Academic word list Overseas - Whereby Flashcards
in another country
to go before something
Hint: proceed
to precede something.
The older person will precede the younger person in the ceremony.
Synonym for assume, noun of presumption
to presume something
I presumed that they would come to London soon.
the space to do something or enact a plan
the area of study
There is little scope to make improvements with the current leadership
on the —
on the contrary
A: ‘Our system of government, constitutional monarchy, works well’.
B: ‘On the contrary, this system has many flaws’.
- to use or throw away
2. to incline someone to something
to dispose of something
I disposed of my old clothes at the charity shop
This hormone will dispose you to sleep.
Opposite of infinite
‘The earth’s precious resources are finite’.
Order of importance
Suffix for ‘between’
to put something into something else
to insert something
Stents were inserted into the artery
to do something to change a situation or improve it
verb: intervention
to intervene
- In Maths: the most popular
- a way of doing something
- fashionable
a conceptual model, a framework
a paradigm
One paradigm for medicine is ‘First, do no harm’.
The Popperian paradigm of science is falsification, eg. proving a hypothesis wrong through experiment.
to ban
to prohibit something
Smoking is prohibited
to set free
to release
to some extent
the next person/thing to be in a position
a successor
Prince Charles is the successor to Queen Elizabeth.
to throw something away or give something up
to abandon something
I abandoned that project
Many pets were abandoned after lockdown
to add on a clause or piece of text.
to append
The codicil was appended to the will.
For example, coal, steel, wheat
to meet a standard
to be the same as others
to follow the rules
Hint: conformity
to conform
It is important to conform to rules of behaviour
to represent something on a piece of writing or graph or equation
to denote
Often in the passive
The level of output per firm is denoted by X”
- to go away from an established route
Opposite of conform - Old English, considered unacceptable because different
Verb of deviation
to deviate
Do not deviate from the plan!
In the past, homosexuals were described as sexual deviants.
to be put in a place that you do not want to be
Often: Refugees are — people
Hint: dis +
To be inadvertently removed from your position in a hierarch
to displace
There are many displaced people in the Sahel
The Chief Operating Officer was displaced by their deputy.
the final, sometimes inevitable thing
The affair led to a disciplinary action and eventual dismissal.
to profit unfairly from someone else
to use another person
Verb: exploitation
Many workers in garment factories are exploited.
to exploit someone
to go up and down in intensity or frequency
to fluctuate
My mood fluctuates with the weather. When it is warm, I’m happier.
opposite of explicit
to encourage something to happen
eg. in a OBGYN ward: The mother was not progressing in labour, so hormones were given to —-.
to induce something
to induce labour
This break up was inevitable
to replace or pay back something in another form
to offset something
‘Planting trees can be used to offset carbon emissions’.
the most dominant idea or thing
the predominant one
‘this leads to…’
A mining company planted trees thereby offsetting some of the damage to the environment.
She became a citizen thereby gaining the right to vote.
Synonym of predict
anticipate something
Try to anticipate the answers in Reading A
to gain something through your own effort.
Often educational achievement/status
to attain
She attained a first class degree.
She (obtained/acquired) a house.
for someone else is ‘on their b….’
I am phoning on behalf of my friend.
I am asking a question on behalf of my relative.
in a large quantity
in bulk
I often buy shampoo in bulk to save money
something makes sense altogether
Your letter must be coherent.
two or more things accidentally happen at the same time
My birthday coincides with my parents’ anniversary.
to begin (formal)
to commence
The ceremony commenced on time.
two things work together
This software is not compatible with this operating system.
to limit
to confine to some area
During quarantine, people are confined to their own homes.
to put all your energies to something
to devote yourself to something
to become less
to diminish
The light diminished.
His health diminished.
‘diminishing returns on investment’.
to change the appearance or form of something
Literally to twist
to distort something
This newspaper printed an article that distorted the facts of the case.
to wear away
verb of erosion
to erode
The soil was eroded by high winds and lack of rain.
related to the essential qualities of a thing
Being a doctor is inherently difficult.
Deep sea diving has inherent risks.
Natural understanding, vision into the nature of something
They have a lot of insight into the problem
on both sides
There needs to be mutual trust for a relationship to work.
when two or more things share a space or something in common
The vocabulary in the different sections of the OET overlaps. Words you learn in Listening A are useful in Speaking.
initial, before the main event
Before beginning this lecture, let me make a few preliminary remarks.
Relating to the quality, not quantity of something
A case history is an example of qualitative data
to make something purer
to refine something
Refined grains are usually whiter than wholegrains, which are brown
refined oil
refined tastes in music/books/art
to physically or in another way limit another’s freedom
to restrain someone
The police used handcuffs to restrain the suspect.
stiff, unbending
to delay something
to stop someone working for a short time
to hang
to suspend
Let’s suspend our studies for a month or two
He was found guilty and given a suspended custodial sentence (if he did the same thing again, he’d automatically go to prison without a trial)
I suspended a plant from the ceiling.
to bring into one
to unify something
to break a rule or expectation
to violate a rule
next to
use this word to acknowledge a limitation/condition
Like ‘though’
Pronunciation All- be - it
She was making progress, albeit with great difficulty.
to bring things together
to compile something
I compiled a bank of resources for my students
to become pregnant
To get an idea
to conceive
She conceived after three months of unprotected sex.
an interaction
an encounter
ready / available
The forthcoming football season looks very exciting.
The patient was not forthcoming about his injuries (he was reluctant to talk about them)
to lean towards something
to prefer something
verb of inclination
to incline
The field inclines downwards.
I incline towards books rather than movies.
things holding together
That politician has a lot of integrity: they offered to resign if they were found guilty of holding parties in lockdown.
This snowball has no structural integrity!
synonym of inherent
to refer to a rule
to call on a god or deity
to invoke
I invoked the statute of limitations.
to impose a kind of tax
A charge of 3 % was levied on all foreign imports.
in the same way
I am going to work on this every day and I encourage you to do likewise.
in spite of that
‘It was a very small smile, but it was a smile nonetheless’.
A phrase used to acknowledge a limitation and set it aside.
These criticisms notwithstanding, there are few books which provide a more comprehensive treatment, particularly from the left.
(Cambridge English Corpus)
to remember something
to recall something
I recalled a memory of childhood.
I recall sending you that invoice
easy, natural, direct
The instructions are quite straightforward.
by which method
They have a payment plan whereby you can pay a little every month