vsakotedenski program
the weekly programme
to be mad about sth
To be very enthusiastically fond of someone or something
in your face
shocking and annoying in a way that is difficult to ignore
ni važno, če ti je všeč, ker tako pač je
love ‘em or hate ‘em
average person
typical or normal
to be exposed to
exposure, to give someone an introduction to or experience of (something new)
very big, huge amount
supplemented by
= zraven dodano, added to it, a thing that is added to something else to improve or complete it,
growing evidence
vse več dokazov, increasing in size, amount or degree
general public
ordinary people who are not members of a particular group or organization
to become immune
not affected by something, especially something that you might expect to be harmful, there’s too much of it, so you got used to it
recent survey of
raziskava, pred kratkim izvedena, an investigation of the opinions, behaviour, etc. of a particular group of people, which is usually done by asking them questions
as few as 7 percent
poudarek na malo, that a number or amount is surprisingly small
sodelujoči, a person who answers questions, especially in a survey
to find something ______________
discover or experience to be the case, This phrase is used to describe opinions or feelings that you have
taking your attention away from what you are trying to do
in the face of this
če vključujemo vse to, je zaključek … ali In spite of; notwithstanding.
most extreme; best, worst, greatest, most important, etc.
mobile ad space
Ad space is the area of a website or Web page dedicated to online advertisements. This space is critical for organizations and websites driven by advertising revenue.
to use your head
to think carefully
very suitable for a particular purpose and resulting from clever new ideas, very smart
converting (bald patches into profit by …)
to change or make something change from one form, purpose, system, etc. to another, To make money; to make a profit from a particular venture (a business project or activity, especially one that involves taking risks).
go on to do sth
you do it after you have done something else
a printed design or symbol that a company or an organization uses as its special sign
temporarily tattooed
not permanently, only for a short time
to get a head start
da si v prednosti, an advantage granted or achieved at the beginning of a race, a chase, or a competition
a company or a business
napolnjeno za dan
charged by the day
money-making scheme
capable of making or promising to make money, a plan or system for doing or organizing something
to pay off
odplačaš, you give them the amount of money that you owe them or that they are asking for, so that they will not take action against you or cause you any trouble.
student debts
money owed on a loan taken out to pay for educational expenses
marketing campaign
sets of strategic activities that promote a business’s goal or objective
to make use of
the act of using something; the state of being used
to wink at people
so high or extreme that it is difficult or painful to think about it
at last but not least
to say that the last person or thing to be mentioned is as important as all the others.
genialno oglaševanje
ingenious advertising
growing popularity in …
becoming more and more important gradually
to fasten or join one thing to another
to move from one place to another; to move something/somebody from one place to another
to be a step too far
čez rob, To exceed an unstated limit, especially a limit of acceptable behaviour.
extremely interesting and attractive