Abdomen Flashcards
Female develop of inguinal canal
oavirs located extraperitondally in post abdomen
the processus vaginalis, traverse the inguinal cana to developing labia majora and carries with is layers of m and fascia
ovaries and Uterus are connected to ab wall by gubernaculum and deep inguinla ring.
ovaries do not migrate into inguinal canal.
round ligament of uterus tranverse inguinal cana and attaches to labia majora.
prcessus vaginalis obliterated
innervation of quadratus lumborum
Ventral Rami of T12-L3
artery supply of gallbladder
cystic artery
what artery supplies blood to the lesser curvature of stomach?
Right and left gastric arteries
where does ilioinguinal n. enter inguinal canal?
medial to the deep ring.
Haustra of colon
sacculation of colon, helps give rhythm to peristalsis.
Lacunar ligament
extension of inguinal ligament at medial end that passes posteriorly to attach to pecten pubis.
omental bursa
smaller subdivision of peritoneal cavity, posterior to stomach and liver continuous with greater sac through omental foramen
Internal oblique att.
deep to external oblique, smaller and thinner thoracolumbar fascia to inguinal ligament, iliac crest, and rectus sheath
action of rectus abdominis
flexion of trunk compression of abdominal cavity
distal part of esophagus enter through right crus of diaphragm at T10 through esophageal hiatus Blood supply from esophageal branches of left gastric and left inferior phrenic a.
Muscular branch of Lateral nerves
S, Post G sym, LMN of psoas and quadratus lumborum m.
teres ligmanet
on liver
remnant of fetal umbilical vein
Inferior duodenum
longest section. crosses IVC, Aorta and vertebral column crosses anteriorly by superior Mesenteric a and v
three points of ureter consriction
uteroplevic junction ureters cross common iliac vessle at pelvic brim ureters enter wall of bladder All areas where kidney stones can become lodged
drainage of blood in kidney
left and right renal veins.
anal sinus
depression superior to anal valves
renal capsule
thick fibrous connective tissue surrounding kidney for protection
Tunica albuginea
thick connective outer surface of testis
Transverse mesocolon
connects transverse colon to posterior abdominal wall. in between layers are the middle colic vessels
Pectineal Ligmanet
Additional fibers that extend from lacunar lig. along pecten pubis
Rectus abdominis att.
long flat muscle that extends lengh of anterior abdominal wall from xiphoid process and adjacent costal cartilage to pubic crest and tubercle
Renal sinus
innermost cavity of the kidney. Area around the medullas
gastrophrenic ligament
from abdominal esophagus to diaphragm
Posterior wall of inguinal canal
transversalis fascia, reinforced by conjoint tendon for the medial 1/3.
Linea Alba
an aponeurosis that extends from xiphoid process to pubic symphysis
Locations of epigastric a.
both enter rectus sheath. posterior to rectus abdominis
relationship of duodenum to R kidney
located medially, and descending part contact kidney
Ilioinguinal N.
L1 S, PostG Sym skin overlying prosimomedial thigh S, Post G sym, LMN muscles of anterior abdominal wall
innervation of diaphragm
phrenic n.
think membrane that lines wall of abdominal cavity and covers viscera creates peritoneal cavity
Surface features of kidney
superior and inferior poles hilum sinus capsule
Coronary ligaments
connect liver to the diaphragm. right anterior and posterior lobe
uncinate process
most inferior bulb of the head of the pancreas
Roof of inguinal canal
arching transversus abdominus and internal oblique
arterial supply of sigmoid?
sigmoid a. (IM)
teniae coloi
long bands of smooth muscles that segregate the colon in its wall to three narrow bands. pulls the walls closer together to form haustra.
Superficial inguinal ring
end of inguinal canal, superior to pubic tubercle triangular opening in apaneurosis of external oblique
What passes through aortic hiatus?
aorta, thoracic duct and sometimes azygous vein
quadrate lobe
visible on inferior visceral surface. bounded on left by fissure for the ligament teres and on the right by the gallbladder. functionally related to left lobe
Anterior wall of inguinal canal
apaneurosis of external oblique and reinforced by lower fibers of internal oblique (lateral 2/3 of canal)
Boundaries of inguinal canal
aponeurosis of external oblique, transversalis fascia, transversus abdominus, inguinal ligmament
Impression of the gallbladder
acts as border for quadrate lobe from right lobe
Quadratus lumborum att.
fills space between 12th rib and iliac crest on both sides of vertebral column Att: 12th rib to iliolumbar ligmanet and iliac crest.
Anal canal
begins at terminal end of rectal ampulla and passes through perineum surrounded by internal (ANS) and external anal sphincters (voluntary control).
in testis layer, peritoneum forms which layer
tunica vaginalis visceral and parietal (innermost layer)
Lumbar N.
dorsal rami and ventral rami
layers of abdominal wall
camper’s fascia
deep fascia
exterial oblique
internal oblique
transversus abdominis
extrapaeritoneal fat
Indirect inguinal hernia
most common; more common in men some or all of processus vaginalis remaisn open or patent. peritoneal sac enters inguinal canal through deep inguinal ring. if passage through entire canal, gets all layers of fascia
What passes through inguinal canal in men?
testes and accompanying vessels, ducts, nerves
Round ligament of uterus
cord like structure that passes from uterus to deep inguinal ring, exits through superficial ring and attaches to connective tissue of labia majora. acquires the same fascia coverings.
hepatorenal ligmanet
reflection of coronary ligmanet onto right kidney
what does the pectinate line represet?
demarks where visceral versus parietal locations during develpment. supurior to line: A: IM V: to portal system Nerves: visceral motor (sympathetic and parasympathetic) and some sensory (Dulled and unlocalized) LYMPH: to internal iliac nodes Inferior to line: A: Internal iliac V: to caval venous system nerve: somatic motor and sensory (feel shart, localized pain) lympth: superficial inguinal nodes
processus vaginalis
a peritoneal diverticulum
the testes transveres the inguinal canal to the developing scrotum and carries with it laters of muscle and fascia from abdominal wall
falciform ligament
derived from ventral mesentery, attaches to anterior wall divides the liver into the right and left areas surrounds ligamentum teres and paraumbilical v.
pear shaped sac living on surface of liver that houses and concentrates bile that the liver produces
which parts of the colon are intraperitoneal?
transverse and sigmoid
arterial supply of rectum
superior rectal a. (IM), inferior rectal a. (Internal pudendal), and Middle rectal (inferior gluteal a)
Lateral cutaneous n. of thigh
L2-3 S and Post G sym of skin overlying lateral aspect of thigh
Ventral Rami of Lumbar
iliohypogastric ilioinguinal genitofemoral lateral cutaneous muscular branches LUMBAR PLEXUS
what makes up the bile duct?
merging from cystic duct and common hepatic duct
hepatorenal ligament
between right liver and right kindy, with right suparenal gland
Mesentary proper
connects jejunum and ileum to posterior abdominal wall. superior attachment to duodenojejunal junction and ends at ileocecal junction. in between the layers is the branches of superior mesenteric vessels
What happens in inguinal canal to spermatic cord?
the contents receive the three fascial coverings: 1) external spermatic fascia (superficial) 2) internal spermatic fascia (Deepest) 3) cremasteric fascia (Middle)
interperitoneal follows duodenum. 2/5 of remaining small intestine. in left upper quadrant larger in diameters and thicker wall than ileum inner surface has prominent folds (plicae circulares)
Whad so the transverus abdominus m form in layering testis?
renal pyramids
discontinuous aggregations of triangular shapes that direct outward towards renal cortex, with an apex projecting into renal sinus.
what does the gubernaculum form in females
round ligament of uterus
and ovarian ligament
actions of diaphragm
inspiration due to negative thoracic pressure
External spermatic fascia
continuous with the apaneurosis of external oblique muscle, covers the spermatic cord. evagination site is the superficial inguinal ring.
parts of duodenum
1) Superior (only part that is intraparitoneal) 2) descending 3) horizontal 4) ascending
Lobes of liver
divided into right and left by the gallbladder and IVC. Right lobe > left lobe right lobe gives rise to quadrate and caudate, but they are functionally distinct
hesselbach’s triangle
Laterally: inferior epigastric artery Medially: recuts abdominis inferiorly: inguinal ligmanet site of direct inguinal hernias
hepatoduodenal lig.
derived from lesser omentum surround hepatic a., bile duct, and portal v.
prenicocolic ligament
ligament out of peritoneum from left colic flexture to diaphragm
what supplies the superior part of abdominal wall with blood?
superficial: musculophrenic a. Deep: superior epigastric artery
medial umbilical folds
lateral to median umbilical fold.
covers umbilical arteries occluded parts
Arterial supply for cecum and appendix?
Ileocolic a.
fissure for ligamentum teres
ligament from anterior liver to porta hepatis. separates quadrate from left lobe is remnant of umbilical vein.
left colic flexture
junction of transverse and descending colon, inferior to the spleen, higher and most posterior than right colic flexture. attached to diaphragm by phrenicocolic ligament. also called left splenic flexture
caudate lobe
visible on posterior part of the visceral surface. bounded on left by fissure for the ligamentum venosum and on the right by the groove for IVC functionally separate from r and left lobes
Body of the gallbladder
agains transverse colin superior duodenum
what controls the entry of the major duodenal papilla?
sphincter of bile duct (oddi)
lesser curvature
point of attachment for lesser omentum
blood supply of ureters
from adjacent vessels rental arteries, abdominal aorta, gonadal, internal iliac arteries
Rectus sheath
enclose rectus abdominis and pyramidalis muscles, and forms with aponeuroses of oblique and transversus abdominis muscles
Blood supply to kidney
renal artery from ab. aorta, which divides into segmental arteries left renal artery usually arises higher than right. right renal artery is longer, passes posterior to IVC
transversus abdominis actions
compression of abdominal cavity
neck of gallbladder
narrowing with mucosal folds.
pararenal fat
accumulates posterior and postero-lateral to the kidney outside the renal fascia layer.
Transversus abdominis att.
deep to internal oblique lower 6 costal cartilages and thoracolumbar fascia –> inguinal lig., iliac crest, and rectus sheath
what does the internal oblique m form in layering testis
cremaster muscle.
just superficial to internal spermadic fascia
cystic duct
duct from gallbladder to inside
Hilum of kidney
deep vertical slip which renal vessels, lymphatics and nerves run through. continuous with renal sinus
development of inguinal canal - male
developing tests are located extraperitoneally in superior lumbar region of posterior abdomen.
connected to anterolateral wall by fibrous tract called gubernaculum
hepatogastric lig.
derived from lesser omentus surrounds left gastric vessels
where doe the esophagus pass in diaphgram?
musculature of right crus just left of aoritc hiatus
Transversalis Fascia
continuous layer of deep fascia that lines abdominal cavity between transversus abdominis muscle and extraperitoneal fat and continues to pelvic cavity (endopelvic).
first part of small intestine C shaped structure adjacent to head of pancreas level of umbilicus.
where on the liver is it not covered with visceral poeritoneum?
fossa for the gallbladder and port hepatis
arterial blood supply of liver
right and left hepatic arteries
lateral umbilical folds
surrounds inferior epigastric vessels
renal cortex
outtermost layer of the internal kidney. continuous band of pale tissue that surrounds renal medulla
what covers middle part of left kieny
internal features of liver
portal triads (portal vein, hepatic artery and bile passages) and hepatic veins
Descending duodenum
neck of gallbladder to lower L3. Anterior to the right kidney and wraps around head of pancreas contains major and minor duodenal papilla
efferent ductiles
15-20 that connect epidiymis with testis
what surrounds the distal opening of the stomach
phyloric sphincter
what artery supplies blood to the pyloris?
right gastric and right gastroepiploic
head of pancreas location
within C-shaped concavity of duodenum
Deep inguinal ring
beginning of inguinal canal; midpoint of inguinal ligmanet superior to inguinal lig; lateral to inferior epigastric vessels evagination of transversalis fascia that forms internal spermatic fascia.
quadratus lumborum actions
extension and lateral flexion of trunk. fixes 12th rib during respiration
greater curvature
point of attachment for gastrosplenic ligament and greater omentum
undescended testis
Blood supply of diaphgram
superior: musculophrenic and pericardiacophrenic Inferior: Inferior phrenic
retroperitondeal, lie just lateral to vertebral column. Right kidney is somewhat lower than the left, due to relationship with liver.
what artery supplies blood to the greater curvature
Left and right gastroepiploic
internal oblique actions
flexion and rotation of trunk compression of abdominal cavity
what does the scarpa’s fascia form during testis layering?
the Dartos muscle
what does left hepatic artery supply?
left lobe, quadrate, caudate of liber
Minor Calyx
receive urine from renal papilla and delivers to major calax
Right colic flexure
junction of ascending and transverse colon, inferior to right lobe of liver. also known as right hepatic flexture
perirenal fat
or perinephric fat: completely surrounds kidney and enters into hilum and sinus. enclosed by renal fascia
free part of duodenum
pyloric orifice to neck of gallbladder. passes anteriorly to bile duct, gastroduodenal a., portal vein and inferior vena cava
Anterolateral muscles of Abdomen
1) external olbique 2) internal oblique 3) transversus abdominis 4) rectus abdominis Keeps abdominal viscera within cavity and maintains their position when upright. contraction assists in both quiet and forced expiration and in coughing and vomitting. increase intra-abdominal pressure during childbirth, urination, and defecation.
What supplies the lateral deep part of abdominal walls?
10 and 11 intercostal a subcostal a
contens of spermatic cord
ductus deferens
testicular a.
pampiniform venous plexus –> testicular v.
ductus deferens a.
processus vaginalis - vestige
Inguinal hernias
protrusion of passage of peritoneal sac, with or without abdominal contents, through weakened part of abdominla wall in groin. Indirect or direct hernias
Arterial supply of ascending colon
Right colic a. (from SM)
from peritoneum
surrounds splenic vessels
what are organs call outside the peritoneum
what bile duct leaves the liver
Right/Left and common hepatic ducts
Epipolic foramen
connection between greater and lesser sacs (omental bursa)
what does the external oblique form in testis layering?
external spermadic fascia, just superficial to cremaster muscle
what covers the left kidney?
the intraperitoneal stomach and spleen
what does right hepatic artery supply?
Right lobe of liver quadrate lobe
Camper’s Fascia
superficial fatty layer below umbilicus, fat and thick (usually) Continuous over inguinal ligament and with superficial fascia of thigh, in men continues over penis. In women, it is a component of labia majora
Lumbar - Ventral Rami- Lateral
Sensory Post-G sympathetic back and skin lmn of back
what are the internal features of the stomach?
folds (more concentrated round phyloric regions and lower body), cardiac and pyloric orifices, pyloric sphincter (thick circular muscle fibers that form sphincter)
Inguinal Ligmanet
formed by lower border to external oblique aponeurosis Passes between anterior superior iliac spine to pubic tubercle. Forms the inguinal canal
what doe the left hepatic supply?
left, caudate, quadrate
Superficial abdominal fasia
fatty connective tissue layer that is continuous to other regions of the body. In lower region, below umbilicus, it forms two layers: 1) Superficial Fatty Layer 2) deeper membranous layer
what passes through the esaphogeal hiatus?
esophagus, ant and post vagal trunks, esophageal a. and v., lymph vessles
Innervation of parietal peritoneum
T7-T12 and L1
triangular ligmaent
right left
made of peritoneum
connect liver to diaphragm
Ascending duodenum
last part of duodenum. goes on or to the left of the aorta to L2 and terminates at duodenojejunal flexure. has suspensory mucscle associated to help maintain opening of oriface
anal columns
in the upper part of anal canal, they have these longitudinal folds which are united inferiorly by anal valves.
narrow, hollow tube connected to cecum. large aggregation soft lymphoid tissue that suspend from terminal ileum. though to now contain essential gut bacteria
Lumbar - Dorsal Rami - Median
Sensory Post-G sympathetic of back and skin lmn back
liver visceral surface
inferior surface
greater omentum att.
derived from dorsal mesentery large, apron like. attaches to greater curvatuve of stomach and first part of duodenum and drapes inferiorly over transverse colon and jejunum and ileum. turns around and goes anteriorly to attach to superior surface of transverse colon before attaching to posterior abdominal wall
Actions of External olbique
flexion and rotation of trunk compression of abdominal cavity
folds in peritoneum that suspend abdominal viscera and attach to posterior abdominal wall. allow for some movement and provide conduit for vessels, nerves, and lymphatics 1) mesentery 2) transverse mesocolon 3) sigmoid mesocolon
sigmoid colon
begins above pelvic inlet and extends to S3, where it merges with rectum. S shape mobile except at beginning and end. in between, suspended by sigmoid mesocolon.
relationship of renal a to v.
veins are anterior to arteries left renal vein crosses anterior to aorta and posterior to SM
Renal Papille
very tip of the medulla pyramid, the acipal projection that is surrounded by minor calyx.
where is the separation between midgut and foregut?
major duodenal papilla. Above is foregut; below is midgut
Rectus sheath contents
rectus abdominis m.
inferior and superior epigastric
thoracoabdominal n.
round end, which projects inferior to border of liver
inguinal canal
slit like passage that extends downward and medial, parallel to lower half of inguinal ligament. begins at deep inguinal ring and ends at superficial inguinal ring. Genitofemoral n. spermatic cord (men) round ligament of uterus (women) ilio-inguinnal n. passes through part of canal, and exits through superficial ring.
renal fascia
membranous condensation of extra-peritoneal fascia that surrounds the perirenal fat
Direct inguinal hernias
peritoneal sac enters medial end of inguinal canal through weakened posterior wall. due to weakened abdominal musculature seen in mature men. occurs in hesselbach’s triangle only acquires external fascia
Major vs. minor duodenal papilla
Major: entrance for Bile and pancreatic ducts Minor: accessory entrance for pancreatic duct
which parts of the colon are retroperitoneal?
ascending and descending
what ligaments/foramen does the lesser omentum contain?
hepatogastric heatoduodenal epipolic foramen
Regions of the stomach
Cardia (opening with esophagus) fundus (above cardial orifice) body pyloric
arterial supply of transverse colon
middle colic a. (SM)
renal columns
extensions of renal cortex, project into kidney and divide the renal medulla into dicontinous aggregations
testis migration
migrate inferior to acheive lower temp
around 28 weeks pass through inguinal cana posterior to processus vaginalis
What passes through inguinal canal in women?
round ligament of the uterus
extends from sigmoid colon at rectosigmoid junction at S3 vertebra and continues below to the anal canal. penetrates pelvic floor and passes through perineum. retroperitoneal structure. anterior to sacrum Lower part of rectum that is expanded is the Ampulla lacks distinct teniae, coli, omental appendices, and sacculations like colon.
pancreatic duct
begins at tail of pancreas and passes inferiorly
Porta hepatis
port of entry into liver for hepatic arteries, portal vein and exit point of hepatic ducts
Sigmoid mesocolon
attaches the sigmoid colon to abdominal wall. contaisn inferior mesenteric vessels
bare area of liver
were it lies in direct tonact with the diaphragm
After migration of testes
gubernaculum degerates
stalk of processus vaginalis degernates
distal expasion regains as Tunica vaginalis, a serous sheat of the testis
what is a hiatial hernia?
When part of the stomach enters through the esophageal crus and enters thoracic cavity.
what bile duct leaves the gall-bladder?
cystic duct
Blood supply of pancrease
dorsal and great pancreatic, pancreaticoduodenal
lesser omentum
derived from ventral mesentery lesser curvature of stomach and 1st part of duodenum to inferior surface of liver.
boundary of the posterior abdominal region, separates abdominal from thoracic cavity att: from ziphoid process, inner surface of lower rib & costal cartilages to medial and lateral arcuate ligaments, lumbar vertebrate vis crura to the central tendon.
subphrenic recess
anterior and superior to liver ; in contact with diaphragm
Contents of inguinal canal
spermatic cord (M) round ligament of uterus (w), genital branch of genitofemoral n (w) Enter through deep inguinal ring and exit through superficial inguinal ring ilioinguinal n. L1 enters canal midway through internal oblique and exits through superficial ring.
Interperitoneal Distal 3/5 of small intestine mostly in lower right quadrant thinner walls than jejunum, and fewer musocsal folds. opens into large intestine as ileocecal fold.
anal valves
unions of anal columns. Together they form a circle around the anal canal know as the pectinate line, which marks appropriate line of anal membrane in fetus.
lymph drainage of kidney
lateral aortic nodes
Large intestine
distal end of ileum to anus. 1) ascending colon 2) right colic flexture 3) transverse colon 4) left colic flexture 5) descending colon
subhepatic recess
inferior to liver. Potential for fluid accumulation
What arteries supply blood to the duodeonum?
gastroduodenal branches Superior pancreaticoduodenal a. inferior pancreaticoduodenal a.
what is the relationship of the openings of the diaphragm
Aortic haitus (t12); esophageal hiatus T10; caval hiatus (T8)
arterial supply of ileum
ileal branches and ileocolic (distal ileum) (from SM)
descend retroperitoneally on the medial aspect of psoas major muscle. cross the common iliac artery or external iliac artery to enter pelvic cavity
Omental appendices
Epipolic appendices, accumulations of fat on colon
path of right renal artery
off of abdominal aorta and posterior to IVC
Genitofemoral n
L1-2 Genital branch: S, PostG sym skin overlying part of labium majorum or scrotum S, Post G sym and LMN of cremaster m. Femoral Branch: S, Post G of skin overlying femoral triangle
Scarpa’s Fascia
deeper membranous layer of superficial fascia below umbilicus Thin and membranous, little to no fat. Merges with fascia lata. firmly attached to linea alba and pubic symphysis. forms the Superficial Perinal fascia (colles’ fascia) in the perineal region. continous with superifical fascia of scrotum
gastrosplenic ligmanet
attaches the greater curvature of the stomach to the spleen surrounds short gastric vesicles
Renal medulla
inner part of the kidney that is divided into renal pyramids by the renal columns
L renal artery passes _____ to the abdominal aorta and _____ to the superior mesenteric a.
anterior, posterior
what types of cells are in pancreas?
Acinar:exocrine sectretions into duodenum via pancreative ducts pancreatic islet: endocrine into bloodstream
Floor of inguinal canal
medial 1/2 of inguinal ligament, assisted by aponeurosis of external oblique and lacunar ligmament
Livers relationship to kidney
covers up the anterior surface of the right kideny, separated by a layer of peritoneum
Greater sac
subdivision of peritoneal cavity majority of space: beings superiorly to diaphragm and continues to pelvic cavity
suprarenal gland
covers a small part of the superior pole of kidney
what does the right supply?
right, quadrate
caval opening in diaphragm
inferior vena cava passes, right phrenic n.
Spermatic cord Contents
ductus deferens ductus deferens a. testicular a. pampiniform plexus of veins cremasteric a and v. genital branch of genitofemoral n. sympathetic and visceral afferent nerve fibers lymphatics remnants of processus vaginalis
in testis layers, transversalis fasica forms…
internal spermatic fascia (2nd layer, just on top of tunica vaginalis
common hepatic duct
left and right hepatic ducts combined. runs near liver with hepatic artery and portal vein.
tunica vaginalis
closed peritoneal sac partially surrouding testis
represents close off part of the embryonic processus vaginalis
Peritoneal cavity
Formed by peritoneum layers. closed in men has two openings in women where uterine tubes provide passage.
Layers of the inguinal canal
transversalis fascia internal oblique aponeurosis of external oblique
L1 Sensory, post G sym of skin overlying lower ant. abdominal wall Sensory, Post G sym, and LMN of muscles of anterior abdominal wall.
what supplies inferior part of abdominal wall?
superficial epigastric artery, superficial cirumflex iliac artery, both braches of femoral artery Deep: inferior epigastric, deep circumflex iliac artery
thin serous membrane that lines the abdominal cavity and reflects (some points) on abdominal viscera. Walls= parietal, covering viscera = Visceral
posterior to stomach and duodenum, right of the spleen
Internal spermatic fascia
evagination of transversalis fascia that runs around the spermatic cord, starts at deep inguinal ring
first part of large intestine contains ileocecal junction (mostly inferior to it) sits to the right of iliac fossa. has the veriform appendix
what artery supplies blood to the body of the stomach?
Left gastric, right gastric, left and right gastroepiploic
caval groove
on posterior surface. separates caudate from right lobe, houses IVC and in part of bare area
Liver diaphragmatic surface
anterior, posterior and superior surface smooth and domed
Inferior pole of R kidney is…
associated with right coloid flexture
major calyx
larger bundle formed by minor calyxes that then transports the urine to the renal pelvis (2-3 major calices) and then the ureters).
extends superiorly from cecum, composed of ascending, transverse, descending, and sigmoid.
External Oblique attachemnts
Most superficial of three flat muscles, immediately deep to superficial fascia. att: from lower 8 ribs to iliac crest and rectus sheath (pubic tubercle)
organs suspended in peritoneal cavity
Cremasteric fascia
continuous with internal oblique muscle, covers and contains the cremasteric muscle
what artery supplies blood to the fundus of the stomach?
Short gastric a.
arterial supply of descending colon
left colic a. (IM)
fissure for ligamentum venossum
hole to the left of IVC and separates posterior part of porta hepatis from left lobe of liver. Remnand to the ductus venosus from fetal days so that it could bypass baby’s liver.