9. family & relationships 2 Flashcards
attempting to avoid notice or attention, typically because of guilt or a belief that discovery would lead to trouble; secretive.
The #furtive glances and the very private meetings in small groups are hard to miss.
of or concerning a bride or a wedding.
Remember to bring your own wedding attire from home as there are few #bridal shops in Belize.
a son of one’s brother or sister, or of one’s brother-in-law or sister-in-law.
He is survived by his brother, sisters, #nephews , nieces and by other relations.
an attractively arranged bunch of flowers, especially one presented as a gift or carried at a ceremony.
I was presented with a lovely #bouquet of flowers, given a gift voucher to spend and someone took me round the store in a wheelchair.
be inspired with an intense but short-lived passion or admiration for.
He decide to teach a lesson to the poor kid he’d become #infatuated with for ‘spurning’ his advances.
a man who has lost his wife by death and has not remarried.
Since then, hundreds of would-be widows and #widowers have applied for what’s billed as ‘post-mortem matrimony.
a woman having an extramarital sexual relationship, especially with a married man.
There is a story about a daughter’s ambiguous ties with her father’s #mistress.
a person, typically one more remote than a grandparent, from whom one is descended.
The white race is anyone directly descended from our European #ancestors.
a particular tendency as part of a person’s character.
Many footballing traits have nothing to do with people’s real psychology, but in this case it does seem to me that a #strain of caution in the Italian character comes out in this aspect of how they play footy.
a recently married person.
Two #newlywed couples are identified among the 63 Canadian victims killed when their Ukrainian Airlines jet crashed in Iran.
a person who is one hundred or more years old.
North Yorkshire #centenarians today congratulated the Queen Mother on becoming a member of their distinguished club.
a very young child or baby.
Very young children and newborn #infants require a lower dose than older children.
throw or hurl forcefully.
Guests are enthralled with bartenders who flip bottles, toss some glasses and #fling a few mixing sets.
each of two or more children or offspring having one or both parents in common; a brother or sister.
You can tackle your parents, elder #siblings or friends for possible placements.
a daughter of one’s brother or sister, or of one’s brother-in-law or sister-in-law.
We got the bus back to Folkestone, and then caught another one to Cheriton to visit my Brother and my little #nieces.
make an offer of marriage to someone.by others.
I went out with him for four years and then he #proposed to me.
lose one’s spouse through death.
READERS may have noticed a theme in stories we have run recently featuring people who have been #widowed young.
deposit or dispose of (garbage, waste, or unwanted material), typically in a careless or hurried way.
Two major directives on the removal of packaging and organic waste from material #dumped into landfills are to be passed into law next year.
the period between childhood and adult age.
Minority #youth are the most enthusiastic and prolific readers of all.
a man on his wedding day or just before and after the event.
The #bridegroom then speaks, thanking everyone for attending.
a thing that is inherited.
They have taken no previous gifts or inheritances from their parents and each has an #inheritance tax-free threshold of €456,438.
a vacation spent together by a newly married couple.
The reception was held at the Castlecourt Hotel, Westport and afterwards the happy couple left on their #honeymoon,
a girl or woman who accompanies a bride on her wedding day.
It is common for couples to have their own children present at their weddings, often as #bridesmaids or pageboys.
look after a child or children while the parents are out.
I was asked to #babysit for the Alatas children and although I wasn’t too keen on watching over a toddler, I had accepted.