Adolescent/Substance Use/Gyn Flashcards
Normal order of puberty changes in girls
- Thelarche around 9.5 years
- Pubarche 1-1.5 years after thelarche
- Peak height velocity around 11.5 years (8.3 cm/year)
- Menarche around 12.5 years
Delayed menstruation definition
- No menarche by age 14 without breast development
- No menarche by age 16 with breast development
- No menarche within 4 years of onset of breast development
Sexual orientation facts
- Not a choice, it’s biologically based
- Homosexual teens are at higher risk of substance abuse, suicide, dropping out, and being homeless
Biggest risk with inhalant abuse
- Sudden cardiac death
Normal order of puberty in boys
- Testicular enlargement (around age 10)
- Pubarche (around age 11.5)
- Peak height velocity (around 11.5 years of age)
- Spermarche
Peak height velocity in boys
Adolescent boys who mature early develop higher peak height velocities than those who mature later
Overall drug use statistics
- Alcohol: 50% have tried by 10th grade
- Tobacco: 35% of 12th graders have tried
- Marijuana: 45% of 12th graders have tried
How long are drugs positive in the urine
48 hours
- Except marijuana can be for several weeks (lipid soluble)
- Urine spec grav and creatinine can impact the validity
- Positive screens must be confirmed by further testing
- Should be collected under direct observation when possible
Immediate effects of inhalants
- Decreased inhibition –> drowsiness and lightheadedness –> ataxia and disorientation
- Effects within seconds and last 5-15 minutes
- Exam: sluggish pupillary responses, bradycardia
- Will present with mental status changes with negative head CT and negative urine, may have abnormal odor on breath
Extreme intoxication of inhalants
Generalized muscle weakness, confusion, hallucinations, ataxia, delirium, nystagmus, lack of coordination
Long term effects of inhalants
Asphyxia, cardiac arrhythmia, aspiration, pyschosis, dementia, bone marrow suppression, liver/kidney damage, encephalopathy
Acute effects of marijuana use
- Dry mouth, dilated pupils, drowsiness, distortion of time
How to monitor discontinuiation of marijuana use
Serial measurements of urine THC:creatinine ratio which should decrease
Chronic effects of marijuana use
- Learning problems, worse school performance
- Compromised immune function, decreaesd sperm count, impaired coordination
- Tachycarida, lung damage, gynecomastia
Withdrawal from marijuana symptoms
- Irritability, insomnia, tremors, nystagmus
- Peaks at 4 days and can continue for 2 weeks
Acute alcohol toxicity symptoms
- Ataxia, slurred speech, visual disturbance, nausea
- Sluggishly reactive pupils, excessive sweating, hypoglycemia
Chronic alcohol abuse symptoms
Esophagitis, gastritis, peptic ulcer disease
- Cirrhosis DOES NOT happen in teenagers
- Adolescents who binge drink aren’t at risk for becoming alcoholics but they are at risk for having depression
Short term symptoms of amphetamines
- Tachycardia, hypertension, sweating, agitation, fever
- Dilated pupils with slow reaction to light
- Perception that insects are on skin
- Arrhythmias
Treatment of amphetamine toxicity
- Gastric lavage and activated charcoal
- Benzos for HTN and agitation, haloperidol for psychosis
- Cooling blanket, hemodialysis if arrhythmias
Symptoms of cocaine abuse
- Irritability, insomnia, tremors, tachycardia, dilated pupils, flushing (at lower doses)
- Higher doses: aggression, arrhythmias, seizures, coma, myocardial infarction, stroke, renal failure
- Chronic use: choreoathetotic movements due to depletion of dopamine storage
Symptoms of opiate toxicity
Comatose teen responsive to painful stimuli with pinpoint but reactive pupils, cyanosis, respiratory depression, bradycardia, hypotension
Tx: naloxone