Acu 2 Liver Channel Flashcards
liver is on duty
the liver primary channel connects with which organs
genitals, stomach, liver, gallbladder, throat, nose, pharynx, eyes, brain, lungs, lips
the liver treats
liver disease
abnormality in the meridian
lower back pain, hernia, lower abdominal swelling, bloating, dry throat, dusty and pale facial complexion, chest oppression, epigastric distention, blurred vision, headache, dizziness, fever, hands and feet bramping, abdominal pain, vomiting, hiccups, urine retention, bed wetting
where does the liver primary channel begin
on the lateral aspect of the dorsum of the big toe at LV 1
describe the liver primary channel
from LV 1 it ascends the leg connects with Sp 6 and crosses the spleen channel 8 cun above the medial malleolus encirlces the genitals crosses Ren 2-4 Connects with the lung and stomach ascends to the eye and vertex at Du 20
describe the liver luo connecting channel
from lv 5 it ascends the leg, connects with the gall bladder channel, and ascends to the genitals
describe the liver sinew channel
ascends to the genitals
the liver channel is paired with which channel according to six channel theory
the liver primary, luo, and sinew all go to the
genitals (the divergent goes to the pubic region
the liver primary channel enters the lower
teh liver primary channel cures around the
the liver primary channel spreads in the
the liver primary channel ascends just posterior to the
the liver primary channel links with the
eye system
the liver primary channel ascends to the
LV 1 functions
- gynecology, urology, intestines, front genitals
2. stops menstrual bleeding, calms the spirit and sedates convulsiosn
LV 2 functions
- gynecology, urology, intestines, front genitals
2. five sense organs, purges fire and liver yang rising
LV 3 functions
- gynecology, urology, intestines, front genitals
- subdue liver and extinguish wind, more for blood and yin deficiency and liver qi stagnation, stops pain, genitals, hypertension
LV 4 functions
- gynecology, urology, intestines, front genitals
2. benefits the lower jiao and genitals
LV 5 functions
- gynecology, urology, intestines, front genitals
2. regulate menstruation, stop leukorrhea, menses, bleeding
LV 6 functions
- gynecology, urology, intestines, front genitals
2. stops bleeding (xi cleft)
LV 7 functions
- gynecology, urology, intestines, front genitals
2. local point
LV 8 functions
- gynecology, urology, intestines, front genitals
2. nourish liver yin clear heat (deficiency and excess)
LV 9 functions
- gynecology, urology, intestines, front genitals
2. front genitals
LV 10 functions
- gynecology, urology, intestines, front genitals
2. somnolence, benefit lower jiao and weakness of limbs from dampness
LV 11 functions
- gynecology, urology, intestines, front genitals
2. enhance fertility
LV 12 functions
- gynecology, urology, intestines, front genitals
2. hernia, penis problems
LV 13 functions
- Intestines, internal organs
2. harmonize stomach and benefit gallbladder, chronic issues
LV 14 functions
- Intestines, internal organs
2. stomach and spleen, depression, rebellious qi, invigorates blood
LV 1 location
on the dorsal aspect of the big toe, at the junction of lines drawn along the lateral border of the nail and the base of the nail, approximately 0.1 cun from the corner of the nail
LV 1 angle and depth
Perpendicular or oblique 0.1-0.2 cun
LV 2 location
On the dorsum of the foot, between the first and second toes, 0.5 cun proximal to the margin of the wb
LV 2 angle and depth
0.5-1 cun obliquey towards the heel
perpendicular 0.5-0.8 cun
LV 3 location
On the dorsum of the foot, in the hollow distal to the junction of the first and second metatarsal bones
LV 3 angle and depth
in the direction of KD 1
0.5-1.5 cun
LV 4 location
on the ankle, anterior to the prominence of the medial malleolus, in the significatn depression just medial to the tendon of tibialis anterior when the ankle is extended
LV 4 angle and depth
Perpendicular 0.3-0.5 cun
LV 5 location
5 cun above the prominence of the medial malleolus, immediately posterior to the medial crest of the tibia, in the depression between the medial crest of the tibia and the gastrocnemius muscle
LV 5 angle and depth
Perpendicualr 0.5-1 cun
Oblique 1-2 cun
LV 6 location
7 cun above the prominence of the medial malleolus, immediately posterior to the medial border of the tibia, in the depression between the medial border of the tibia and the gastrocnemius muscle
LV 6 angle and depth
Perpendicular 0.5-1 cun
Oblique 1-2 cun
LV 7 location
posterior and inferior to the medial condyle of the tibia, 1 cun posterior to SP 9
LV 7 angle and depth
Perpendicular 1-2 cun
LV 8 location
Just superior to the medial end of the popliteal crease, in the depression anterior to the tendons of semitendinosus and semimembranosus, about 1 cun to KD 10
LV 8 angle and depth
Perpendicular 1-1.5 cun
LV 9 location
Directly superior to the medial epicondyle of the femur, 4 cun superior to LV 8, in the cleft between vastus medialis and sartorius
LV 9 angle and depth
Perpendicular or oblique 1-2 cun
LV 10 location
3 cun inferior to ST30 on the anterior border of the adductor longus
LV 10 angle and depth
Perpendicular or oblique 0.5-1.5 cun
LV 11 location
2 cun inferior to ST30 on the anterior border of adductor longus
LV 11 angle and depth
Perpendicular or oblique 0.5-1.5 cun
LV 12 location
1 cun inferior and 2.5 cun lateral to Ren 2, in the crease of the groin, medial to the femoral vein
LV 12 angle and depth
Oblique 0.5-0.8 cun
LV 13 location
Directly anterior and inferior to the free end of the 11th rib
LV 13 angle and depth
Transverse or oblique 0.5-1 cun
LV 14 location
On the mamillary line, in the 6th intercostal space, 4 cun lateral to the midline
LV 14 angle and depth
Oblique 0.5-1 cun