À Moi Paris Level 4 - ch 3 Flashcards
darn, shit; Very common slang. Also emmerder = to annoy, emmerdant = annoying, un merdier = a big problem/mess
Plein de trucs
a lot of things; Colloquial
Se faire livrer
to get something delivered
Du pain de mie
loaf of white bread, sandwich bread
Du pq
toilet paper; Very common slang. Stands for papier cul (ass paper). Proper word is “le papier toilette”
Un copain, une copine
here, romantic friend; Means both friend and romantic friend. To be more specific, say “petit-copain” or “petit-ami”, which means romantic boyfriend.
Elle est pas mal
she is rather good looking; Lit: she’s not too bad
nice, friendly, cool; Short for sympathique, which does not mean sympathetic (compatissant).
Gigot haricots verts
a leg of lamb with green beans; This is a shortcut; the “avec des” is implied.
without the bone, boneless
without the fat layer
Avec ça ?
anything else?; Lit. “with this ?” Colloquial but very used by merchants
Ça sera tout
In this context: That’s all; We also say “c’est tout”
Juteux, juteuse
juicy, moist
C’est quoi
what is/are; This is a colloquial way of asking questions. The formal way would be “quels sont”
Mûr, mûre
ripe; Sounds like “un mur” - a wall