A 4.4- What Games and Toys Teach Flashcards
Define Lavished
expending or bestowing profusely
Why did the friend of the author felt the need to bombard his children with toys and games?
He argued that children who are stimulated with many toys or electronics learned better and faster; children need exposure to many things, and having many toys allows them to socialize, learn, and develop their imagination.
Define Vested Interest
a special concern or stake in maintaining or influencing a condition, arrangement, or action especially for selfish ends
Define Tout
to solicit, peddle, or persuade importunately
What did the author argue in the second paragraph?
He argued that his friend’s points were mere echoes of what the toy and game companies were advertising to the world; he further argued that general media praises the educational advantages of these things. In the end, he mentions how the companies are making billions through their sales and that the amount each family spends on such items is rather absurd.
What does the author argue in the 3rd paragraph?
He argues that social psychologists have praised the act of “play” in children and that it significantly helps with their cognitive and physical skills; the author seems concerned and wondered how and why the act of play became synonymous with a necessity of being bombarded by fabricated toys.
What does the author argue in the 4th paragraph?
He argues that social scientists condemn these companies in the sense that there is no solid evidence that playing with toys leads to any significant increase in motor and cognitive skills.
Define Cognitive
of, relating to, being, or involving conscious intellectual activity (such as thinking, reasoning, or remembering)
Define Duped
one that is easily deceived or cheated
What is the main thing that the author argues in the 5th paragraph?
Toys can be tools for learning, but almost anything could be such a tool.
Define Hone
to make more acute, intense, or effective
Define Internalize
to give a subjective character to
Define Omnipresent
present in all places at all times
Define Plethora
Define Oxymoron
a combination of contradictory or incongruous words (such as cruel kindness)