Acu 2 Small Intestine Channel Flashcards
Small Intestine Channel
Hand Taiyang
SI channel begins
at the ulnar side of the tip of the little finger at SI 1
describe the SI primary channel
From the ulnar side of the little finger it ascends up the arm, connects to LI 14, *zig zags from the inferior fossa to the superior fossa, connects to Du 14, UB41, and UB11. Crosses over to ST 12 and connects with the *heart organ. Descends to Ren 17, passes through the diaphragm to the stomach. Intersects Ren 13 and Ren 12 before entering the small intestine organ.
describe the first branch of the SI primary channel
the branch ascends from the supraclavicular fossa to cross the neck and cheek to the outer canthus of the eye to meet GB 1. It then travels around the ear connecting with GB 11, SJ 20 and SJ 22 before entering the ear at SI 19.
describe the second branch of the SI primary channel
the second branch separates from the first branch at the cheek and ascends to the lateral aspect of the nose and the inner canthus where it meets UB 1
describe the third branch of the SI primary channel
a branch descends from the small intestine organ to ST 39, the lower he sea of the Small Intestine
what organs does the small intestine primary channel connect with
Heart, Stomach, Small Intestine
where does the small intestine luo connecting channel begin
at SI 7
describe the small intestine luo connecting channel
from SI 7 it connects with the heart channel and ascends the arm to connect with the shoulder at LI 15
where does the small intestine sinew channel begin
at the dorsum of the little finger
describe the small intestine sinew channel
from the little finger it binds all the way up to the shoulder, surrounds the upper scapula and connects to the bladder sinew channel. Binds at the mastoid process and enters the ear, ascends to the forehead to connect with ST 8
Pathological symptoms of the small intestine sinew channel
strained little finger, pain along the medial aspect of the elbow and upper arm, pain below the axilla and on the posterior aspect of the axilla, pain of the scapula that reaches the neck, tinnitus, pain of the ear that may reach the submandicular region, a need to close the eyes for a long period of time before being able to see clearly, tension in the neck sinews that leads to sinew atrophy and swelling of the neck
what is the element of the small intestine channel
what is the small intestine channel paired with according to six channel theory
the primary and divergent channels connect with the
the primary and sinew channels travel to the
posterior aspect of the shoulder
the luo connecting channel connects with
LI 15
the divergent and sinew channels connect with the
the primary channel connects with the
the sinew channel surrounds
the scapula
the primary and sinew channels connect with the
neck, cheek, outer canthus, and ear
the primary channel also connects with the
inner canthus
the sinew channel connects with the
mastoid process and the corner of the forehead
the small intestine meridian is on duty during the hours of
1-3 pm
what SI primary meridian connects with the following organs
Small intestine, heart, stomach, large intestine, throat, eyes, ear, nose
the SI meridian treats
thick fluids disease
SI meridian illness
pain and numbness along the course of the meridian, headache, eye disease, sore throat, ear ringing and deafness, ear infection, teeth pain
zang fu illness
lower abdominal pain, lumbar pain referring to the testes, mental disorders, febrile disease, malaria
warts and skin tags mean
deficiency qi in the SI luo collateral
SI jing well
SI 1
SI window of heaven points
SI 16, SI 17
Si ying spring
SI 2
SI he sea
SI 8
SI shu stream
SI 3
SI luo connecting
SI 7
SI yuan source
SI 4
SI confluent point of the du
SI 3
SI xi cleft
SI 6
SI jing river
SI 5
SI 1 functions
awaken the brain
open the breast and promote lactation
high fever
SI 2 functions
Head, face, five sense organ,
benefit breast to assist SI 1
mental disease
*clear heat
SI 3 functions
neck and lower back acute sprain (regulate du meridina)
mental disease
SI 4 functions
clear damp heat
generate body fluids
enhance SI absorption
diabetes and jaundice, LV/GB problem
SI 5 functions
clear heat, five sense organ
acne, warts, carbuncles
mental disease
calm spirit
SI 6 functions
5 sense organs aging
clear heat and brighten the eyes
generate body fluid to benefit joints (shoulder and low back)
SI 7 functions
calm spirit, anchor will power (weak KD qi)
luo with heart - calms the spirit, mental point
warts, skint ags, carbuncles
clear heat and generate body fluids
SI 8 functions
head, neck, five sense organs
warts, skin tags, carbuncles
SI 9 functions
local shoulder point
clears five sense organ
SI 10 functions
meeting point of the yang linking and yang motility
local shoulder point or neck pain point
occipital pain and hypertension
SI 11 functions
open up scapula and shoulder
benefits breast
descend LU qi
points SI 1 through SI 8 alld o what
head, face, five sense organs
febrile disease
mental disease
SI 9 through SI 15 all do what
zig zag on the scapula
Si 12-SI 15 functions
local point
SI 16 functions
neck, throat problem
year problem
SI 17 functions
neck, throat problem
ear problem
rebellious qi
SI 18 functions
local point for head and face
center of the face: facial deviation, nerve pain
SI 19 functions
open the orifice and benefit the ear
mental disease
local point for head and face
SI yuan source point
SI 4
the small intestine meridian belongs to the small intestine, connects with the heart and also passes through the
SI 3 is paired with
UB 62
where does hand shaoyin (HT) and hand taiyang (SI) meet
tip of the little finger
which meridians pass through the stomach
small intestine
which points treat lack of lactation
Ren 17, SI 1, SI 11, ST 18
which point is better for descending the lung qi, benefiting the breast, and relieving pain of the upper back and shoulders
SI 11
which point is better for jaundice, diabetes, and pain along the meridian
SI 4
which two points have the action of “calm the heart and sedate the spirit, clears heat and relieves pain”
SI 7 and SI 8
which point is better for scrofula and ear ringing
SI 9
which point is better for facial deviation, facial beauty, and teeth pain
SI 18
SI 1 location
on the dorsal aspect of the little finger, at the junction of the line drawn along the ulnar border of the nail and the base of the nail, approximately 0.1 cun from the corner of the nail
SI 1 angle and depth
Perpendicular or oblique
0.1-0.2 cun
SI 2 location
on the ulnar border of the little finger, in a depression just distal to the metacarpo-phalangeal joint
SI 2 angle and depth
Oblique distally
0.2-0.3 cun
SI 3 location
on the ulnar border of the hand, in the substantial depression proximal to the head of the fifth metacarpal bone
SI 3 angle and depth
0.5-2 cun
SI 4 location
on the ulnar border of the hand, in the depression between the base of the 5th metacarpal bone and the triquetrial bone
Si 4 angle and depth
0.3-0.5 cun
SI 5 location
at the ulnar border of the wrist, in the depression between the head of the ulna and the triquetrial bone
SI 5 angle and depth
0.3-0.5 cun
SI 6 location
when the palm of the hand is placed on the chest, this point is located on the dorsal aspect of the head of the ulna, in a cleft level with and to the radial side of the high point of the styloid process of the ulna
SI 6 angle and depth
Oblique or transverse oblique distally or proximally
0.5-1 cun
SI 7 location
on the line connecting Si 5 to Si 8, 5 cun proximal to Si 5, in the groove between the anterior border of the ulna and the muscle belly of the flexor carpi ulnaris
SI 7 angle and depth
0.5-1 cun
SI 8 location
in the depression between the tip of the olecranon process of the ulna and the tip of the medial epicondyle of the humerus
SI 8 angle and depth
Oblique distally or proximally 0.5-1 cun
Perpendicular 0.3-0.5 cun
SI 9 location
on the posterior aspect of the shoulder, 1 cun superior to the posterior axillary crease when the arm hangs in the abducted position
SI 9 angle and depth
Perpendicular 1-1.5 cun
SI 10 location
on the posterior aspect of the shoulder, in the depression inferior to the scapular spine, directly superior to the posterior axillary crease when the arm hangs in the abducted position
SI 10 angle and depth
Perpendicular 1-1.5 cun
SI 11 location
on the scapula, in a tender depression one third of the distance from the midpoint of the inferior border of the scapular spine to the inferior angle of the scapula
SI 11 angle and depth
Perpendicular or oblique
0.5-1.5 cun
SI 12 location
in the center of the suprascapular fossa, directly above SI 11 in a depression formed when the arm is raised
SI 12 angle and depth
Oblique medially 0.5-1 cun
SI 13 location
in the tender depression superior to the medial end of the scapular spine, midway between SI 10 and the spinous process of T2
SI 14 location
3 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of T1
SI 13 angle and depth
Perpendicular 0.3-0.5 cun
Oblique 0.5-1 cun
SI 14 angle and depth
Oblique medially 0.5-1 cun
SI 15 location
2 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of C7
SI 15 angle and depth
Oblique medially towards the spine 0.5-1 cun
SI 16 location
on the posterior border of the SCM, level with the laryngeal prominence
SI 16 angle and depth
Perpendicular 0.5-0.8 cun
SI 17 location
in the depression between the angle of the mandible and the anterior border of the SCM
SI 17 angle and depth
towards the root of the tongue, anterior to the carotid vessels 0.5-1 cun
SI 18 location
directly below the outer canthus, in the depression at the lower border of the zygomatic bone
SI 18 angle and depth
Transverse to join other points
Perpendicular 0.5-0.7 cun
SI 19 location
with the mouth open, this point is located in the depression between the middle of the tragus and the codyloid process of the mandible
SI 19 angle and depth
Perpendicular 0.5-1 cun