30. Ocular Injuries Flashcards
lateral geniculate body, eye misalignment results in lateral geniculate nucleus atrophy, usually unilateral, early detection important because vision develops early in life, with proper visual stimulation in the early months normal acuity develops at 3 years old, can be strabismic with slight misalignment but dense amblyopia, refractive **, presents with failed vision test, strabismus, **, detect by assesing red reflex ***, important to detect because decreased vision in children can also be due to retinoblastoma, can push into the visual axis, cancer cells can seed into the jelly of the eye
tropia which can manifest or be intermittent, direction of deviation can be eso or inward, exo or outward, hyper or upward, hypo or downward, diplopia is usually absent because the brain suppressed the image **, testing includes general inspection **
fixes and follows an object of interest, head turns for extraocular motion testing, central & steady & and maintained, cover good eye, how does the child react? do they protest, cry, or evade, follow an interesting object for visual acuity and extraocular motion, if not moving the child’s head can demonstrate extraocular motion, photoscreen can determine if they are farsighted/nearsighed/astigmatic
3 year old may perform an E game, picture card, or HOTV chart, cover/uncover test, vision assessment
2-4 year olds
usually snellen test, may perform E game, cover/uncover test, if less than 20/40 refer
child 5 and up
optimize the retinal image, clera the visual pathway with cataract or ptosis surgery, correct the refractive error, glasses vs contacts 35% more likely to be bullied, intensity the neural image to the visual cortex, occulsion therapy full time vs part time, penalization (defocus) with cycloplegic to better eye
amblyopia therapy
occulsion of the unaffected good eye, success of treatment is dependent on age, degree of amblyopia, compliance with patching, better tolerated in younger patients possible up to 18 years old, must be contnued through the patient’s first decade, does not eliminate strabismus, done with patch, occasionally can have allergy to the tape
occlusion therapy
atropine 1% drop every morning in nonamblyopic eye, atropized eye cannot accomodate for near ision, child can still use better seeing eye for distance, child switches fixation at near to amblyopic eye
atropine penalization therapy
glassess alone can correct, ***
either strengthen the muscle or weaken the muscle by recession or resection respectively. ***
strabsmus surgery
poor red reflex in one or both eyes, concern about vision by parent or doctor, asymmetric or diminishing visual acuity
immediate referral
less emergent criteria for referral
amblyopia must be detected early, visual acuity testing is cannot be overemphasized, amblyopia may present without strabismus, serious conditions may cause strabismus so refer,
important points
shaken-baby syndrome
non-accidental trauma
premature infants less than ***
retinopathy of prematurity