9. Role of Public Health Flashcards
health of the public, with the aim of preventing disease, prolonging life, and death
public health
improved life expectancy representing idea of “action”
John Snow
set up vital records, recording cause of death, representing idea of “anaylsis”
William Farr
vaccinations, motor vehicle safety, safer workplaces, control of infectious diseases, decline in deaths from coronary heart disease and stroke, safer and healthier foods, healthier mothers and babies, family planning, fluoridation of drinking water, recognition of tobacco use as a health hazard
ten great public health achievements
vaccines like DPT, HPV, hep B, rabies, safe drinking water, sanitary sewers, motor vehicle safety via trauma system development, all of which influence other industries like motor vehicle design, social science, and engineering
notable public health successes
vaccines like DPT, HPV, hep B, rabies, safe drinking water, sanitary sewers, motor vehicle safety via trauma system development, all of which influence other industries like motor vehicle design, social science, and engineering
notable public health successes
funding loss if gun violence research pursued by Congress, vaccine deniers
public health failures
increasing overtime involving vaccinations
non-medical exemptions
PH failure where the medical field did not step in until the public viewed it as important
HIV control
Framingham study
public health failure regarding obesity control
rabies evaluations, STD clinics, secure water/santiary sewers, special services including immunization services and travel advice
local services
exposure to disease, includes cholera, diptheria, TB, ebola, SARS, etc
suspected of having a disease, including having signs and symptoms
code 139A and administrative rules 641-1.9
Iowa code for isolation and quarantine
have executive, legislative, and judicial power all in one depending on circumstance, however rarely used and only used consultatively
physicians in the legal arena
viral hemorrhagic fever, tuberculosis, SARS, measles, cholera, diptheria, meningitis, botulism, polio, plague, urgency is related to transmissibility and severity
reportable diseases
is community focused vs individual
public health
first big victory of public health
infectious diseases
primary tools for use in public health
analysis and action
pubic health models are ___ to other environments
supported by national public health institutions
state & local
greatest threat to public health
return of infectious diseases
required and protected by public health institutions