acid-base metabolism Flashcards
what are the 3 most important buffers for h+ ions?
where do these buffering systems work?
- Bicarbonate HCO3- (kidney)
phosphate HPO4-,
haemoglobin Hb- (red blood cells)
protein, bone
where is bicarbonate found?
Glomerular filtrate
which transport system used to take bicarbonate out into urine?
Na+/H+ system
where is bicarbonate reabsorbed?
PCT: proximal convoluted tubule
how does thee ABG analyser produce bicarbonate levels from blood samples?
the analyser does NOT directly measure bicarbonate, it calculates it using the an equation including:
co2, h+ concentration and a coefficient
what is the primary abnormality in metabolic acidosis?
increased H+
decreased HCO3-
what is the primary abnormality in (acute) respiratory acidosis and alkalosis?
high pCO2
this causes the equation equilibrium to shift left
causes increased h+
pc02 and hco3- stay elevated post compensation
NOTE: hco3 only rises by 2-4
Low pCO2
causes low h+
pc02 and hco3- stay low post compensation
NOTE: in exams, drawing the arrows on those diagrams has come up as questions before
review it .
really good cases here too
what are the causes of respiratory alkalosis?
- asthma/panic attack
- artficial ventilation
- stimulation of resp centre
what are the principles to figure out acid base status really easily:
pH: tells you if its acidosis/alkalosis
pCO2: tells if respiratory distrubance present. prim/secondary
- low: alkalosis
- high: acidosis
HCO3-: reflects metabolic disturbance but can be otherwise
- low: acidosis - high: alkalosis
list some causes of metabolic alkalosis?
Pyloric stenosis: lost in vomit = Hcl loss, K+ loss
- (RAS system)
ingestion of bicarbonate
what are esome causes of respiratory acidosis?
decreased ventilation/ breathing
impaired gas exchange
poor lung perfusion
list somee causes of metabolic ACIDosis with high anion gap
Main ones to remember are:
Lactic acidosis
Salicylate poisoning - aspirin
Mnemonic; MUDPILES
- Ketoacidosis (DKA, alcoholic, starvation)
- Uraemia (renal failure)
- Lactic Acidosis
- Toxins (ethylene glycol, methanol, paraldehyde, salicylate)