Acu 2 Gallbladder Channel Flashcards
The gall bladder primary channel begins
near the outer canthus of the eye at GB1
describe the gall bladder primary channel
from the outer canthus it curves around the head, connects to ST8, descends across the shoulder and connects to ST12
describe the first branch of the primary channel
emerges from behind the ear at SJ17, crosses the cheek and rejoins the main channel at the supraclavicular fossa, descends to the inguineal region, encircles the genitals, connects to all of the baliao, connects to Du1, and connects to GB30
describe the second branch of the primary channel
descends from the supraclavicular fossa down the body to the lateral side of the tip of the fourth toe at GB44
describe the third branch of the primary channel
from GB41 it goes to the medial tip of the big toe to connect with the liver channel
the GB primary channel connects witch which organs
gall bladder
gall bladder luo channel
separates from GB37, connects with the liver channel, and descends and disperses over the dorsum of the foot
gall bladder divergent channel
diverges from the thigh
enters the pubic hairline
converges with the divergent channel of the liver
enters the flank between the lower ribs, GB, LV, and HT
rejoins the gallbladder primary channel at the outer canthus
what does the gall bladder sinew channel connect with
outer canthus, breast, and sacrum
what is the gall bladder paired with according to six channel theory
san jiao
the gall bladder primary and divergent channels connect with the
the gall bladder luo channel connects with the
liver channel
the gall bladder divergent channel connects with the
liver divergent channel
the gall bladder primary channel begins at the
outer canthus and travels to the infraorbital regiona
the gall bladder divergent channel connects with the
the gall bladder primary channel pass through which two orifices
eye and ear
the gall bladder primary channel pass through the
jaw ans throat
the gall bladder primary channel descends through the chest and connects with the PC channel at
PC 1
the gall bladder sinew channel links with the
the gall bladder divergent channel connects with the
the gall bladder primary channel passes through the
inguinal region and encircles the genitals
the gall bladder primary and divergent channels go to the sacrum and the primary channel connects with
Du 1
gall bladder is on duty
the GB primary meridian connects with the following organs
eyes, ears, diaphragm, liver, gallbladder
the gallbladder treats
“bone disease”
abrnomality in the meridian
bitter taste in the mouth, rib side pain, can’t turn over, dusty facial complexion, skin lacks luster, feels heat along the course of the meridian in teh lower leg, qi and blood blockage along the meridian manifesteing as cold pain, nubmness and soreness, *alternating heat and cold, headache, blurred vision, eye pain, jaw pain, swollen armpit, scrofula, deafness, malaria
GB1-19 generally treat
five sense organ
lateral side of head
*GB1 functions
*GB 2 functions
ear, facial paralysis, TMJ assisting point
*GB 3 functions
TMJ, convulsions, toothache, ear
“above the gate” ST7 is below
GB 4-6 functions
dispel wind headache, hypertension ear outer canthus tootheache
GB 7 funcitons
dispel wind, headache
eyes and vision
*GB 8 functions
headache, dizziness
calm spirit
stop vomiting, hangover
GB 9 functions
dissipate nodules
tooth/gum pain
GB 10 functions
phlegm in lung, scrofula, goiter
GB 11 functions
epilepsy, mental, cramping of the limbs
*GB 12 functions
calm spirit, epilepsy
*GB13 functions
mental, insomnia with Du24
*GB14 functions
eyes, facial paralysis
frontal headache
*GB15 functions
head, eyes, epilepsy
GB16-19 functions
headache, hypertension
GB18 is more for nose problems and sinusitis
GB20-21 are on the
generally release the superficies
*GB20 functions
exterior and interior wind
mental disease and insomnia
five sense organ
*GB21 functions
breast problems
neck nodules
difficult labor
GB22-23 functions
chest, hypochondriac
stomach acid reflux
*GB 24 functions
gall bladder and stomach disease
gall bladder front mu
GB 25 functions
strengthen the spleen and tonify the kidney
kidney front mu
*GB26 functions
gynecological and prostate
GB 27 functions
same as GB 26
GB29 functions
hip, sciatica
*GB30 functions
scaitic, lower back pain
skin disease
*GB31 functions
dispel wind
skin problems
GB32 functions
like GB31
GB 33 functions
local point
GB22 and GB23 generally are for
to warm the meridian locally
GB34-GB44 generally treat
head, face, five sense organs
mental and febrile
GB34 functions
influential point of sinews
acid reflux
GB35 and GB36 functions
tetanus and rabies
mental disease
*GB 37 functions
clear the liver and brigthen the eyes
breast tenderness
GB 38 functions
clear liver and gall bladder heat
ear infection and throat problems
*GB39 functions
influential point of marrow
stiff neck
bone an brain marrow
GB 40 functions
gall bladder organ problem
five sense organ
*GB41 functions
confluent point of dai mai dissipate nodules breast problem regulate menses leukorrhea five sense organ
what point is the influential point of sinews
which point is the yang wei xi cleft
which point is the GB xi cleft
which point is the luo point
which point is the jing river
what point is the influential point of marrow
which point is the yuan source point
which point is the shu stream
which point is the confluent point of the dai mai
which point is the ying spring
which point is the jing well