7.2A- Humanity’s Reboot Flashcards
Define Artificial Intelligence
Computers, technology.
Define Anthropomorphize
Attribute human characteristics or behavior to a god, animal, or object.
Define Conceit
Excessive pride in oneself.
Define Dystopian
Relating to or denoting an imagined state or society where there is great suffering or injustice.
Define Automation
The use of largely automatic equipment in a system of manufacturing or other production process.
Define Presage
(Of an event) be a sign or warning that something, typically something bad, will happen.
Define Apocalypse
The complete final destruction of the world.
Define Ubiquitous
Present, appearing, or found everywhere.
Define Humanness
The condition or quality of being human.
Define Penchant
A strong or habitual liking for something or tendency to do something.