Acid-fast Bacteria and Bacteria without Cell Walls Flashcards
Described as subpleural granuloma in primary tuberculosis
Ghon’s focus
Ghon’s focus with associated lymph node involvement
Ghon’s complex
Radiologically detectable calcification in primary tuberculosis infection
Ranke’s complex
Radiologic sign in apices of patients with reactivation tuberculosis
Simon’s focus
This virulence factor of M. tuberculosis acts as its antiphagocytic factor
Cord factor
Cavitation from tuberculosis can lead to secondary infection with this organism:
Aspergillus fumigatus
Large aggregates of lipid-laden macrophages described as “red snappers”
Lepra cells
Lepra cells and globi are histopathologic findings in:
Lepromatous leprosy
Drugs used in tuberculoid leprosy
Leonine facies are seen in
Lepromatous leprosy
Lesions at the angle of the mouth in congenital syphilis
Tabes dorsalis is caused by
Treponema pallidum
Ocular finding in tertiary syphilis
Argyll-Robertson pupil
Aoritis in tertiary syphilis is due to the involvement of the:
Vasa vasorum
Etiology of lyme disease
Borrelia burgdoferi
Characteristic lesion in tertiary syphilis
Myocarditis in lyme disease shows this ECG finding
AV block