Abnormal Psychology Test 1 Flashcards
What is Abnormal Psychology?
Branch of Psychology that deals with unusual patterns of behavior, emotions and thought
What is Clinical Psychology?
Seeks to assess, understand and treat psychological condtions
Axis I
Clinical Disorders that focus on Clinical Attention
Axis II
Personality Disorders and Mental Retardation
Axis III
General Medical Conditions
Axis IV
These are Psychosocial and Environmental Problems
Axis V
Global Assessment of Functioning
Report of overall functioning using the GAF (Global Assessment of Functioning)
Define Mental Retardation
This is significant sub-average intellectual functioning (IQ of 70 or below) with the onset before 18 years of age
Define Learning Disorders
Academic functioning that is substantially below that expected given person’s age.
Includes: Reading disorders, Mathematics disorder, Disorder of written expression, and learning disorder not otherwise specified
Define Motor Skills Disorder
Development coordination disorder, which is characterized by motor coordination
Define Communication Disorder
Difficulties in speech or language
Include: expressive language disorder, mixed receptive expressive language disorder, phonological disorder and stuttering
Define Pervasive Developmental Disorders
Impairment in reciprocal social interaction, impairment in communication and the presence of stereotyped behavior
Include: autistic disorder, rett’s disorder, asperger’s disorder
Define Attention-Deficit and Disruptive Behavior Disorder
Inattention and or hyperactivity-impulsivity
Also includes: Disruptive behavior disorders: conduct disorder, oppositional defiant disorder
Define Feeding and Eating Disorders of Infancy or Early Childhood`
Persistent disturbances in feeding and eating.
Includes: Pica, Rumination Disorder, Feeding Disorder of Infancy or Early Childhood
Define Tic Disorders
Characterized by vocal and or motor tics
Include: Tourette’s, Chronic Motor or Vocal Tic Disorder and Transiet Tic Disorder
Define Elimination Disorders
Includes Encopresis (feces in inappropriate places) and Enuresis (urinating in inappropriate places)
What are the Other Disorders of Infancy, Childhood or Adolescence?
- Separation Anxiety Disorder
- Selective Mutism
- Reactive Attachment Disorder of Infancy or Early Childhood
- Stereotypic Movement Disorder
- Disorders of Infancy, Childhood or Adolescence Not otherwise Specified
Mental Retardation
Axis II
Sub-average intellectual functioning
Limitations in the following areas: communication, self-care, home living, social/interpersonal skills, use of community resources, self direction, functional academic skills, work, leisure, health and safety
Mild Mental Retardation
IQ 50/55-70
Most people fall here 85%
Moderate Mental Retardation
IQ 35/40-50/55
Don’t benefit from educational programs
Severe Mental Retardation
IQ 20/25-35/40
Survival words
Profound Mental Retardation
IQ below 20/25
Neurological impairment present 1-2%
Predisposing Factors of Mental Retardation
Primarily biological or psychosocial
6 factors
Predisposing Factors of Mental Retardation
Inborn errors of metabolism
Single gene abnormality
Chromosomal aberrations
Advances in genetics will likely increase the identification of heritable forms of mental retardation
Predisposing Factors of Mental Retardation
Early Alteration of Embryonic Development
Chromosomal changes
Prenatal damage due to toxins
Predisposing Factors of Mental Retardation
Environmental Influences
Deprivation of nurturance, social, linguistic and other stimulation
Predisposing Factors of Mental Retardation
Mental Disorders
Autistic Disorder
Pervasive Developmental Disorders
Predisposing Factors of Mental Retardation
Pregnancy and Perinatal Problems
Fetal Malnutrition Prematurity Hypoxia Viral and other infections Trauma
Predisposing Factors of Mental Retardation
General Medical Conditions Acquired in Infancy or Childhood
Learning Disorders
Formerly known as Academic Skills Disorder
Individuals achievement is substantially below that for age, schooling or level of intelligence
Low Self-Esteem
Reading Disorder
AKA Dyslexia Reading accuracy, speed or comprehension Oral Reading characterized by: Distortions Substitutions Omissions Slowness Errors in Comprehension
60-80% males
Mathematical Disorder
Obviously… Difficulty recognizing numerical symbols or arithmetic signs
Disorder of Written Expression
Poor writing Skills
Poor handwriting
Developmental Coordination Disorder
Poor Motor Coordination
Expressive Language Disorder
Recognized by age 3
Due to brain lesions, head trauma, stroke
Onset is sudden
Limited amount of speech
Limited vocabulary
Difficulty acquiring new words
Mixed Receptive- Expressive Language Disorder
Impairment in both receptive and expressive language development
Limited vocabulary
Detected by age 4
Occurs after period of normal development- result of neurological or medical condition
Phonological Disorder
Formerly Developmental Articulation Disorder
Failure to use speech sounds
Errors in sound production
Substitution of one sound for another