diet” þáttur í líkum á heart attack?
What is the name for the sensation of rotation occuring during flight and which is caused by multiple irritations of several semicircular canals at the same time?
Pilots vertigo
“Bubbles of nitrogen coming out of a solution in body tissues due to a decrease in atmospheric pressure”. Hvaða lögmál er þetta?
Henry’s law
Af hverju eru “variable filtration” (phototrobe) sólgleraugu ekki góð?
Depend on ultraviolet light which is screened out by the cockpit glass. Þau eru samt held ég ekki bönnuð, en ekki mælt með þeim.
If somebody starts breathing faster without the need, the blood will turn more acid/alkaline?
You believe you’re high you land ___
“The volume of a gas multiplied by it’s pressure divided by it’s absolute temperature is constant” - Hvað er þetta?
Gas law
What is the role of orthodox sleep?
It essentially allows for physical recovery
What is the name of the functional connection between the neurones?
The synapse
The soundwaves are transferred from the outer ear to the inner ear by the ____.
What happens in problem solving when the application of a rule allows for the situation to be resolved? Actions return to..
automatic mode.
Flying while having a cold can expose a pilot to
a) otic and sinus barotrauma
b) sinus barotrauma
a) otic and sinus barotrauma
Excessive caffeine intake is more than
a) 150 mg per day
b) 250 mg per day
b) 250 mg per day
Hvað er semantic memory?
Meaning of words. Lasts for longer and is more accurate than episodic memory.
Do errors tend to escalate? How about the effects of carbon monoxide poisoning?
In airline operations, decompression may develop after a decompression from ___ ft cabin pressure altitude to ___ ft flight altitude.
7.000, 30.000
Hvað gerist fyrir need for oxygen í hypothermia?
Initially increased
Raising perceptual threshold þýðir ___ sensitivity
Someone who has not got enough ____ has anaemia.
functional haemoglobin
Unequal curvature of the cornea of the eye is called..
Hvernig getur þú losað þig við ozone í pressurized cabin?
Þætti sem leiða til coronary artery disease
a) obesity
b) distress
c) smoking
d) family history
Hefur “low blood sugar” áhrif á hvernig þú höndlar G-force?
Ef þú lendir í rapid decompression þá þarftu að bíða í __ klst áður en þú flýgur
To prevent autokinetic phenonema you can..
look out for additional references inside and/or outside the cockpit.
Up to what altitude is blood oxygen saturation unlikely to affect a pilots judgement?
10,000 ft.
“Inverted U” segir þér til um the relationship between ___ and flying performance.
What controls the volume of breathing? ___ ___ in the brain
receptor cells
Ef þú hefur drukkið áfengi, hvað er physiological altitude búið að aukast mikið fyrir 1 ounce of alcohol?
2,000 ft.
Visual acuity during flight at high altitudes can be affected by:
a) anaemia
b) smoking in the cockpit
c) carbon monoxide poisoning
d) hypoxia
The ___ inform an individual on the relative motion and relative position of his body parts
Geturðu fengið pressure vertigo “if you fly with a serious cold”?
Retention time of working memory is _ to _ items within 30 seconds with/without rehearsing.
5-9, without
Charles’ law: The volume of a gas at a constant pressure is proportional to it’s ___ ____.
absolute temperature
The cornea and the crystalline lens of the eye cause the convergence of _____ onto the retina
light rays
alcohol degrades paradoxical/slow wave sleep
Ef þú tekur af stað með 12 kts hliðarvind þegar það má bara vera 10 kts, hvernig error væri það?
Væri ekki error, væri violation.
Sound waves are transferred from the outer ear to the inner ear by the a) cochlea b) ossicles
b) ossicles
The part of the eye that bends the light the most is the..
Vertigo can be brought on by
a) pressure changes
b) disease
c) flashing lights
d) accelerations
Hver er galli við automation
a) Increased likelihood of slips while programming automatic systems
b) difficulties in adapting to the use of a sidestick
a) Increased likelihood of slips while programming automatic systems
What is the minimum time between sub-aqua diving and flying duties?
24 hours
Pressoreceptors, stjórnar þetta respiration eða cardiovascular?
cardiovascular. Mundu að pressoreceptors eru ekki að gera neitt varðandi andardrátt, bara æðakerfið.
Vertigo is the result of ___ effect.
Smitast tetanus með contaminated water?
Hefur cortisol áhrif á pulse rate?
Hvað kallast þetta “inability to focus different meridians simultaneously”?
Can you tilt the seat back in order to reduce the chances of a black out during positive G manoeuvres?
Presbyopia causes the lens to harden, is it a result of the normal ageing process?
Hepatitis A can be prevented by..
Gamma-Globulin or vaccination
Hvað sér um accodomdation?
Ciliary muscles
Er “seeking arbitration” á strategy for resolving conflict?
What is the minimum time between sub-aqua diving and flying duties?
24 hours
Pressoreceptors, stjórnar þetta respiration eða cardiovascular?
cardiovascular. Mundu að pressoreceptors eru ekki að gera neitt varðandi andardrátt, bara æðakerfið.
Vertigo is the result of ___ effect.
Í highly automated actions, hvað gæti valdið mistökum:
a) mistake in decision making process
b) capture of a poor action subprogram
c) action mode error
d) application of a poor rule
b) Capture of a poor action subprogram
c) action mode error
About _% of sleep is in stage 2
Hvað kallast þetta “inability to focus different meridians simultaneously”?
A ____ illusion is also called the “leans”
Incorrect identification of a problem is an example of an error of ___.
___ give the best visual acuity
Með auknu automation gerir þú meira af ___ errors
The more actions are skill-based the more __ errors are likely to occur
Er þetta synergistic? “Fluid, consensual boundaries exist in regard to leadership-style, which fluctuate between authority and laissez-faire”
Er þetta synergistic? “Little delgation of tasks”
er þetta synergistic? “Communications are few in number but precise and geared purely to the flight”?
Presbyacusis can be caused by
a) high noise
b) ageing
c) damaged or fatiqued sensory cells
b) ageing
How to neuronal signals travel along an axon and via the synapse? __ along the axon and __ via the synaptic gap.
electrically, chemically
Komdu með dæmi um action slip
lowering gear instead of flap
Komdu með dæmi um environmental capture
Vanur að heyra cleared to land og telur þig því hafa fengið.
Incorrect identification of a problem is an example of an error of ___.
A pilot approaching an upslope runway may feel he is ___ and will land ___
high, short
___ difficulties will normally accompany aerotitis.
___ is unjustified self-confidence
Hefur low blood sugar áhrif á hvernig þú höndlar G-force?
Carbon monoxide poisoning can be treated by increasing the amount of ___ being physically dissolved in the blood.
What is a remedy for decompression sickness (the bends)?
To increase pressure on the body
Hvað segir “Inverted U” um?
samband arousal og performance
Hvað er normal arterial blood pressure? / mmHg
Qualitative decision, hvor er betri að taka svona ákvörðun, tölva eða maður?
Vision is processed at the..
Internal respiration is a m____ process which takes place inside the cells.
Getur þú fengið tunnel vision ef þú ert með Hypoxia?
Til að finna relative humidity er skoðað actual water content í parcel of air vs. maximum possible water vapor content..
a) at standard temperature
b) at the prevailing temperature
b) at the prevailing temperature
The ____ is the body’s motion and gravity sensing organs
vestibular system
Which can induce hyperventilation?
a) pressure breathing
b) jogging
a) pressure breathing
Tendancy to see and hear what we expect (also called mindset) is called a ____ opinion.
What is a remedy for decompression sickness (the bends)?
To increase pressure on the body
Shortened turn around schedule is an example of a ____ threat
How much information is acquired through hearing (%)?
The normal sleep cycle is approximately every __ min
Somatogravic gives the pilot an illusion of
a) climbing
b) descending
c) turning
a) climbing
b) descending
Decreased rate and depth of breathing, er þetta early sign of hypoxia?