Abdomen Flashcards
T/F: Total absence of bowel sounds is a sign of intra-abdominal emergency. (Must listen for minimum of 2-5 minutes)
Excessive fluid within the abdomen. Caused by liver disease/cirrhosis
A palpation technique in which you “bounce” a floating structure and feel it rebound (e.g. Kidneys - one hand on posterior, one anterior)
Prolonged, audible abdominal sounds produced by gas moving through the intestines (hyper peristalsis, stomach growling)
Stones or solid lumps (gallstones, kidney stones)
Attacks of abdominal pain, caused by muscle spasms in the intestines - common in infants
Indigestion. Symptoms include heartburn, nausea, bloating and gas
Problems in swallowing food or liquids
Accidental passage of bowel
Vomiting of blood (from GI tract)
Passage of dark-colored, tarry stools due to the presence of blood, altered by the intestinal juices.
Severe itching of the skin
Yellow fatty feces caused by malabsorption syndrome. Frequent, fatty, foul smelling
Straining to have a bowel movement. May be painful and continue for a long time without a bowel movement.
Stretched veins
Dry mouth
A hepatic bruit and friction rubs could indicate?
Liver cancer
An inflammatory bowel disease in which the rectum and/or colon develop ulcers
Ulcerative Colitis
Positive rebound tenderness AND Rovsing Sign, along with rigidity noted over the abdomen on palpation might tell you? (Not appendicitis)
Ulcerative Colitis
A type of irritable bowel disease that causes inflammation of the intestinal lining. Most commonly affects ileum and colon.
Crohn’s Disease
Inflammation of the peritoneum. Severe muscle guarding (board-like rigidity) may accompany. Friction rubs may occur.
What sound dominates throughout the abdominal cavity?
Tympany (air in the gut)
Partial or early obstruction of the small intestine would produce ____ sounds, while late or total obstruction would produce ___ sounds. (Hyperactive, Hypoactive)
Hyperactive/loud, hypoactive
Abdominal sounds “silent as the grave”
Paralytic ileus
The inability of the intestine to contract normally and move waste out of the body. Paralysis of the intestinal muscles. Leads to a functional blockage of the intestine.
Paralytic ileus (Ileus)
Protrusion of the intestinal contents. Occur in areas of abdominal wall weakness. Groin is most common. Scars and umbilicus are also common.
A sign of an abnormally tender gall bladder. Patient stops inspiration due to increasing pain as they breath in.
Murphy’s sign
____ occurs when bile becomes trapped in the gallbladder. This often happens because gallstones block the cystic duct leading to swelling and infection.
Acute cholecystis
When the cardiac sphincter allows stomach contents to reflux into the esophagus causing irritation
GERD (Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease)
Breakdown in the lining of the stomach or duodenum
Peptic ulcer
T/F: A palpable spleen is normal, aka not a “red flag”
The spleen only becomes palpable if it is __ times it’s normal size
Another name for kidney stones
Kidney infection