A1 - General Operating Policy & Procedures Flashcards
What is the operating priority policy? (4 items)
- Safety
- Passenger Comfort
- Schedule
- Economy
* * No attempt shall be made to achieve one objective to the detriment of another**
What events require an internal safety report (Intelex) outside of IRM/RRM matters?
- A deliberate deviation from SOPs due to PIC considering that safety of flight may be comprised.
- Activation of aircraft safety envelope protection systems (high/low speed protection)
- Passenger use of First Aid Oxygen
Above require Intelex & HFO Call within 24hrs
Go-Arounds require OCR only!
When are flight crew automatically suspended from duty?
When involved in any ‘accident’ or ‘incident’ that results in damage to the aircraft, property or person.
What is the procedure when a Cabin Air Quality event takes place?
- Interview each crew member and ascertain (Smell, Origin and duration)
- Contact Maintenance Watch to assist & make DL entry.
- Complete CAQ event log
- Contact OCC & advise of CAQ event, Submit Incident Report in Qantas Intelex System
what are some Jet Blast considerations near buildings & public areas
Aircraft engines should not be started or operated within; - 5m of Sealed Building - 8m of Other Aircraft - 15m of Exposed Public Area - 15m of Unsealed Building within 15 degree arc of exhaust axis - 30m at normal taxi thrust - 46m at intial movement thrust
How far away from refuelling equipment can you use your phone on Ramp Area’s?
3m radially from the filling & venting points
How many persons in custody allowed to travel? and in what row?
2, but more are allowed if they are part of same family, and should be seated in row 20 near window if possible.
What transponder code is used for Hijacking
7500 - Hijacked, 7700 - Grave/Imminent Danger
What to do if a passengers behaviour becomes offensive or disorderly in-flight?
- Turn on Seat-belt sign & PA to advise all passengers to be seated.
- (If not successful) further PA to specific passenger informing if continued offence under Civil Aviation Act.
- Cabin crew to enlist willing passengers & restraints if required (PIC advised)
- Submit Intelex Report
What to do with Heat-Soaked plane prior to departure?
Flight crew to enter & start APU and air-conditioning then remain outside with crew until suitable temperature.
What if aerobridge alarm sounds during boarding?
- CC1 to advise passengers to step well back from entrance to aircraft.
- Crew advise ground staff of situation, boarding can only recommence until alarm has been deactivated.
Can hearing impaired passengers be seated in emergency exit rows?
Yes, provided they have hearing aid on during take-off & landing
What should be done if a passenger becomes seriously ill during flight?
- Cabin crew will advise PIC and ascertain if a medical doctor is onboard.
- (If not) Crew will get in contact with company at closest port for instructions and possible diversion options.
- ABPs can assist passenger during landing so cabin crew can resume safety critical positions at landing.
What type of passengers cannot be seated in emergency exit seats?
- Infirm (Cannot move without assistance)
- Disabled (Can include elderly)
- Amputated or Prosthetic Limbs
- Under age of 15
- Adults nursing infants
- Persons in custody
- Requiring extension seatbelt
Can passengers baggage remain on-board during diversion or return to land?
- Yes, however if it was medical in nature approval must be sort from NJS duty security controller
If refuelling is being carried are pre-boards allowed?
- Yes, if they are the first to board. If however general passengers are on-board PAD device may only be used after completion of refuelling. (On stand off bays)
What is the process if cabin crew advise of an issue with passenger onboard & possible offload?
- PIC should discuss matter with CC1 and Ground Staff.
- If passenger places the safety or well being of other passengers/crew or the aircraft at risk. Passenger needs to be offloaded.
- Reported via Intelex & sent to HFO
How is checked in baggage assigned into which zone?
At departure the number of pieces is divided by the weight giving an average per piece. It is then distributed between zones in bag numbers (average weight) rather than actual weight of each bag.
What are the standard passenger weights?
Adult - 87kg
Child (2-12) - 32kg
Infant (0-2) - Not considered
Planning Purposes 12kg per person
What happens if catering is delayed to aircraft?
Flights less than 2.5hrs
- Minor Shortfall - Dont Delay
- Major Shortfall - 10mins max, if expected to take longer Dont Delay
Flights over 2.5hrs
- Minor Shortfall - Dont Delay
- Major Shortfall - 30mins max, if expected to take longer Dont Delay
OCC to be advised
If making a blood donation or having a vaccination how long before flying duties may be recommenced?
24hrs, however no restrictions for pax’ing, sim ground duty.
What does the approach slop guidance exemption allow us to do?
Allows the operator to permit operations to runways without serviceable electronic or visual slope guidance. Provided;
- Not more than 7days U/S or fails after aircraft has departed.
- Weather not less than circling minima, EGPWS functioning