Abnormal Psychology - Lecture Eight Flashcards
Substance Use Disorders
One unit of alcohol for ordinary strength beer or lager
1/2 pint (284mls)
One unit of alcohol for average strength wine
1 glass (125mls)
One unit of alcohol for fortified wine (e.g. Sherry)
1 glass (50mls)
One unit of alcohol for spirits
Low risk
‘Safe drinking’, where intake is unlikely to be associated with harm
Low risk quantities for males
21 units/week
Low risk quantities for females
14 units/week
Hazardous drinking
Intake likely to increase risk of developing alcohol related harm
Hazardous drinking quantities for males
22-50 units/week
Hazardous drinking quantities for females
15/35 units/week
Harmful drinking
A pattern of drinking associated with the development of alcohol related harm (physical or psychological)
Harmful drinking quantities for male
> 50 units/week
Harmful drinking quantities for female
> 35 units/week
What percent of adults drank alcohol in a way that could harm themselves or others in the last year?
Hazardous drinking rates of Maori
Hazardous drinking rates of NZ European
Hazardous drinking rates in men
Hazardous drinking rates in women
Hazardous drinking rates of youth aged 18-24%
How much more likely were adult drinkers in the most economically deprived areas to be hazardous drinkers than adult drinkers in the least deprived areas?
Percent of adults to use cannabis in the past year?
Percent of adults to use amphetamine?
Public health problems that substance use disorders have been liked to
Serious medical illnesses
Impaired driving resulting in significant injury or death
Criminal and violent behaviour
Criminal and violent behaviour
63% of all violent crime occurs during an intoxicated or drug-induced state
Overall impact of the substance use-violence relationship exceeds $200 billion per year in the U.S. alone
Problematic pattern of use which impairs functioning, including two or more symptoms within a one year period
Failure to meet obligations Repeated use in dangerous situations Repeated relationship problems Continued use despite problems caused Tolerance Withdrawal Substance taken for a longer time or in greater amounts than intended Efforts to reduce or control use ineffective Time spent acquiring Impairment to functioning Cravings
Diagnosis is substance specific
Alcohol Tobacco Cannabis Hallucinogens Opioids Stimulants Anxiolytics Inhalants Caffeine
Classification of diagnosis
Use, intoxication and withdrawal
Severe substance use disorder (6 or more symptoms)
Larger doses required for the same effect
Withdrawal effects
Physical and psychological
Physical withdrawal effects
Shaking, flu-like symptoms, pain
Psychological withdrawal effects
Anxiety, irritability, depression
Drug classes
Depressants, stimulants, hallucinogens and cannabis
Decrease central nervous system activity
Increase central nervous system activity
Poly-substance use
The use of two or more substances, especially alcohol
Gender differences
Men more likely to use alcohol and psychoactive drugs overall
Women more likely to misuse in response to stress or self-medicate
Women have lower tolerance to alcohol than men
Aetiology of substance use disorders
Genetics, biochemical factors, behavioural and sociocultural
Genetic aetiology
More biological vulnerability to substance abuse
Biochemical factor example
Dopamine coming into play during substance use, making it more enjoyable and addicting
Treatment for substance use disorders
Biological treatments, aversion therapy, motivational interviewing and 12-step program
Biological treatments - alcohol dependance
Detoxification and antagonist therapy
Making the person just not use the substance - ‘cold turkey’
12-step program
Very psychosocial, based on social support
Alcoholics/Narcotics Anonymous
Self-help program with 100,000 chapters + in 100 + countries, regular meetings and shared stories, mentoring
Effectiveness of Alcoholics/Narcotics Anonymous
Evidence supports efficacy when engaged but unclear if > other treatments and dropout high
Rationale of Alcoholics/Narcotics Anonymous
Disease without cure “alcoholic”, abstinence the goal and religious