A2 - Responsibilities in H+SC Flashcards
Code of practice
something that sets out the professional standard that you are required to meet
Something that is strict like a law that you have to follow
a document that specifies the action that you have to take in response to a situation
written instructions that outline the required routines the staff are expected to follow
Health and safety policy
sets out your general approach to health and safety
Equality and diversity policy
written agreement for your group about how you will avoid discriminating against people
Medication policy
Ensures the safe and secure handling of medicines
Safeguarding policy
protecting vulnerable people from abuse/neglect, ensuring they have access to good healthcare
Disclosing and Barring Referral Policy (DBS)
Helps employers recruitment safer and prevents unsuitable people working with vulnerable people
Death of a resident procedure
Outline protocol following the death of a resident
Complaints Policy
A written complaints handling policy ensures complaints are taken seriously and dealt with appropriately
Strategies for healing and supporting recovery
- prescribing medication
- surgery
- radiotherapy
- organ transplant
- support for lifestyle changes
- accessing support
Prescribing medication
- a doctors role (traditionally)
- some nurses can prescribe after extra training
Healthcare workers help patient recover with aftercare
- change dressings
- support mobility
- emotional support
- practical help at home
- a treatment using high-energy radiation used to treat cancer
- planned by skilled radiotherapists
- follow up GP support to ensure healing and deal with side effects
Organ transplant
Allograft = moving organ from one person to another person
Autograft = moving organ to another location
Purpose is to replace damaged/absent organs
Support for Lifestyle Changes
Counselling + self-help groups
- implement + sustain lifestyle change
GPs + Nurses
- can assist set up of self help groups
Accessing Support from Specialist agencies
Healthcare professionals can inform service users about agencies:
- Age UK
- Mind
- Young mind
- Alzheimers Society
Enabling rehabilitation
- rehabilitation
- psychotherapy
- treatment
Rehabilitation = Restoration
- the process of restoring a person to good health following surgery, illness or addiction
- recovery from illness
- promote independence
- support mental needs
- ensure fulfilled life
a type of therapy used to treat emotional and mental health conditions
- talking to a therapist
- support group
Types of treatment
- conventional medical treatment
- complementary therapies
Conventional medical treatment
- treats the injury/ illness symptoms
- drugs, radiation, surgery
Complementary treatment
- therapies that focus on the individual as a whole and not just their disease
Providing equipment to support independence
- Use of equipment to support needs
- why mobility needs to be supported
Use of adaptive equipment to support needs
- physiotherapists + occupational therapists assess the needs
- care assistants + HC assistants support
Examples of adaptive equipment
- wheelchair
- walking aid
- hand rails
- special cutlery
- adapted computers
- signers
- wheelchair access
- extra exam time
- enlarged text
Why mobility needs to be supported
mobility appliances allow people to be more physically active and more independent to carry out daily activities
Mobility Difficulties
- arthiritis
- broken limb
- surgery
- stroke
- ageing
Providing personal care
- hygiene + diet
providing personal care is important for physical well-being but can also impact self-esteem and confidence
Carers must discuss routine + preferences with patient
- independence is encouraged, but when help is needed, dignity and privacy is reserved
Domiciliary Care
Care provided for people in their own home
Religious + Cultural differences with personal care
- washing in running water
- bidet > toilet paper
- same sex care giver
- dietary requirement
- allergies
- vegetarian/ vegan
- halal/ kosher
Maslows Hierachy of needs
1- Physiological needs
2- Safety
3- Love + belonging
4- Esteem
5- Self-actualisation
Attending the needs of the whole person
H+SC professionals want to support people in developing + maintaining a fulfilling life
This includes being aware of their:
- community
- work + aspirations
- family circumstances
- financial position
- interests and hobbies
- informal carers
Assessment and supporting of care
Care is assessed, planned and evaluated via the care planning cycle
- care planning cycle
- main stages of care+ support planing
The care planning cycle
- assess the clients needs
- plan + agree appropriate care
- implement care plan
- monitor effectiveness of plan
- review + evaluate effectiveness
- amend plan as necessary
Main stages of care + support planning
1- assessment of needs
2- identify what services are already provided to the service user
3- The drawing up of the plan
4- Implementing the care plan
5- monitoring progress