Adrenergic/Agonists Flashcards
adrenergic / agonists
drugs that stimulate and mimic the actions of the SNS (fight/flight) – lungs and heart
adrenergic / agonists: MOA
binds w/ receptors and increases HR, bronchodilates, increases perfusion to heart and lungs, decreases GI/GU
adrenergic / agonists: Indications
based on body systesm
adrenergic / agonists: contraindication
adrenergic / agonists: AE’s
systemic; HA, dizziness, constipation, urinary retention
adrenergic / agonists: Interactions
additive or competitive
adrenergic / agonists: nursing considerations
VS, urinary output (UO), LOC (level of consciousness)
increases HR / speed and contractions of heart
**dose dependent
-less than 4 mcg/kg/min = dopaminergic effect
increased dilation in blood vessels = perfusion
could mean increased UO (if directed to the kidneys)
-greater than 4 mcg (^) - 20 mcg = beta1 effect
increased HR and BP
-greater than 20 mcg/kg/min = alpha1 effect
vasoconstriction = increased BP
**vasoactive drug
Used for HTN and shock
Contraindication: pheochromocytoma (tumor of adrenal gland); hypovolemia
**alpha-1, alpha-2, beta-selective
-doesn’t affect the lungs
-indications: hypotension, shock
-contraindications: allergy, tachycardia, HTN
-AE: HA, tachycardia, HTN
-Interactions: MAOIs, tricyclic antidepressants
exceedingly high BP
-Monitor: BP, HR, IV, respiratory rate, neuro
**nonselective adrenergic agonists: whore of adrenergic agonists: binds w/ everything
**for: life threatening emergencies
-AE’s: CNS and CV
-Interactions: beta blockers
competition: reduced effectiveness
would have to use more epi
-Nursing Considerations: watch the IV – could infiltration/perfuse and be profound enough to cause necrosis of limb (b/c of severe vasoconstriction)