A+ 1001: FIRMWARE Flashcards
Basic Input/Output Services
Burned into the bios chip (non-volatile media, thus it is called firmware) on the motherboard
A chip that talks to the assumed hardware of the system
Enables interaction with mohterboard before OS Loads
Backup Bios
A backup bios/firmware chip on the motherboard that is used when the primary chip is damaged
Power On Self Test
A diagnostic test that is Built into the bios chip
On the power button is pressed, it sends power to the POWER GOOD WIRE on the CPU, which then talks to the BIOS, which then runs the POST
The POST then broadcasts to all hardware connected to motherboard and asks for a reply
once reply is recieved the system boots up
System Setup (CMOS)
Built into BIOS Chip
POST Beep Codes
No video card: long short short
No Ram: Long short shorter, Long short shorter
Display POST as the system boots up
Used to test “Dead Computers”
POST CARD error codes can be found in the motherboard manual, sometimes called q-codes
Unified Extensible Firmware Interface
System Setup
Interface that allows us to interact with and make changes to BIOS
Access by holding down f2 before operating system boots
Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor
Was used in BIOS setup
Replaced by Single Flash ROM Chips
Read only Memory
Real time clock
uses CMOS battery as a fallback to keep time without power supply
if no battery or if problem with battery:
- time slows down
- System setup information disapeard
Flashing the ROM updates the firmware on the flash chip
Usually done when the motherboard can support new hardware, but the firmware doesnt.
- Make sure you have good power
- Make sure you have a complete copy of the file update (BIOS flash image)
BIOS programs that enable hardware to function are called what?
Services are BIOS programs that make hardware functional.
Which is found in BIOS?
a. ) Good power wire
b. ) CMOS battery
c. ) Service
d. ) Real-Time Clock
The Power On Self Test (POST) program and the services are contained in the BIOS chip. The CMOS battery is not inside a chip. The RTC is in the CMOS chip, not the BIOS chip. The explanation of POST hex codes can be found in the system manual.
What is the primary purpose of POST?
POST is a program in the computer’s BIOS chip that performs diagnostics prior to the computer booting an operating system. POST can send messages to a POST card but the card does not contain the POST program. A power supply provides power to the CPU. POST does not enable hardware, it tests hardware.
For which failures would you expect POST to issue beep codes?
Beep codes are issued when error messages can’t be displayed on the screen. A bad video card would cause beep codes. Missing keyboard, printers, and network connection failures can be shown on a screen. The POST program will not run at all without a CPU installed (and thus would not generate a beep code).
To prevent random people from booting the OS, a technician should do what?
Set a user password
A user password prevents the OS from booting until the password is entered. The administrator password prevents access to the setup program until the password is entered.
Which is more likely to cause a computer’s reported time to fall behind?
A weak or failed CMOS battery will slow the system clock and may cause other problems.
What is the standard CMOS battery
CR2032 is the standard CMOS battery.