Acu 3 High fever, convulsive disease, uprising disease, prostration disease Flashcards
Signs and symptoms: fever with perspiration, slight aversion to wind and cold, cough, sticky phlegm in yellow color, nasal congestion or sticky nasal discharge, headache, sore throat with red, swelling and pain, thirst with craving for cold drink, yellowish urine, dried stools, a thin layer of yellow coating, a superficial and rapid pulse
External attack of wind heat (wei level)
External attack of wind heat (wei level) principles of treatment
Dispel wind and clear heat, expand the lungs and relieve the superficial region
External attack of wind heat (wei level) channels
External attack of wind heat (wei level) points
LU 10 - ying spring point, clear heat
LU 5 - He sea point, clear heat
LI 4 - clear heat anywhere in the body, get rid of external evil, disperse wind
LI 11 - clear heat anywhere in the body, sore throat
SJ 5 - get rid of external evil, disperse wind
DU 14 - the meeting point of various yang meridians, disperse heat in the upper body
External attack of wind heat (wei level) needle technique
bleed and sedate
Signs and symptoms: hot sensation of body, red complexion, profuse perspiration, thirst with craving for cold drink, yellowish and reddish urine, constipation, red tongue with yellow and dry coating, forceful, big and rapid pulse
Internal cave in of pathogenic warmness (qi/yangming level)
Internal cave in of pathogenic warmness (qi/yangming level) principle of treatment
Clear heat and sedate fire, soothe bowels and generate fluids
Internal cave in of pathogenic warmness (qi/yangming level) points
LI 2 - ying spring, clears heat
LI 4 - clear heat
LI 11 - clear heat
ST 44 - ying spring, clear heat, promotes bowel movements
ST 40 - promtoes bowel movements and protects body fluids
DU 14 - sedate heat, connects yang
Lu 7 also does what
severe cough
Du 20 also does what
LU 11 also does what
sore throat
Du 26 also does what
high fever and coma
SJ 6 and ST 25 also does what
Sp 10 and UB 17 also does what
skin eruption and bleeding
Internal cave in of pathogenic warmness (qi/yangming level) needle technique
sedation, blood letting
Signs and symptoms: high fever particularly at night, jumpiness and insecure feeling, coma and delirum in severe cases, skin eruption, vomiting blood, nose bleeding, blood in stools, dry mouth without severe thirst, deep red and dry tongue, fine and rapid pulse
Internal cave in of pathogenic warmness (blood level) (fever)
Internal cave in of pathogenic warmness (blood level) principles of treatment
clear heat, cool blood, open cavities, secure spirit
Internal cave in of pathogenic warmness (blood level) meridians
Internal cave in of pathogenic warmness (blood level) points
HT 9 - jing well point, sedate heat, open cavity, calm shen, rescue consciousness
HT 7 - calms mind from every cause, source point, clears heat, secures spirit, where the original qi is
PC 9 - jing well point, sedate heat, open cavity, calm shen, rescue consciousness
PC 6 - harmonize exterior and interior/upper and lower, luo point of the PC
PC 7 - source point, clears heat, secures spirit, where original qi is
PC 3 - clears heat at the blood level, he sea son point
Signs and symptoms: burning and hot skin, red complexion and ears, thirst with craving for cold drink, dried mouth and lips, depressed and insecure feeling, coma and delirium in severe cases, compulsive and uprising, nausea and vomiting, red tongue with dry coating, forceful, big and rapid pulse
Summer heat obscuring the heart (only happens in certain season and certain environment) (Fever)
Summer heat obscuring the heart treatment principle
clear and sedate summer heat, open up cavities
Summer heat obscuring the heart meridians
Summer heat obscuring the heart points
LI 4 - clear heat and sedate fire
LI 11 - clear heat and sedate fire
PC 9 - clear and sedate pathogenic summer heat
PC 6 - nausea and vomiting, clear heat, remove depression, harmonize the stomach
PC 3 - clear and sedate pathogenic summer heat
UB 40 - clear and sedate pathogenic summer heat
Du 26 also treats what
Ren 23 also treats what
thirst and dried lips
LV and GB 34 also treats what
Summer heat obscuring the heart acupuncture treatments
sedate, blood letting
Signs and symptoms: high fever, red, swollen and pain of head and face, sore throat with swelling and pain with ulceration, jumpiness and insecure feeling, scarlet rash all over the skin, red tongue with yellow coating, rapid pulse, localized infection
steaming epidemic toxin (extreme food or chemical poison, serious infection, blood level) (fever)
steaming epidemic toxin treatment principle
clear heat and detoxify, heal swelling and relive pain
steaming epidemic toxin meridians
LI and ST
steaming epidemic toxin points
LI 4 - disperse and relieve inhibited heat in the skin
LI 11 - disperse and relieve inhibited heat in the skin
ST 44 - disperse and relieve inhibited heat in the skin
ST 43 - disperse and relieve inhibited heat in the skin
SJ 5 - linking point so SJ, also in communication with yang linking, disperse wind heat
PC 3 - clear heat from blood
UB 40 - clear heat from blood, removes blood stasis, clears heat in lower body and general body
Signs and symptoms: high fever not reducing, spasms of hands and feet, extending to back of neck and back with stiffness in severe cases, opisthotonos, dried mouth and lips, scanty urine in red, lockjaw and grinding of teeth at sleep, red tongue with scanty coating or yellow coating, wiry, fine and rapid pulse
High fever causing harm to body fluids (qi level) convulsive disease
High fever causing harm to body fluids (qi level) convulsive disease principle of treatment
clear heat and produce fluids, stop wind and relieve spasm
High fever causing harm to body fluids (qi level) convulsive disease meridians
Du and Liver
High fever causing harm to body fluids (qi level) convulsive disease points
Du 14 - clear heat, dispel wind
Du 16 - wind palace, clears internal and external wind, clears heat
LV 3 - yuan source point, calm the liver and stop wind
LI 4 - sedate heat and stop spasm, open the cavities, secure the spirit
GB 34 - relax the tendons, soothe meridians, calm the liver and stop spasm
ST 7 and ST 6 is also good for
lockjaw and inability to open the moth
Ren 23 is also for
dried mouth with thirst
SI 3 and Du 8 is also for
UB 57 is also for
spasm in the gastroc muscle
High fever causing harm to body fluids (qi level) convulsive disease needle technique
Signs and symptoms: high fever, spasm of limbs, opisthotonos, lockjaw with inability to open the mouth, depression and jumpiness, coma and delirium in severe cases, slightly visible skin eruption such as macule and papule, deep red tongue with yellow and dry coating, wiry and rapid pulse
Convulsive disease: Heat entering nutritive and blood level
Heat entering nutritive and blood level (convulsive disease principle of treatment
Clear heat and cool the blood, stop spasm and secure the spirit
Heat entering nutritive and blood level (convulsive disease meridians
PC and LV
Heat entering nutritive and blood level (convulsive disease) points
PC 8 - clear heat, sedate heat from the HT and LV
PC 7- (source point) clear heat, sedate heat from the HT and LV
LV 3- (source point) clear heat, sedate heat from the HT and LV
LV 2- clear heat, sedate heat from the HT and LV
LI 4 - sedate heat and stop spasm, open up cavities and secure the spirit
DU 14 - sedate heat and stop spasm, open up cavities and secure the spirit
GB 34 - relax the tendons and soothe meridians, calm the liver and stop spasm
Heat entering nutritive and blood level (convulsive diseasel techniques of treatment
Signs and symptoms: skinny body (skinnier than normal), lack of spirit, dizziness and vertigo, perspiration and shortness of breath, jumping of facial muscles, twitching and shaking of limbs, dry throat and mouth, pale tongue with scanty fluids, fine pulse
Insufficient body fluids and blood (sudden external heat burns the body fluids and blood) - like a very sudden yin deficiency (convulsive disease)
Insufficient body fluids and blood (convulsive disease) principle of treatment
benefit energy and nourish blood, water yin and stop spasm
Insufficient body fluids and blood (convulsive disease) meridians
ST, SP, back shu
Insufficient body fluids and blood (convulsive disease) points
LI 4 - expel wind and sto pspasm
LI 10 - yang ming has abundant energy and blood, clears heat
ST 36 - strengthen the SP/ST to produce blood
SP 10 - nourish blood, clear heat from blood
SP 6 - meeting point of KD, LV, SP, tonifies the organs to promote blood making, tonifies kidney essence
UB 18 - liver back shu, nourish liver and regulate tendons to stop spasm
UB 20 - strengthen the spleen to produce blood
Insufficient body fluids and blood techniques of treatment
acupuncture, moxibustion, neutral technique
Signs and symptoms: Sudden fainting, loss of consciousness, red complexion and harsh breathing, lockjaw, phlegm noise in the throat, both hands holding tight, twitching of limb and body, suppression of urination and constipation, yellow and greasy or white and greasy coating, wiry and slippery and rapid pulse
Closed syndrome (uprising condition)
Closed syndrome (uprising condition) principles of treatment
Transform phlegm and soothe meridians, wake up the spirit and open up cavities
Closed syndrome (uprising condition) meridians
Du and PC
Closed syndrome (uprising condition) points
Du 26 - wake up the brain and open the closed syndrome
Du 20 - wake up the brain and open closed syndrome
PC 9, 8 - sedate the heart, open cavities, clear heat from the Heart and relive the closed symptoms
LI 4, LV 3 - calm the liver yang, regulate energy, stop wind and relieve spasm, qi flowing and blood circulation
Closed syndrome (uprising condition) focuses on which organs
the heart and the brain - the heart takes charge of the spirit, while the Du mai is in communication with the brain
Signs and symptoms: sudden fainting, loss of consciousness, pale complexion, weak breath, open mouth and hands, perspiration, cold limbs, reduced blood pressure, incontinence of urine and loss of control in bowel movement, pale tongue with slippery coating, fine and weak pulse
Prolapsed syndrome/collapsed syndrome (uprising condition)
Prolapsed syndrome/collapsed syndrome (uprising condition) treatment principle
restore the yang and rescue uprising, wake up the spirit and open cavities
Prolapsed syndrome/collapsed syndrome (uprising condition) meridians
Ren and Du
Prolapsed syndrome/collapsed syndrome (uprising condition) points
Ren 8, 6, 4 - strong moxa and tonify the vital energy, restore yang and rescue uprising
Du 20, Du 25 - elevate yang and lift up cave in, wake up the brain and open cavities
St 36 - tones and benefits energy and blood, treats the root
Prolapsed syndrome/collapsed syndrome (uprising condition) why points on the Ren and Du
promote communication between yin and yang, and wake up the spirit and will power
What if coma occur in uprising conditions?
Solidify prolapsed syndrome and open the closed syndrome, treating both the symptoms and roots
Signs and symptoms: pale complexion, weak breathing, dizziness and vertigo, closed eyes and open mouth, perspiration with sweats like pearls, open hands and cold limbs, lower blood pressure, lack of spirit and weakness, lying down with sleepiness, obscure spirit and awareness or coma in severe cases, unclear consciousness, incontinence of urination and loss of control in bowel movement, pale tongue and white coating, feeble and fine pulse as if about to exhaust
Prostration disease (exhaustion of yang qi, yin and yang are separating) can be chronic or acute
Prostration disease treatment principle
Benefit energy and nourish blood, tone up deficiency and solidify prostration
Prostration disease meridians
Ren and Du
Prostration disease points
Ren 6, 4 - 6 is gathering place of vital energy and 4 is the meeting place of vital yin and yang, applying moxibustion will excite the vital yin and yang, tonify yang qi
Du 25 - elevate blood pressure, promote communication between yin and yang
Du 20 - elevate yang energy, regulate the spirit, wake up the brain, promote communication between yin and yang
PC 6 - linking point of PC and SJ, regulate the blood vessels, secure the spirit and fix will power, harmonizing point, does not tonify
St 36 - strengthen and tone deficiency, benefit energy and nourish blood
Prostration disease treatment techniques
acupuncture and moxibustion, tonify