10. Pediatric Immunizations Flashcards
15th century intentional exposure
small materials from smallpox used to induced virilization
meningitis, epiglottitis, pneumonia, virtually none now, initial vaccine was polysaccharide
haemophilus influenza type B
common childhood illness, chickenpox, complications varicella pneumonia, vaccine massively dropped hospitalizations and deaths
needed to protect communities against disease
herd immunity
work by provoking immune response creating immune memory that is stimulated by that antigen
shed vaccine virus, small risk of reversion, rotavirus, measles, mumps, rubella, varicella, nasal flu
live attenuated vaccine
treated and killed, cannot make you sick, injectable influenza, hepatitis A vaccine
killed vaccines
toxoids tetanus and diptheria, hepatitis B vaccine recombinant production of HBsAg, and human papillomavirus vaccine
component vaccines
created from polypeptide and saccharides on the outsides of viruses/bacteria, pneumococcal, HiB, pertussis
cellular fraction vaccine
antigens attached to proteins that stimulate a T cell response, PCV 12, HiB vaccines, meningococcal vaccines
conjugate vaccines
mRNA is translated into target protein which stimulates an immune response
mRNA vaccines
stimulate active immunity through creation of antibodies
in common to all vaccines
what results from just giving antibodies, generally after exposure to infection, rabies, palivizumab for RSV
passive immunity
optimized to provide excellent and individual and community
vaccine schedule
prevents liver cancer
hepatitis B vaccine
creators of the vaccine schedule
advisory committee on immunization practices, american academy of pediatrics committee
modification of vaccine schedule is not evidence based and not recommended
no such thing as an alternative vaccine schedule
current or recent chemotherapy, immune deficiency, babies in the NICU, high dose steroids, history of anaphylaxis with prior doses, recent IVIG, and moderate to severe illness
indications to alter vaccine schedule
redness at the site of injection, rash, lump at site, fever, fussiness, malaise, fatigue, syncope
common vaccine adverse effects
anaphylaxis, febrile seizures, intussusception, inconsolable crying, Guillan-Barre syndrome
severe adverse effect, not common
allows compensation for complications from adminstration
vaccine advere event reporting system VAERS
associated with cervical cancer thus warrants vaccination at young age [11]
reasoning to vaccinate children with HPV
all children 6 months or older, increased risk of severe influenza disease in children 24 months and under, or with chronic diseases including asthma, diabetes, cancer, given annually, many options including live attenuated nasal vaccines for ages 2+ only, contraindicated in prior allergic reaction to this vaccine, egg allergy is not a contraindication
influenza vaccine
database of vaccine records for all Iowan children
immunization registry information system IRIS
clean and dress wound, active vaccination 4 doses over 2 weeks, passive protection with antibodies dosed by weight infiltrated into the wound
rabies treatment regimen
not present in vaccines anymore except in some flu vaccines
mecurcy and aluminum
redacted paper and untrue
vaccines causing autism
are a medication, thus risk/benefit conversations are appropriate
vaccine conversations
educate, address concerns, document refusal, ongoing discussion, leave the door open
vaccine refusal procedure