Acu 2 Heart Channel Flashcards
Heart time
What organs does the heart primary channel connect with
Heart Small intestine Lung Diaphrag *Throat *Eyes (inner eye system) *Tongue
HT meridian treats
“Heart Disease”
Meridian illness
pain or crampingi nthe shoulder and arm, difficulty movement in the shoulder and elbow, little finger pain, cramping
Zang Fu Illness of the heart
Depressive-manic disease, dementia, forgetfulness, insomnia, heart pain, palpitation, frighten throbbing, irritability
Chest, epigastriic fullness, distention through diaphragm, diaphragm qi obstruction is a symptom of what
excessive qi in the HT luo
Can’t talk (qi can’t go up to nourish the tongue)
deficiency qi in the HT luo collateral
Regarding the tongue, the HT can treat
any disorder related to the tongue
Diphragm qi obstruction is an illness
Due to excessive qi in the heart luo
HT jing well
HT 9
HT he sea
HT 3
Heart Luo connecting point
HT 5
HT shu stream
HT 7
HT jing river
HT 4
HT ying spring
HT 8
Heart yuan source point
HT 7
HT ma dan yang heavenly star point
HT 5
The heart primary channel begins
in the heart
describe the heart primary channel
from the heart it descends to the diaphragm and small intestine
describe the first branch of the heart primary channel
from the heart organ it ascends along the esophagus to the face and cheek to connect with the surrounding tissues of the eye
describe the second branch of the heart primary channel
from the heart it travels to the lung organ and emerges at the axilla at HT 1, travels along the arm to HT 9
The heart primary channel connects with which zang fu
Does the heart channel have meeting points?
Where does the heart luo channel begin
HT 5
describe the heart luo channel
from HT 5 it connects with the SI channel, goes to the heart channel, heart organ, and then continues to ascend up to the root of the tongue and the eye
where does the heart divergent channel begin
the axillary fossa
describe the heart divergent channel
- separates at the axillary fossa
- Enters the heart organ
- Ascends the throat
- Emerges on the face to connect with the SI channel at the inner canthus of the eye
where does the heart sinew channel begin
radial aspect of the little finger
describe the heart sinew channel
from the little finger it ascends to the axilla, intersects the lung sinew channel and travels across the breast region to the center of the chest, it descends to terminate at the umbilicus
pathological symptoms of the heart sinew channel
internal tension, accumulation below the heart, pain, cramping and strain along the course of the channel
what is the HT paired with according to six channel theory
the heart primary channel connects with the
SI organ
the heart divergent channel connects with the
small intestine channel at the inner canthus
the heart lu ochannel meets wtih the
SI primary channel
a branch of the heart primary channel ascends along the
a branch of the heart primary channel connects with the
tissues surrounding the eye
the heart divergent channel ascends to the
inner canthus of the eye
the heart luo connecting channel ascends to the
the heart divergent channel emerges
on the face
the heart luo connecting channel ascends to the
root of the tongue
HT 1 functions
local point for shoulder or arm pain (opens the collaterals and regualtes qi), mental illness, invigorates blood
HT 2 functions
- arm or shoulder pain
- mental disease
- poor circulation in the hands (regulates blood)
HT 3 functions
- connects with the heart and kidney
- arm pain - golfer’s elbow
- open heart and spirit for dizziness and insomnia
(heart disease and mental disease)
HT 4 functions
- calm spirit, ACAP
heart disease, mental disease, tongue problem
HT 5 functions
- Removes phlegm and opens the heart orifice, evil qi obstruction
(heart disease, mental disease, tongue problem)
HT 6 functions
- Any kind of sweating
- Upper jiao bleeding (cools blood)
- Calms the spirit and relives irritability
HT 7 functions
- Purges heart fire (also going to SI)
- Tonify heart qi
- Invigorate blood
(heart disease, mental disease, tongue problem)
HT 8 functions
- Itchiness of genitals
- Clears heat, purges fire (acne, UTI, carbuncles, boils)
- Calms the spirit for mental problems (laughing too much)
HT 9 functions
- Awakens the brain and opens the orifice (fainting, LOC, stroke)
- Extinguish wind
Which points are good for hypertension, swollen and burning tongue
HT 5
HT 8
which points are good for heart and kidney yin deficiency
HT 6
HT 3
which point is good for heart qi/yang deficiency causing palpitations and insomnia
HT 7
which pair of points is best for the heart, stomach, and chest diseases
SP 4 and PC 6
The heart meridian
originates int eh heart
a branch ascends to the cheek to connect with the tissues surrounding the eyes
a branch travels to the lung and emerges from the axilla
descends to the pisiform bone at the wirst
which meridians pass through the heart
HT 5 can treat
insomnia, palpitation, aphasia with stiffness of tongue
which point is best for night sweating, nose bleeding, and vomiting bleeding
HT 6
HT 1 location
in the depression at the center of the axilla
HT 1 angle and depth
Perpendicular 0.5-1 cun
HT 2 location
3 cun proximal to the medial end of the transverse cubital crease, on the line connecting HT 1 to HT 3
HT 2 angle and depth
Oblique distally or proximally 0.5-1 cun
HT 3 location
Midway between PC3 and the medial epicondyle of the humerus, at the medial end of the transverse cubital crease when the elbow is fully flexed
HT 3 angle and depth
Oblique 0.5-1.5
HT 4 location
On the radial side of the tendon of flexor carpi ulnaris, 1.5 cun proximal to HT 7
HT 4 angle and depth
Perpendicular 0.3-0.5 cun, oblique 0.5-1 cun
HT 5 location
On the radial side of the tendon of flexor carpi ulnaris, 1 cun proximal to HT 7
HT 5 angle and depth
Perpendicular 0.3-0.5 cun, oblique 0.5-1 cun
HT 6 location
On the radial side of the tendon of flexor carpi ulnaris, 0.5 cun proximal to HT 7
HT 6 angle and depth
Perpendicular 0.3-0.5 cun, oblique 0.5-1 cun
HT 7 location
at the wrist joint, on the radial side of flexor carpi ulnaris, in the depression at the proximal border of the pisiform bone
HT 7 angle and depth
Perpendicular 0.3-0.5 cun, oblique 0.5-1 cun
HT 8 location
on the palm, in the depression between the 4th and 5th metacarpal bones, where the tip of the little finger rests when a fist is made
HT 8 angle and depth
Perpendicular 0.5
HT 9 location
on the dorsal aspect of the little finger, at the junction of lines drawn along the radial border of the nail and the base of the nail, 0.1 cun from the corner of the nail
HT 9 angle and depth
Perpendicular or oblique 0.1-0.2 cun