A20: Hindlimb 1 Flashcards
How is the hindlimb attached to the body?
A bony attachment, the pelvic girdle.
What bones make the pelvis?
Hip bone & sacrum
What is each hip bone composed of?
2 os coxae, which is equivalent to 2 ilium, 2 ischium & 2 pubis.
How are the 2 os coxae attached to each other?
By a pelvic symphysis
How is the pelvic symphysis made?
By the pubic & ischiatic symphyses.
Which structures are palpable in the pelvic region?
Ischiatic tuberosity, ischiatic crest, lumbar vertebrae, wing of ilium, medial & lateral sacral crests, greater ischiatic notch & greater trochanter.
Which structures are palpable in the stifle region?
Patella, lateral epicondyle of femur, head of fibula, lateral condyles.
Which structures are palpable in the hock region?
Lateral malleolus, calcaneal tuberosity, metatarsal bone V.