Accessory Organs Flashcards
Largest gland in the body
Specific regions the liver occupies
Right hypochondruim, across the epigastrium, into left hypochondrium
Connects the stomach and the liver
Lesser Omentum
What ligaments make up the lesser omentum?
heptaogastric and hepatoduodenal ligaments
What does the hepatoduodenal ligament contain?
Common bile duct, proper hepatic artery, hepatic portal vein
Is a reflection of the peritoneum from the liver to the diaphragm
Coronary ligament
What encircles the bare area of the liver, but is considered intraperitoneal?
Coronary and triangluar ligaments
What ligaments split the liver into lobes?
The ligamentum teres hepatic is enclosed by the falciform ligament
What is the falciform ligament continuous with?
Coronary ligament on the superior surface and the lesser omentum at the porta hepatis
Lies between the anterior part of the liver and the diaphragm
Subphrenic recess
Deep recess on the right side between the liver anteriorly and the kidney
Hepatorenal recess aka Morison’s pouch
Where does the fliud draining from the omental bursa flow into?
Morison’s recess
Between the left lobe of the lliver and the diaphragm
Superior recess of omental bursa (lesser sac)
In the middle of the visceral surface of the liver
Porta hepatis
Elongated smooth area that runs from the inferior margin of the liver towards the IVC
Fossa for gallbladder
Posterior aspect of the liver in the bare area contains a space near the midline for a major structure
Groove for IVC
From the inferior border of the liver to the porta hepatis
Fissure for ligamentum teres hepatis
Deep fissure passing from the porta hepatis to the posterior surface of the liver
Fissure for ligamentum venosum
Organs superiorly related to the liver
Base of right lung, pericardium/heart, base of left lung
Anterior relations to the liver
Costal margin, xiphoid process, abdominal wall
Posterior relationships to the liver
Direct contact with the diaphragm, IVC, right suprarenal gland, small portion of the right kidney
Inferior relationships to the liver to the right of the gallbladder
Duodenum, right kidney, right flexure of colon, transverse colon
Inferior relationships to the liver to the left of the gallbladder
Lesser omentum, stomach, esophagus
Lobe between the gallbladder and the fissure of the ligamentum teres anterior to the porta hepatis
Quadrate lobe
Passes to the right between the porta hepatis and the IVC
Caudate process of the caudate lobe
Caudate lobe/process hypertrophy seen with occlusion of hepatic veins
Budd-Chiari syndrome
Inferior projection off of the caudate lobe that may be confused for a pancreatic mass or enlarged lymph node
Papillary process
Functional lobes of the liver
Right, left, caudate
What supplies blood to the right and left lobes?
Separate primary branches of hepatic artery
Blood supply/drainage to the caudate lobe
Both right and left primary branches, drained by it’s own hepatic vein
Provides 75% of the blood to the liver
Portal vein
Provides 25% of blood to the liver
Hepatic arteries
Where is the portal vein formed?
Posterior to neck of the pancrease where the splenic and superior mesenteric ceins join
Path of the splenic vein
Formed in the hilum of the spleen, passes in the splenorenal ligament, passes inferiorly to the splenic artery, posterior to the tail/body of the pancrease
Tributaries to the splenic vein
Short gastric veins, left gastro-omental vein, pancreatic veins, inferior mesenteric vein
Pathway of superior mesenteric vein
Crosses anterior 1/3 of the duodenum/uncinate process of the pancrease, terminates posterior to the neck of the pancreas, help form portal vein
Tributaries of the superior mesenteric vein
Jejuna, ileale, ileocolic, right/middle colic, right gasto-omental, anterior/posterior inferior pancreatico-duodenal VEINS
Tributaries to the portal vein
Right/left gasteric veins, posterior superior pancreaticoduodenal vein, cystic veins, paraumbilical veins
Portaal vein’s course/location
Ascends posterior to the 1st part of the duodenum, lies in free margin of lesser omentum, posterior to bile duct/hepatic artery
Proper hepatic artery branching coursing
Left: left of the common hepatic duct, right:posterior to the common hepatic duct
Where does the lymph of the liver/gall bladder drain to primarily?
Phrenic nodes near diaphragm, and secondarily to hepatic nodes near porta hepatis
Sympathetic innervation of liver/gall bladder
T6-T9, greater splanic nerves synapse with celiac ganglion
Parasympathetic innervtion of liver/gall bladder
From vagus, hitch-hike on sympathetic
What nerve provides afferent fibers to the liver/gall baldder area?
Phrenic nerve
What liver lobes surround the gallbladder?
Right and quadrate lobe
External locators for gall bladder
Tip of right 9th costal cartilage and midclavicular line
Contacts of the gall bladder
Visceral surface of the liver, transverse colon, superior part of duodenum
Parts of the gall bladder
Fundus, body, neck
What keeps the gall bladder lumen patent?
Spiral valve
Connects neck of gall bladder to common hepatic duct,
Cystic duct
Formed by joining the right and left hepatic ducts
Common hepatic duct
Formed by joining the common hepatic duct to the cystic duct at an acute angle
Bile duct
Path of the bile duct
Descends in the free border of lesser omentum, passes posterior to the duodenum/head of pancreas, becomes embedded in pancreas, merges with main pancreatic duct
Which portion of the duodenum does the main pancreatic duct/bile duct pass thru?
posteriomedial wall of the 2nd part of the duodenum
Landmarks of Cystohepatic triangle of Calot
Cystic duct, common hepatic duct, liver
What does the triangle of calot contain?
Normally right hepatic artery and cystic artery
Where do cystic veins drain to?
Portal veins
Exocrine products of pancreas
Digestive enzymes
Endocrine products of pancreas
Insulin and glucagon
Vertebral level of the pancreas
Uncinate process of the pancreas
Hook-like extension from lower left part of the head that lies posterior to the superior mesenteric vessels
What part of the pancreas forms part of the bed of the stomach?
Where do loops of bowel contact anterior surface of the pancreas?
inferior to the attachment of the transverse mesocolon
What is posterior to the pancreas?
aorta, renal arteries, left kidney, renal veins, IVC, portal vein
Location of the main pancreatic duct
Length of pancreas, coursing from left to right, in the middle of the organ
Where does the main pancreatic duct end?
Major duodenal papilla
The dilation of pancreatic/bile ducts with in the major duodenal papilla
Hepatopancreatic ampulla of Vater
Funnel-shaped muscular sheath that surrounds the bile duct just proximal to its passage thru the duodenal wall
Sphinctor of the bile duct
Musculr sheath that encloses and constricts the ampulla of Vater
Hepatopancreatic sphincter of Odi
Blood supply to pancreas
Branches of celiac trunk and superior mesenteric artery
Arteries that arise from the gastroduodenal artery
Anterior/posterior superior pancreaticoduodenal arteries
Arteries that arise from the superior mesenteric artery
Anterior/posterior inferior pancreaticoduodenal arteries
Atery that arises from the proximal portion of the splenic artery
Dorsal pancreatic artery, great pancreatic artery (largest)
Venous draingage of the pancreas
Splenic vein, superior mesenteric vein, portal vein
Lymph drainage of pancreas superior to attachment site of transverse mesocolon
Towards the celiac nodes
Lymph drainage of pancreas inferior to attachment site of transverse mesocolon
Towards the superior mesenteric nodes
Area where spleen lies
Left hypochondrium
What ribs cover the spleen?
9 thru 11
What organs does the spleen contact?
Stomach, left kidney, left colic flexure, tail of pancreas
What ligament supports the spleen?
Phrenicocolic ligament
What ligament contains the splenic artery/vein?
Splenorenal ligament
Site of structures entering and kidneys
Anterior to posterior location of structures
Renal vein, renal artery, renal pelvis
Outer zone of the kidney
Inner zone of kidney
Medulla composition
Columns, pyramids, papilla
Where do the papilla drain to?
Calyx (minor and major)
Difference between the shapes of the suprarenal glands
Right: pyramind shape, Left: flat and semilunar
Where are the suprerenal glands found?
Inside the renal fascia, above the kidneys