Accessory Structures of Eye 2/7 Flashcards
Palpebrae (Eyelids)
Function: Protects the eye from foreign objects, distributes tear film over the cornea, and helps maintain moisture in the eye.
Location: Surrounding the eye. Upper and lower eyelids move to cover and uncover the eye.
Tarsal glands
Function: Secrete an oily substance that prevents eyelids from sticking together and helps maintain tear film stability.
Location: Found in the tarsal plate of the eyelids.
Ciliary glands
Function: Secretes a watery fluid that lubricates the edge of the eyelid.
Location: Along the edge of the eyelids near the eyelashes.
Function: Mucous membrane that lubricates the eye and protects it from microorganisms.
Location: Covers the sclera and lines the inside of the eyelids.
Medial and lateral commissures
Function: These are the corners where the upper and lower eyelids meet. They help form the shape of your eyelids and are where tears start to drain from your eyes.
Medial Commissure: The inner corner of the eye, near the nose.
Lateral Commissure: The outer corner of the eye, near the temple.
Lacrimal caruncle
Function: This is the small, pinkish bump in the inner corner of your eye. It has glands that produce oil to help keep your eyes moist.
Location: The inner corner of the eye at the medial commissure.
Lacrimal apparatus
Function: The lacrimal apparatus is the system responsible for the production, distribution, and drainage of tears (lacrimal fluid).
Location: Tear system and involves the following…
Lacrimal gland
Function: This gland produces tears to keep your eye moist and clean.
Location: Located in the upper outer part of your eye, just above the eyelids.
Lacrimal puncta
Function: Small openings in the inner corner of your eyelids that start the tear drainage process.
Location: Located at the medial corner of the eye (near the nose).
Lacrimal canaliculi
Function: Tiny tubes that carry tears from the lacrimal puncta to the lacrimal sac.
Location: Below the lacrimal puncta, leading to the lacrimal sac.
Lacrimal sac
Function: It holds the tears temporarily before they drain into the nose.
Location: In the inner corner of your eye, near your nose.
Nasolacrimal duct
Function: Drains tears from the lacrimal sac into your nose, which is why your nose runs when you cry.
Location: Runs from the lacrimal sac into the nasal cavity (inside your nose).