9 Patient Assessment Flashcards
accessory muscles
neck, chest, and abdominal muscles involved in respiration
alert and oriented x 4
verbal responsiveness
pain responsiveness
slow heart rate @ 60 bpm or less
measures concentration of CO2 in expired air over time
crackling, rattling breath sound that signals fluid in air spaces in the lungs
grating or grinding sensation caused by fractured bone ends or joints rubbing together
deformities contusions abrasions punctures burns tenderness lacerations swelling
diastolic pressure
pressure that remains in the arteries during relaxing phase when the left ventricle is at rest
distracting injury
any injury that prevents patient from noticing other injuries they may have, possibly more severe
Golden Hour
time from injury to definitive care, during which Tx of shock and traumatic injuries should occur because survival is best
involuntary muscle contractions of abdominal wall to minimize pain of stomach movement
yellow skin or sclera of eye s/p liver disease or dysfunction
onset provocation quality region and radiation severity timing
paradoxical motion
usually from flail chest i.e. chest wall is detached or ribs fractured. The motion is opposite of normal chest wall motion during breathing
painful, tender, and persistent erection of penis, usually from spinal cord injury
movement where skin pulls in around the ribs during inspiration
coarse, low pitched breath sounds heard in patients with mucus in upper airways
signs and symptoms allergies medications pertinent history last meal events leading to c/c
harsh, high pitched, breath sound generally heard without auscultating caused by partial blockage or narrowing of upper airway
subcutaneous emphysema
crackling sensation felt on palpation of skim caused by presence of air in soft tissues
tidal volume
amount of air in mL that is moved in or out of the lungs in one breath
2 to 3-word dyspnea
severe breathing problem where person can speak only 2-3 words before pausing and taking a breath
high pitched, whistling breath sound that is prominent on expiration and suggests possible obstruction or narrowing of lower airways e.g. asthma or bronchiolitis