Adrenal glands Flashcards
What are the adrenal glands also called?
Suprarenal glands
Where are they found?
On the superior pole of each kidney
Name the zones of the cortex
Zona glomerulosa
Zona fasciculata
Zona reticularis
What does the zona glomerulosa produce?
Mineralocorticoids (eg aldosterone). Closely packed small cells in contact with capsule
What does the zona fasciculata produce?
Glucocorticoids (eg Cortisol). Large cells in parallel cords.
What does the zona reticularis produce?
Androgens (eg testosterone). Small darkly stained
What does the adrenal medulla produce?
Contains chromaffin cells that produce NA and adrenaline
Effectively modified sympathetic postganglionic neurones
Describe the adrenal medulla
Pale stained chromaffin cells (NA & A) and thin walled sinusoid blood vessels
How does the cortex influence the medulla?
Glucocorticoids from the cortex pass into the blood stream and enter the medulla via sinusoids. Can affect production of adrenaline.
Describe the blood supply to the adrenal glands
3 branches from:
Inferior phrenic a.
Lateral branch of abdominal aorta
Renal artery
Where does the suprarenal vein drain from and to?
From medulla to renal vein on L and inferior vena cava on R
Lymphatic drainage of adrenal glands?
Para-aortic nodes
Sympathetic innervation from:
T10-L1 in greater splanchnic nerve-> suprarenal plexus
What layers must you pass through to reach the suprarenals posteriorly?
Erector spinae& paravertbral fascia, quadratus lumborum, paprnephric fat, renal fascia, perinephric fat
Whats another word for the sympathetic chain?
Paravertebral ganglia