A Separate Peace Flashcards
What made whites accept Booker T. Washington as the face of African Americans?
- humility/apologized for black actions
- self-help dialogue shifted responsibility to black progress from whites to blacks
- economic emphasis eliminated white fear of black interest in politics
- very American/Patriotic
What was significant about Washington’s invitation to the 1893 Conference of Christian Workers?
- rare opportunity for black to speak in front of big white Southern audience
How did whites respond to Washington’s five minute speech at the Conference?
- were pleased w/ message
What were Washington’s objectives he sought to accomplish in his five minute speech at the Conference?
- describe work of Tuskegee + discuss race relations
- display racial philosophy of moderation
What event was Washington invited to in 1894?
- House Committee on Appropriations gathering in DC
- Atlanta men there to ask for federal grant for Atlanta Exposition
What did Washington address in the speech made to the House Committee on Appropriations in 1894?
- how he stayed out of politics/advised other blacks to do the same
- he devoted more time to improving education/economic opportunities for blacks
- urged blacks to acquire property/own land
- urged blacks to pull themselves up
What did Washington was the way for the black race to be uplifted in America?
- secure property + assimilate to conservative society
How did the Appropriations Committee rule on the Atlanta Exposition grant?
- unanimously voted in favor of the bill
What was significant about the actions the Atlanta Committee took after the bill had been approved?
- black invitees allowed at private meetings + given chance to speak
What did the Atlanta Exposition directors propose in 1894 + what was its impact?
- a separate Negro Building
- controversy between building supporters vs wanting black pieces next to white pieces
What did officials do to solve the Atlanta Exposition issue + what was the effect/response?
- made submissions of displays be screened by a committee (all white)
- virtually excluded any black exhibits
- some blacks wanted to boycott entire World Fair
How did Washington respond to the actions taken by officials regarding the Atlanta Exposition?
- was ok w/ segregated Negro Building
- but refused to take charge of Negro Building to devote time to Tuskegee
- appointed Garland Penn in his place
What were the opinions of educated African Americans about the Atlanta Exposition Negro Building decision?
- weren’t happy
- doubted directors
- did not see benefits of exhibit
- feared discrimination against black exhibitors
- did not see where $$$ would come from for building
- dreaded failure over total refusal of opportunity
Why did the Negro Building almost not get done + what was a significant demand made by educated blacks about the construction of the building?
not unanimous support/funding from black community
- insisted a black architect
What decision did the Committee of the Negro Exhibit come to?
- Washington would speak for blacks at Opening Ceremony
What was the argument that Penn made to Bullock regarding Washington speaking at the Exposition on Opening Day?
- blacks expected a black person to speak
- said no negro speaker could poorly affect attendance
- said blacks were entitled to have a speaker represent them (owed Washington)
What was going to be significant about the speech Washington was going to give at the Exposition?
- was going to have a national audience to spread philosophy
What was Washington struggling w/ when writing his speech?
- fell at the same time of the beginning of new school year (couldn’t find time)
- felt inferior b/c he knew most of audience would be rich when he grew up poor
- knew if he spoke out of term about whites/discrimination it could get hostile
What were the three different audiences that Washington was going to have to satisfy in his speech?
- Southern whites
- Northern whites
- Negroes
What were the cautions that Washington was being careful not to provoke?
- not to offend the South (didn’t want to ruin future opportunities for blacks to speak out)
- but would stay true to North/black interests
What were the two lines that Washington recycled for use in his Exposition speech?
- we can be as separate as the fingers yet as one as the hand for maintaining the right
- cast down your buckets where you are
What was Washington saying in “Taking Advantage of Our Advantages”?
- blacks should make most of economic opportunities in the South
Who did Washington present his speech to before he departed for Atlanta?
- his wife + several Tuskegee staff members
What did Washington know about the reason for the large white crowd for his speech?
- some were there out of curiosity
- some were there to watch him fail
Who was William H. Baldwin + what was his relationship w/ Washington?
- VP/GM of Southern Railroad
- Washington’s Northern counterpart
- became Tuskegee trustee
How did the crowd overall respond to Washington’s speech?
- were highly impressed both black/white
What were the elements/talking points of Washington’s speech?
- Southern future can’t disregard blacks (too important to labor/economy)
- urged blacks to make friends w/ whites
- if whites gave blacks educational/economic opportunities blacks would be nation’s hardest workers
- blacks would successfully assimilate w/ whites + accelerate South economy if given the chance to improve
What was Washington’s stance on segregation?
- social/political segregation was fine
- as long as economically they were partners
What did Washington do to try to pander to the white crowd members to listen?
- used stereotypical jokes about blacks
- dumbed himself/blacks down to make whites feel comfortable
What approach did Washington see being the best way for African Americans to progress?
- focus on economic opportunities
- social/political rights would come if blacks can prove themselves reliable economic partner
- whites won’t be able to keep blacks down in that case
Who did Washington cast the blame on for if his strategy were to fail?
- blacks could only blame themselves
How did Washington compare himself to Frederick Douglass?
- felt the political focus of Douglass made him unprepared to prep blacks for opportunities freedom provides
What did Clark Howell especially praise about the talking points in Washington’s speech?
- liked the turn away from social equality
What do most historians attribute Washington’s sudden fame after the Atlanta Compromise to?
- was filling a void left by extinction of black politicians + death of Frederick Douglass