AAH2 Flashcards
What might we give livestock orally?
* Anthelmintics
* Antimicrobials
* Magnets (sit in the reticulum)
* Minerals
* Bicarb (treatment of metabolic acidosis)
A Simmental cow weighing 600 kg with a 2 month old calf at foot is rated at 15 DSE. She is one of a herd of 40 cows that are about to be mated to a Limousin bull. Which of the following answers is closest to the expected energy requirement for the cow and calf unit?
A. 60 MJ
B. 90 MJ
C. 120 MJ
D. 150 MJ
(35 kg calf birth weight approximately)
* Cows with 0-3 month calf at foot- 18 DSE if 500 kg.
1 DSE = 7.6 MJ/Day
C. 120 MJ
The relevant information in this question is that the cow and calf unit is set at 15 DSE at this stage of lactation. A DSE is defined as close to 8 MJ. 15 * 8 = 120 MJ.
** the breed and other information is not relevant for this question (although a European breed such as a Simmental with larger mature bodyweight will have a larger DSE rating than a smaller mature breed such as an Angus- but you can have an Angus with a higher DSE due to normal breed and individual variation
Originated in France, some now polled, black or organe, high dressing percentage due to good muscling, extensively used in cross breeding
A. Angus
B. Simmental
C. Belgian Blue
D. Limousin
D. Limousin
Which of the following answers is the best estimate of the expected bodyweight of a calf born to a Murry Grey cow and a heifer (first calving cow) in that order:
A. 75 kg and 50 kg
B. 40 kg and 30 kg
C. 30 kg and 40 kg
D. 40 kg and 15 kg
B. 40 kg and 30 kg
Most calf birthweights are between a low of 25 kg and a maximum of 55 kg. Heifers give birth to lighter birthweight calves at the higher end. It is good to have lighter calf bodyweights however extreme in low bodyweight can reduce calf survivability.
How many cows would a beef producer in Southern Australia be likely to join to an individual bull (presuming they were joining in single sire groups)?
A. 10
B. 20
C. 40.
D. 80
C. 40
To meet critical weights for mating on a particular farm a heifer must be 260 kg at 12 months of age- what is the average growth rate that the heifer must average from birth to achieve this body weight?
A. 0.3 kg/ day
B. 0.6 kg/ day
C. 0.9 kg/ day
D. 1.2 kg/day
B. 0.6 kg/day
In which of the following systems would you expect the calf to be heaviest at weaning?
A. Brahman sire and dam in North Queensland with calves weaned at 6 months old
B. Hereford female mated to Hereford male, calves weaned at 9 months
C. Hereford female mated to Simmental bull, calves weaned at 10 months.
D. Hereford Friesan cow mated to Limousin Bull, calves weaned at 10 months
B. Hereford female mated to Hereford male, calves weaned at 9 months??
Maximale heterosis is obtained by introducing maximal breeds in the cross breeding program and combined with dam milk production and later weaning.
The gestation period for a Brahman cow is
A. 115 days
B. 150 days
C. 280 days
d. 340 days
C. 280 days
Which of the following classes of products is the best product to treat 18 month old pregnant heifers with in February in Southern Australia for Ostertagia ostertagi (small brown stomach worm)?
A. Macrocyclic lactones
B. Levamisole/ Morantel
C. Benzimidazole
D. Organophosphates
A. MLs
If the cow in the previous question is grazing young, green feed in late Winter/Autumn with a 0-3 month old calf at foot on pasture that is 1,500 kgDM/Ha which of the following statements is most likely to be most accurate:
A. The cow will be losing weight (condition score)
B. The cow will be gaining weight
C. This data is inadequate to make any statement as to how much weight the cow may gain or lose
D. Grass growth will exceed cow requirements
A. the cow will be losing weight (condition score)– would need 2200 kg Dm/Ha for a lactating cow

- Merino- front wrinkle, no wool below the eyes, not wool all the way down to their feet (16 or 17 micron)
** Fine wool sheep, produce less wool in terms of volume and weight

- (Red) Angus
(1. Simmental, 3 Brangus, 4 Belgium Blue)


- 0%— just run bullocks
** Bullock is a castrated bul: 2-3 year old animal ready for market, meat–> Japan, Korea (500-700 kg +)

- Breeding flock with purchased replacement
Join them until they have 5-6 lambs and then all in that age group are sold
** Prime lamb- First teeth can’t erupt (11-15 months)– do not want teeth to show through, if they do would lose 20 -30% profit

* Could sell stock, agist if there is somewhere with grass but unlikely, supplementary feed (expensive), but crops can be cheap since so much is for sale if all cut at the same time
- More than 2 years– you’ve probably gotten rid of a few age groups (Lambs, yearling, 2 yo, up to 7 yo because they start losing their teeth)

4 or more


- Gross margin




Sheep would most likely be body condition scored where?
The short ribs
The most correct reason why sheep and wheat are used in combination on farms in the wheat-sheep zone of Australia is:
- Other cereal grains such as oats and triticale cannot be grown in this region
- Stock are able to eat the green wheat during summer as an added source of protein
- Stock may get limited grazing of the crop during late spring to aid wheat production
- Stock can graze the wheat stubble during summer
- Sheep can graze stubble in summer and potentially the crop in early growth stage in winter. Grazing during spring will reduce grain yield substantially. Stubbles are not green during summer in most seasons.

In a seasonal lambing Merino flock with ewes lambing over two oestrous cycles, how long after lambing commencement in the flock should weaning occur?
each oestrus cycle is approximatley 17 days–> two cycles is approximately 7 weeks–> weaning can then occur at approximately 6 weeks after this= 13 weeks
A prime lamb producer who sells lamb directly to the abattoir has asked your advice on timing reproduction on her property to best match feed availability. The SW Victoria property has peak pasture availability in October/ November. What month do you recommend she put rams in with her ewes?
Which procedures would generally not occur prior to weaning in a self replacing Merino flock?
tail docking and drenching (castration and vaccination would occur a few weeks after lambing is finished in most flocks)

Dorper, meat
A 45 kg Merino wether is kept as a pet in a backyard but the grass has run out. The diet the wether is eating is 70% oats and 30% lucerne chaff. What is the likely percentage of DM of these two ingredients and the requirements of the wether? How many kg of these combined ingredients will the wether need on a weekly basis?
hay and grain have approximately 90% DM. Most grains have approximately 10-12 MJ/kgDM (so about 10ish per kg as fed)– A DSE needs 7.5 MJ. Hence needs about 3/4 kg per day* 7 = a little over 5 kg per week.
Which feed is this likely to be?
Energy: 12 MJ/kg DM
Protein 32%
ADF: 20%
- Lucerne Hay
- Wheat
- Oats
- Lupins
- Lupins because of high protein levels
If the adult weight of some Friesian and Friesian cross heifers is approximately 600 kg, at what weight would you anticipate these heifers should be joined?
370 kg
If a Friesian heifer is being joined at 360 kg at what age should they be joined and what is the anticipated required average daily weight gain (kg) needed to meet this?
15 months old, 0.7 kg/day
If a Friesian heifer is being joined, which of the following bulls (or semen) is likely to result in the least dystocia?
- Belgian Blue
- Friesian
- Ayrshire
- Jersey
If you saw some 2-4 year old Poll Dorset Rams that are about to go out into the paddock to join some ewes and are in a condition score of 3.5. What bodyweight range would you anticipate them to have?

How many piglets would you expect the average mature sow in an Australian intensive piggery to give birth to??
How long would eggs take to hatch if a chicken was allowed to sit on her eggs?
What is the avg gestation of a cow? bitch?
278-290 days
bitch - 62 days
What is the ideal birth weight of a twin born lamb?
The reason why sheep and wheat are used in combination on farms in the wheat-sheep zone of Australia is:
Stock can graze the wheat stubble during the summer and stock may get limited grazing of the crop during winter.
* relatively low rainfall, mostly in the winter. Pasture and crops are relatively dry over summer with crop (stubble) areas an important source of nutrition for sheep.
What is the canine C5 vaccine?
Kennel cough (B. bronchiseptica and PI virus), Distemper, Hepatitis and Parvovirus
A horse that has a black mane, tail, and lower legs and body of any brown shade is called a
A foal is born in a thoroughbred horse stud in Victoria in January 2009. It is the eighth foal of the foaling season and the second foal of the calendar year. The brand on the left shoulder identifies the stud. The bran on its right shoulder should read:
* The year of registration is the foaling year (2008), the number of foal is the number between one foaling period and the next, hence 8 (not 2)
You are going to visit a property to view four breeds of cattle- Angus, Murray Grey, Hereford, and Shorthorn. The most likely colour of these breeds is:
Black (can be red), Grey, Red & White, Red or white
What are three species examples of seasonal breeders?
* Border Leicester Sheep, TB Horses, and Angora Goats
(Poll Dorsets produce more lambs when joined in autumn but are not truly seasonal as they can get in lamb most of the year. Merino sheep are relatively non-seasonal)
Which ones of the following statements regarding horse reproduction is true?
a. a mare showing signs of oestrus in Victoria in July is likely to have an ovarian or pituitary tumour
b. A 24 hour photoperiod of 8 hours dark/ 1 hour light/ 7 hours dark/ 8 hours light will induce cycling in a seasonally anoestrus mare
c. Under natural circumstances most foals in VIC are born in August, which is why TB horses are aged from 1 August
d. One of the typical signs of oestrus is blood in a mare
b. A 24 hour photoperiod of 8 hours dark/ 1 hour light/ 7 hours dark/ 8 hours light will induce cycling in a seasonally anoestrus mare
A mare is most likely to conceive if she is served
6 hours before ovulation
Which one of the following TB races is most prestigious?
a. Class 1 races
b. Class 6 race
c. Group 2 race
d. A Listed race
e. A restricted race
c. A group 2 race
Which one of the following statements regarding foals is not true?
a. Normal foals commonly eat their mothers faeces
b. A healthy 2-day-old TB foal drinks a total of 5 L of milk daily
c. A normal foal stands within 1 hour of birth
d. A normal foal weighs 10% of its mother’s body weight
e. Less than 60% of live twin foals will survive to two weeks of age
not true: b. A healthy 2 day old TB foal drinks a total of 5 L of milk daily
Avian species characterized by a hooked beak
A. Psittiformes
A cobby cat is (describe):
Short, muscular, compact build, roundish eyes, short nose, small ears

What is a typical F3 vaccination in cats?
Feline calicivirus, rhinotracheitis virus, and feline panleukopaenia


The breeds of pigs used on farms throughout the world are primarily selected for? How do farmers decrease the risk of disease introduction?
Characteristics that predominantly lead to improvements in growth rate and feed efficiency in terminal sire lines and litter born alive in maternal lines.
* Select breeding stock or genes from a single source of pigs; health matched to the importing herd
On efficient commercial farms with good management practices mature sows farrow about how many born alive? When do they wean them? How many are successfully weaned?
11-12 pigs born alive and wean at 21-28 days, between 9.5-10 pigs
Why are newly weaned pigs fed high energy diets?
They have small stomachs and the energy density of the diet overcomes, in part, the constraint of stomach size with respect to energy intake
What is the farrowing rate?
The number of sows that farrow relative to the number of sows bred during a specific period
Good dietary protein sources for pigs include:
Canola meal, soyabean meal, blood meal, and lupins
True or false: clay soil, 900 mm rainfall, permanent creek (water course) on property, and high organic matter in soil is a good place to start a static pond aquaculture system?
What aquaculture species in Australia can be grown in static pond systems for all of their life?
Barramundi, Murray Cod, Perch, and Prawns
What is the normal weight range for harvesting atlantic salmon in Australia?
4-4.5 kg
How can Tasmanian atlantic salmon farming system be described?
The production system is closed (no fish caught from the wild), stocking density up to 15 kg/m^3, fish are fed commercial pelleted ration and salmon are harvested by pumping water out of pens and then each fish is stunned
Bobby calves must be how old? How should they be transported? What type of tag? What about their umbilicus?
* Must be at least 4 days of age
* Must be transported in vehicles with enclosed fronts
* Must have electronic identification in Victoria (NLIS tag)
* Must have a dry umbilicus
When are Jersey dairy calves weaned? Friesian calves weaned? How much will calves be eating of concentrate per day prior to weaning? How old?
* Jersey calves are weaned at 50-60 kg bodyweight
* Friesian calves are mostly weaned at about 70-80 kg body weight
* Calves should be eating 0.75-1.25 kg of concentrate per day prior to weaning
* Calves are generally weaned at 6-8 weeks of age
What happens during drought in Australia?
* Overall numbers of livestock in paddocks eating grass decrease
* The price of grain (oats, triticale, wheat, barley, etc.) increases
* The price of hay increases
* Use of unusual feedstuffs increases e.g. Citrus pulp, grape marc, etc.
Goats vs. sheep
* Goats browse rather than graze
* Goats are more likely to be reproductively active earlier in life
* Goats grow SLOWER than sheep
* goats have less flocking instinct
* Both goats and sheep produce meat, milk, or fibre depending on breed and management system
What is a prime lamb in Australia?
Any sheep prior to eruption of any of its adult teeth
What kind? What is this goat used for in production?

A milking breed of goat
Cashmere vs. Merino wool
Cashmere is finer, produced from a number of different breeds of goats (not Angora)- most goat breeds can produce Cashmere
What is the most common breed of ram chosen to join to Merino ewes to produce a first cross ewe in Australian prime lamb production systems?
Border Leicester

Border Leicester
Using the French stocking rate model, how many 45 kg wethers would you expect to stock during winter in a 100 hectare paddock in a 650 mm rainfall zone?
About 2000
In a Merino enterprise with a 5 week lambing duration, how many weeks after lambing commenced would be an ideal time to wean lambs from their mothers?
12 weeks
Are these statements true or false? Shearing ewes in winter may increase feed consumption up to 75%, shearing sheep in spring reduces the amount of grass see contamination of the fleece, shearing sheep reduces the likelihood of sheep becoming fly struck for a few months post shearing, if a property has a particular problem with reduced wool staple strength, changing time of shearing may improve wool tensile strength
Why are dairy cows given anthelmintic treatment at drying off- why?
Generally means there is no milk withholding period for most products
What ist he 21 day submission rate in cattle?
Percentage of herd detected on oestrus and mated in first 21 days of mating
How long is the gestation length of the cow?
280 days
Which category will eat more grass (on a DSE basis)?
4 Hereford cows with 2 month old calves at foot (cows 500 kg and calves 80 kg)
3 Friesian cows milking 55 litres per cow per day (cows 600 kg)
OR 40 yearling Angora wethers
Why do you inject 5 in 1 or 6 in 1 vaccine in the high neck or under the leg of a lamb?
TO decrease carcass damage from the needle and vaccine
If a farmer is working in a dairy that is not computerised and IDs a cow has mastitis when milking her, what is the most convenient way of determining her ID number?
Freeze brand
The majority of Australian beef exports go to which countries?
USA and Japan
Plant-derived feeds can be separated into forages or concentrates. Forages have MORE or LESS fibre than concentrates and MORE or LESS energy content than concentrates?
Forages have more fibre and less energy than concentrates
Rumen microbes ferment fibre to produce
Volatile fatty acids that the animal uses for energy
Which one is hemicellulose found in: straw, grasses, grains, legumes?
All of the above
What kind of digestive system does a kangaroo have?
A kangaroo is a non-ruminant foregut fermenter
True or false: Fibre is a greater source of energy to herbivores than to carnivores:
What is silage?
Pasture preserved through partial anaerobic bacterial fermentation undertaken at an earlier growing stage than hay
Why are milk and eggs suitable for nourishing young animals?
They contain high quality proteins
What kind of digestive system does elephants have?
Hindgut fermenters
Why do carnivores have simpler guts than herbivores?
Their diets are more nutrient dense than herbivores, so they do not require much room in the digestive tract for storage of ingested food
Can monogastric animals fall into omnivore, carnivore, and herbivore categories?
You are calculating the energy content for a diet for an animal. You have measured/ calculated values for metabolizable energy, net energy, gross energy, and digestible energy. From greatest numericle value to lowest numerical value, what order will these measures have?
Gross energy > digestible energy > Metabolizable energy > net energy

Where does energy lost as methan come from: digestible energy, metabolizable energy, or net energy?
Digestible energy
How many grams are in 1 kg?
1000 g = 1 kg
A feed contains 12 MJ/kg of metabolizable energy as fed to the animals, but is labelled as having 16 MJ/kg dry matter of metabolizable energy. What is responsible for the difference?
A water content of 25%
An animal consumes 1200 g daily of a diet that is 90% digestible. What is its average faecal daily output, assuming all values are on a corrected dry matter basis?
120 g