A: 34-38 Flashcards
Drugs used in Parkinsons
- Levodopa/Carbidopa- precursor of dopamine
- Selegeline- MAO-B inhib.
- Entacapone- COMT inhib. entaCapon for Comt
- Dopamine-2 agonist. same ROLE as dopamine
- Dopamin 3 agonist
Amantadine -
- Anti-viral
- M-block
- enhance dopaminergic transmission ( increase synthesis/release, decrease reuptake)
- Procyclidine- Ach blocker
Why give Ach blockade in Parkinsons?
When physiologic Dopamine decreases –> excessive excitation of cholinergic neurons ( Ach release)
Ach and Dopamine are out of balance in parkinsons
MOA ,duration
precursor of dopamine
- Dopamine DeCarboxylase inhibitor (periphery)
- does NOT enter CNS
- prolonged plasma T1/2
- lower doses of L-dopa is effective
- fewer peripheral SE
*oral COMT & MAO-B Inhibitors allow smaller doses & prolong action.
- responsiveness gradually decreases with time
- DOA= 6-8hrs
Primary drug used in Parkinsons
- GI upset:
- dyskinesia (on-off phenomenon)
- behavioral effects:
- anxiety .
- hallucination,
- depression,
- confusion ,
Dopamine agonists
- Pramipexole
- D3-agonist
- IND:
- monoth. in early parkinsons disease
- adjunct with L-DOPA in advanced disease
- oral
- renal elim
- Ropinirole
- D2 agonist
- IND:
- monoth. in early parkinsons disease
- adjunct with L-DOPA in advanced disease
- oral
- Hepatic metab
Dopamine agonists side effects and drugs
- pramipexole
- ropinirole
- anorexia
- nausea
- constipation
- postural hypotension
- dyskinesia
- Inhibits MAO-B
- IND:
- monoth. in early parkinsons
- adjunctive with L-DOPA /carbidopa in advanced disease
- oral
- long T1/2
- hepatic metb. to form des-methyl-selegiline (neuroprotective) and amphetamine (psychosimulant)
- hungarian development!!!!
- Serotonin syndrome with
- meperidine (opioid)
- dyskinesia
- psychosis
- hypotension
COMT inhibitors
drugs, ind, administration
- Block L-DOPA metabolism in periphery (COMT-inhib)
- IND:
- parkinsons disease (prolongs L-dopa actions)
- oral
- entacapone, tolcapone
- related to increased L-DOPA levels
- sleep disorders
Amantidine MOA , admin, eliminatio
- anti-viral medication
- enhances dopaminergic neurotransmission by:
- increasing synthesis/release
- or decreases reuptake of dopamine.
- Muscurinic-block
- NMDA receptor antagonists with neuroprotective properties. (like memantine)
renal elimination
Amantidine clinical use
- Parkinsons disease (adjunct to levo-dopa/carbidopa)
Amantidine SE
- livedo reticularis ( dermatological)
- psychosis
- GI disturbances
Procyclidine MOA,
- Anti-muscurinic (Ach blocking agent)
- decreases excitatory acitivity of cholinergic neurons
- improves tremor and rigidity
Procyclidine, adminis, clinical use
- oral
- parkinsons disease (not recommended as monotherapy in early disease)
- drug induced extra-pyramidal symptoms
Procyclidine SE
- atropine like effects
- dry mouth
- urinary retension
- constiptaion
- hyperthermia
- sinus tachy
- mydriasis
- blurred vision
- toxicity: cardiotoxic, convulsions, coma
Procyclidine CI
- glaucoma
- prostatic hyperplasia
Alzheimer drugs
Rivastigmine- AchE inhib.
Memantine- NMDA-R blocker
אתה ממתין שסבתא תיזכר כי יש לה אלצהיימר
Piracetam- nootropic. Helps with cognitive functions
זו תרופה שהיא פיראטית
MOA, IND, Administration, SE
- Ach-Esterase inhibitor (centrally acting)
- oral
- IND:
- alzhiemers (1st line);
(modest reduction in rate of congnitive function loss)
- alzhiemers (1st line);
AchE inhibitor rivastigmine SE
- bradycardia
- diarhhea
- nausea, vomit
Memantine MOA, IND, Administration
- glutamate NMDA-R blocker
- oral
- alzhiemers disease
memantine se
- Confusion
- Agitation
- Restlessness
Nootropic drug
- Piracetam
- interferes with neurotransmitter realease by binding to synaptic vesicle protein (SV2A) ( protein involved in vesicle docking, fusion
- therapeutic potential as congitive enhancer in treatment of
- schizophrenia
- depression
Drugs for GI spasm and uterus
- Butyl-scopolamine
- Solifenacin, Oxybutinin
- Papaverine
- Drotaverine
Butyl-scopolamine MOA, IND
- M-blocker non selective
- quaternary amine
- IND :
- smooth m spasm
- abdominal, menstural cramps
- spasmodic activity in GI , GU tracts
Solifenacin, oxybutinin MOA, administration, doa
- competitive antagonist (inverse agonist at all M-r but modest selectivity for M3
- Oxybutynin: oral, transdermal,
- solifencacin : Oral
- Duration: 12–24 h
- hyperactive bladder syndrome
- urinary urgency, incontinence
Papaverine and Drotaverine moa
PAPA help me! Drota! like when you curse
- PDE-Inhibitor ( non selective)
- opioid alkaloid derivative
papaverine, drotaverin Administration, IND
- oral, parenteral
* GI, GU spasms
Agents relaxing pregnant uterus
- Oxytocin antag. לעכב לידה Ato for Atopic
- I.V infusion
- IND: Tocolysis for preterm labor
- effective from gestational week 24
- SABA. (Beta-2 selective agonist)
- IND:
- Relaxation of pregnany uterus
- Prompt onset for acute bronchospasm
- Aerosol inhalation, parenteral, oral
- i.v
- IND:
- tocolytic agent
- seizure prevention in preeclampsia/eclampsia
- protective role on fetal brain
- Ethanol
- tocolytic
- I.V
- Oxytocin antag. לעכב לידה Ato for Atopic
- I.V infusion
atosiban ind , se
when is it effective
- IND: Tocolysis for preterm labor
- se:
- Concern about rates of infant death
- not FDA approved
effective from gestational week 24
MOA, admin route
SABA. (Beta-2 selective agonist)
Aerosol inhalation, parenteral, oral
terbutaline ind
- Relaxation of pregnany uterus
- Prompt onset for acute bronchospasm
Administration, IND
- i.v
- IND:
- tocolytic agent
- seizure prevention in preeclampsia/eclampsia
- protective role on fetal brain
Mg-sulfate SE
- maternal :
- lethargy,
- headache,
- weakness,
- pulmonary edema,
- cardiac arrest
- neonatal
- hypotension,
- respiratory depression
location of H1-receptor and prototypic antagonist
- Brain, Endothelium, Smooth muscles, (BES)
- Gq coupled (IP3, DAG) IGE-mediated response :
- Prototypic antagonist: Diphenhydramine, loratidine
- .
location of H2-r and antagonist
- Brain, Heart, Mast cell, Stomach (BHMS)
- Gs coupled (cAMP)
- mediates gastric acid secretion by parietal cells
- cardiac stimulant effect
- negative Fb reduces histamine release from mast cells:
H3- receptor location , mechanism, antagonist
- CNS, Nerve endings (CN) -
- Gi (decrease cAMP) mediates
- presynaptic modulation of histaminergic neurotransmission in CNS,
- increases apetite
- in periphery its a presynaptic heteroR with modulatory effects on release of other transmitters ( adrenergic n transmission) :
Clobenpropit (investigational)
- No agonist or antagonist of H3 and H4 receptors are available for clinical use
H4-r location, mechanism, antagonist
- CD4-T cells,
- Leukocytes (esp eosinophils),
- mast cells-
Gi involved in chemotactic response :
- No agonist or antagonist of H3 and H4 receptors are available for clinical use
Enhanced cervical dilation
Tocolytic drug meaning
Designed to inhibit contractions of myometrial smooth muscle cells
delay your delivery for a short time (up to 48 hours) if you begin labor too early in your pregnancy.
Agents contracting uterus
OME is a women
- oxytocin-r agonist
- I.V , intranasal
- ind:
- induction and augmentation of labor
- control of postpartum uterine hemmorage (high dose)
- induction of lactation (intranasal)
- SE:
- fetal distress, placental abruption, uterine rupture
- PGE1 analog. סיום הריון 60 יום
- oral
- causes abortion in combo with mifepristone (progesterone antagonist)
- effective up to 60 days into pregnancy
- induces vasoconstriction and uterine contraction
- ergot alkaloid derivative
- parenteral
- ind:
- control of postpartum bleeding
- (DONT give before delivery of placenta)
Oxytocin MOA , administration
oxytocin-r agonist
I.V , intranasal
oxytocin ind
- induction and augmentation of labor
- control of postpartum uterine hemmorage (high dose)
- induction of lactation (intranasal)
oxytocin SE
- fetal distress,
- placental abruption,
- uterine rupture
PGE1 analog. סיום הריון 60 יום
Misprostol ind, till when is it effective
- causes abortion in combo with mifepristone (progesterone antagonist)
effective up to 60 days into pregnancy
MOA, doa
- Partial agonist at
- 5-HT
- Alpha r
- esp in blood vessels, uterus
- ergot alkaloid
- 10-12hr
ergotamine effect on vessel and uterus
induces vasoconstriction and uterine contraction
ergotamine ind, administration
- control of postpartum bleeding
- migraine
- cluster headache
(DONT give before delivery of placenta)
ergotamine SE
- Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea,
- severe vasospasm
drugs acting on Male reproductive
- competitive antagonist at alpha-1 . ( Alpha1-selective blockers )
- BPH : reduce urinary hesitancy and prevent urinary retention in men with benign prostatic hyperplasia.
- relaxes muscle of prostate and neck of bladder
- SE: orthostatic hypotensive response to the first dose, little reflex tachy
Sildenafil- PDE-5 inhib.
- erectile dys
- pulmonary hypertension
- SE:
- priapism (prolonged erection)
- severe hypotension in combo with nitrates
- blue-tinted vision (via inhibiting PDE-6 in retina)
Piiii DOM DAD blahhhs it make me vomit
- *Dimehydrinat**- H1 blocker
- *Ondansteron**- 5HT3 blocker
- *Palonosteron “**5HT3 blocker
- *Metoclopramide**- D2 blocker
- *Droperidol** D2 blocker
- *Aprepitant**- NK1 antagonist
- *Dronabinol**- CB1 cannabinoid agonist. When you smoke weed you feel like yor dron and you want to eat bino shawarma
Serotonin receptors location and antagonist
- 5-HT 1D/1B : Brain (Gi) —–
- 5-HT2 : Brain, Smooth m, Platelets (Gq) : ketanserin
- 5-HT3: Area postrema(CNS), Sensory nerves, Enteric nerves (ligand gated Na/K ch) : Odansetron
- 5-HT4 : presynaptic nerve terminals in the ENS (Gs) : Tegaserod (partial agonist)
iq- ligand gated - s
5-HT1D/1B receptor location, action
- brain
- Gi , decreases cAMP
- IQ - ligand gated Na/K - I (all serotonin receptors mnemonic )
receptor mechanism,
- Smooth muscle
- platelets
- brain. (BPS)
- Gq; ↑ IP3, DAG
- Area postrema (CNS),
- sensory nerves
- enteric nerves
Ligand-gated Na+/K+ channel
- Presynaptic nerve terminals in the enteric nervous system
Gs; ↑ cAMP
- H1 blockers, first generation (Diphenhydramine, dimenhydrinate)
- MOA:
- Competitive block of peripheral & CNS H1 receptors
- α-block + M-receptor block.
- Anti-motion sickness effect
- DOA: 6-8 hrs
dimenhydrinate IND, admin
- motion sickness
- Anti-emetic
- used orally as OTC sleep aid;
adm: Oral, parenteral
dimenhydrinate SE
- Sedation
- autonomic block
- Rare CNS excitation
Ondansteron- Palonosteron
- 5-HT3 Blocker : Ondansetron, Palonosteron
- blocks chemoreceptor trigger zone + enteric nervous system 5-HT3 receptors
ondansteron, Palonosteron
IND: Anti-emetic
- Chemotherapy, radiation induced vomiting
- postoperative vomiting
Oral, IV
ondansteron, Palonosteron
- Duration: 3–6 h
- QT prolongation,
- possible arrhythmias,
- May slow colonic transit
- Prokinetic agents
- D2 receptor blocker ;
- increases gastric emptying and intestinal motility (area postrema is also of value in preventing emesis )
Prokinetic agents :
- Metoclopramide, (D2 receptor blocker)
- domeperidone, ( like metroclopramide but less CNS effct
- cholinomimmetics
- (neostigmine):
- for colonic pseudo-obstruction in hospitalized patients
- (neostigmine):
- Macrolides:
- erythrornycin useful in diabetic gastroparesis but tolerance develops
Metoclopramid, IND , administra
IND: Anti-emetic
- Gastric paresis (eg, in diabetes)
- antiemetic (surgical anasthesia, chemotheraperutic drugs)
Oral and parenteral formulations
metoclopramid se
- if chronic use can cause
- Parkinsonian symptoms due to block of CNS D2 receptors
- other extrapyramidal effects
- Hyperprolactinemia.
- potent D2 blocker
- alpha-1 blocker
ind, se
- anti-pscyhotic
- anti-emesis (CHEMO, RADIO, post operative)
prolong QT
- neurokinin 1 (NK1) blocker
- moa: Tachykinin NK1 receptor blocker
aprepitant ind
- IND:
- ANTI-emetic for chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting
aprepitant se
- fatigue,
- dizziness,
- diarrhea,
- P450 interactions
se: Asthenia, hiccups
administration, doa
Half-life: 9–13 h
- CB1 cannabinoid agonist
- Anti-emetic
- for use in chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting,
- SE: associated with CNS marijuana effects
Drugs used for IBS
5HT-3 blocker : Alosetron
- Severe diarrhea-predominant IBS in women
- oral
- SE: due to se restricted use!
- Rare but serious constipation
- ischemic colitis
- bowel infarction
Anticholinergics: nonselective action on GI activity; associated with typical antimuscarinic toxicity
- dicyclomine and hyoscyamine are used as antispasmodics to relieve abdominal pain but efficacy not convincing
Chloride channel activator: lubiprostone = laxative (activate type 2 Cl- ch in small intestine)
- in constipation-predominant IBS in women
- Irritants and stimulants :
- Sennoside the colon is So Blocked!
- Bisacodyl-
- Bulk-forming laxative:
- Plant fiber- lubrication
- osmotic laxatives
- Mg-sulfate/oxide/citrate
- Lactulose
- lubricant laxative:
- Paraffin oil
Irritants and stimulants (laxative)
the colon is So Blocked!
- Sennoside.
- a natural complex of anthraquinone glycosides
- its degradation product acts as irritant on colonic wall > induces fluid secretion and colonic motility
- oral, rectal
- Bisacodyl
- potent stimulant of colon, acts on nerves in colonic mucosa
bisacodyl SE
- abdominal cramps
- atonic colon (prolonged use)
- damage to enteric protective coating
Bulk-forming laxative:
- Plant fiber- (methylcellulose) :
- indigestable parts of fruits, vegetable
- forms gel in colon> water retension > intestinal distension > increased peristalsis
- increase volume, stimulate evacuation
osmotic laxatives
- Mg-sulfate/oxide/citrate
- osmotic agents (non-absorbable salt) increase water content in stool.
- oral
- IND:
- Simple constipation
- bowel prep for endoscopy (especially PEG solutions)
- SE: Mg may be absorbed and cause toxicity in renal impairment
- Lactulose
- cannot be hydrolysed by intestinal enzymes
- oral, degraded by colonic bacteria into lactic , formic, acetic acid
- also used in hepatic encephalopathy (decreases ammonia)
lubricant laxative:
Paraffin oil
- Acts by facilitating passage of hard stool (lubricant)
- taken orally, in upright position to avoid aspiration and lipid pneumonia
Eating DAL is good for you gut
Diphenoxylate, Loperamide- (oral)
- opioid derivatives, P450 metabolism
- activate u-opioid receptors in ENS (inhibits Ach release)
Activated charcoal
- attract and expel ingested toxins from GI tract
- oral
- IND: non specific, non infecious diarrhea
Diphenoxylate, Loperamide
MOA, indication, administration
- (oral)
- opioid derivatives, P450 metabolism
- MOA- activate u-opioid receptors in ENS (inhibits Ach release)
- slows motility
- negligible CNS effect ( diphenoxylate high doses can cause CNS opioid effects and toxicity)
- IND: non-specific, non-infecious diarrhea
se:Mild cramping but little/no CNS effect
Liver and biliary drugs
- *N-acetylcysteine**- Acetaminophen toxicity
- *Sillimarine**- for alcohol liver injury
ursodeoxycholoc acid
This silly marine drunk too much!!
N-acetylcysteine MOA , characteristics, clinical use , se
- provides SH groups
- oral, I.V , inhaled
- T1/2 =5-6 hrs
- P450 metabolism
- IND:
- acetaminophen toxicity (within 8-10 hrs of overdose)
- mucolytic agent (used in COPD , CF)
- SE:
- nausea, vomit,
- anaphylaxis-like allergic rxn
Sillimarine MOA, characteristic, clinical use, SE
- derived from fruit and seeds of silybum marianum
- support liver function
- oral
- IND:
- Protects against liver injury caused by
- alcohol
- acetaminophen
- amanita mushroom
- antidote to amanita phalloides mushroom poisoning
- Protects against liver injury caused by
ursodeoxycholoc acid (Ursodiol)
moa, characterictics
- Reduces cholesterol secretion into bile > dissolve cholesterol gallstones
- potential anti-inflammatory effect in GI
- oral
ursodeoxycholoc acid (Ursodiol)
Clinical use, SE
- IND:
- Gallstones in patients refusing or not eligible for surgery
- primary biliary cirhosis (PBC)
SE: little/no toxicity , diarhhea
drugs used in peptic ulcer disease
- Antacids-
- MgO , Aluminum-hydroxide
- H2-R antag.-
- Famotidine. peptic ulcer is in the FAMily TIDINE is for allery suffix
- PPI-
- (es) Omeprazol and Pantoprazol (Panting!)
- Mucosal protection-
- Sucralfate. Sugar fate is into the stomach. protective gel like
drugs, administration, clinical use, SE
MgO , Aluminum-hydroxide
- oral
- poorly absorbed from bowel
- OTC for symptomatic relief of heartburn
- Not as useful as PPI and H2-blocker in peptic diseases
SE of MgO: diarhhea
SE: Al2(OH)3 : constipation
H2-R antag.-
drugs, administration routes, DOA
Famotidine, cimetidine, nizatidine, ranitidine peptic ulcer is in the FAMily TIDINE is for allery suffix
- oral, parenteral
- DOA: 12-24 hrs
- CYP450 metabolism, inhibitor of cyp450 enzymes
- reduce nocturnal acid but less effective than PPIs against stimulated secretion
- very safe, available over the counter (OTC).
- Cimetidine, but not other H2 blockers, is a weak antiandrogenic agent and a potent P450 enzyme inhibiton
H2-R blocker drug and SE
- famotidine, cimetidine, nizatidine, ranitidine
- SE:
- GI distress
- antiandronergic effects : gynecomastia, decreased libido ( cimetidine)
- confusion, agitation (elderly)
- milder drug interactions
famotidine indication
reduce nocturnal acid but less effective than PPIs against stimulated secretion
very safe, available over the counter (OTC).
Cimetidine, but not other H2 blockers, is a weak antiandrogenic agent and a potent P450 enzyme inhibiton
- H.pylori ass ulcers
- NSAIDs induced ulcers
- prophylaxis against stress-related mucosal injury
- Zollinger elson syndrome
MOA, DOA , administration route
full supressing effect achieved in how many days?
(es) Omeprazol and Pantoprazol (Panting!)
- Irreversible blockade of H+/K+ ATPase in active gastric parietal cells
- oral (on empty stomach) , I.V
- Half-lives much shorter than duration of action (T1/2= 1-2 hrs)
- full supressing effect achieved in 3-4 days
PPI- indication
- Peptic ulcer,
- erosive gastritis
Low toxicity:
- diarrhea,
- abdominal pain,
- headache.
- hypergastrinemia (Chronic treatment )
- decrease oral bioavalability of VITB12 and drugs which require acidic environment for GI absorption (digoxin, ketoconazole)
- small increase in the risk of respiratory and enteric infections
- reduction of stomach acid may reduce absorption of some drugs and increase that of others
- eg: omeprazole inhibits CYP450 ; effects
- warfarin
- phenytoin
- diazepam
- eg: omeprazole inhibits CYP450 ; effects
Mucosal protective agent in PUD
administration, MOA, SE
Sucralfate. Sugar fate is into the stomach. protective gel like
- oral, 4x daily
- prodrug: requires acidic pH ( antaacid, ppi, H2blocker interefe)
- MOA: polymerizes at site of tissue damage and protects against further damage
- very insoluble with no systemic effects
- SE: constipation
Sucralfate indication
- improves healing after mucosal damage
- prevent re-occurance
Drugs acting on smooth muscle - contraction
*controlled by ANS, hormones.
- through Ca +2 DIRECT
- cAMP>>MLCK (P/dephosphorylation)
- Ach (M) : Betanechol (urinary retension), pilocarpine (glaucoma, contract ciliary m> increase aquous humor> decrease IOP
- E/NE = endogenous mediator , act by alpha-1
Autacoids= endogenous molecules which don’t fall into traditional autonomic groups. They DONT act on cholinoR nor adrenoR but have powerful pharmacologic effect on smooth m and other tissue. They are produced at site of action and act there as local mediator. Short acting compounds, with broad spectrum of biological activity; acts on smooth m
- Histamine (biogenic amine)
- Serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine) - biogenic amine
Eicosanoids= arachidonic acid derivative (PG, LT)
- PGE2 (natural dinoprost) - used in gynecology + contraction for labour
- PGF2 (carboprost)
- TXA2
- LTD4, LTE4 : important in bronchoconstriction
- Angiotensin , VIP, Kinins
Polypeptides :
- Oxytocin
- Angiotensin II
- Endothelin (ETR1 |—- Bosertan (ETR1 BLOCKER) –> pulmonary hypertension
- ATP-derivatives