Acute and Chronic Renal failure, Kidney changes Flashcards
Causes of Acute Renal Failure
- Prerenal- (60-70%) of cases
- Volume problem
- hypovolemia, shock, blood loss, embolism, pooling of fluid(acities or burns) CHF and Cardio issues, sepsis
- Intrarenal- acute tubular necrosis(ATN)
- Nephrotic agents(inc. Meds), Infections, ischemia/blockages, polycystic(large cysts Kill neph)
- postrenal- Obstruction
- Stones, clots, BPH, Urethral Edema from invasive procedures
Persons at risk for Acute renal failure include
Major surger
Major trauma
Recieving Nephrotoxic Meds
those with previous kidney fucntion loss
Phases of Acute Renal failure
DON’t Confuse Causes
- initiation occurs with insult
- oliguria with urinary output less than 40 ml/24 hours
- Rising K, BUN, Creatinine, not responsive to fluid challange
- Diurresis Period- Gradual increas in urinary output beginging recovery as renal functions improve
- Recovery may take 3-12 months, may have lasting permanant damage.
Lab Profiles for Acute Renal Failure
Elevated BUN
Elevated Sodium, but H2O retention may mask
Postasium Increased
Phosphours increased
Caclium DEcreased
Hemaglobin/Hematacrit DEcreased
Sp. Gravity DEcreased until fixing(urine wont concentrate)
Management of Acute Renal Faliure
- Fluid Challanges and diuretics are used to enhance renal blood flow if the cause is prerenal
- Low doses of dopamine, if CHF
- Calcium channel blockers may be used to prevent influx of calcium into the kidney cells to maintain cell integrity and increase GFR
Mangement of Acute Renal Failure related to HyperKalemeia
- HyperKalemia- closely monitor electrolytes
- Kayexalate/Sorbitol removes K+ through bowel
- 10 % IV Dextrose and Insulin and insulin and Calcium Gluconate may help Shift K+
- Na Bicarb used to shift K+ into the cell by correcting acidosis(this is an IV push
- Admin of Nephrotoxic meds done cautiously
- Monitor ABG’s and Acid-Base balance
- Montior phospate levels( binders may be needed)
- Temporay dialysis
Chronic Renal Failure (CRF, CFD)
Progressive irreversible Deterioration of renal function
Causes of CRF
Diabetes, hypertension, glomerulonephritis, chronic pyelonephritis, polycystic kidney disease, vascular disorders.
S/S similar to the ARF
Uremia is ?
What are the S/S
Collection of Nitrogenous wastes normally excreted by the kidneys.
S/S include:
Head ache, Seziures, coma, dry skin, rapid pulse, hypertension, labored breathing
Kidney Changes Include
- Nephrons Hyertrophy working harder until 70-80% of renal function is lost
- Nephrons compensate by decrasing water reabsorbtion leading to
- Polyuria-increased urine output
- Then a gradual decline in urine output
Clinical Manifestations of kidney Changes
- Every body system is affected
- CV Hypertension, heart failure, pulmonary edema pericarditis, MI
- Pulm- Crackles, Kussmaul Resp, Pleuritic pain
- Derm- Severe Pruritus(itching), Uremic Frost(Urea crystals)
- GI- n/v, anorexia, uremic fector(ammonia Breath), constipation, or diareeha
- Nero- LOC Changes, confusion, seizures, agitation, neuropathies
Nurtritional therapy of kidneys
Azotemia and uremia are directly related to protein intake
Proteins must be High biological value/Complete protiens
ie Dairy, Eggs, meats