6. food & drink 2 Flashcards
move along lightly, stepping from one foot to the other with a hop or bounce.
The woman #skipped down the steps until she was beside the two.
extremely hungry.
At night, they advised us to put on our under-bungalow lights and wait for the floorshow of #ravenous and strange-looking fish gobbling up plankton just beneath us.
a person who has a legal affinity with another by being the parent of the other’s spouse
A #parent-in-law’s helpful comment may be interpreted by a daughter-in-law as criticism of who she is.
the wife of one’s child.
Louisiana sports reporter, #daughter-in-law of an LSU college football coach, is one of 5 dead in plane crash.
make (something) ready for use or consideration.
The research team is currently #preparing manuscripts for consideration.
smelling, looking, or sounding delicious.
This article will list the 10 most #mouth watering food in Studio Ghibli movies. For varieties sake, this list will be limited to one entry per movie.
a settled or regular tendency or practice, especially one that is hard to give up.
I had a bad #habit of aggravating people; perhaps it was because they couldn’t classify me.
made at home, rather than in a store or factory.
Boulder police arrested a man who was wielding a #homemade harpoon and yelling at people at a bus station Friday night.
any of the foods or substances that are combined to make a particular dish.
Place the first four #ingredients in a food processor with a pinch of salt, and process until combined.
a solid inorganic substance of natural occurrence.
These groups are the silicate minerals, carbonate #minerals , oxides, sulfides, and halides.
a part of a whole; an amount, section, or piece of something.
Even if a province does not use all of its weekly allocation, it still gets the whole #portion for the next week.
a place where bread and cakes are made or sold.
Birthday parties were scary for me; she has a lot of Asian friends who get their birthday cakes from Chinese #bakeries.
But I’d been up for seven hours and I was feeling a little #peckish.
extremely hungry.
All of it was a far cry from the #famished African children on the TV screens of my childhood.
having or showing the capacity to become or develop into something in the future.
It’s a version of last year’s winning car, but perhaps near the end of its #potential development.
shining brightly with flashes of light.
There are dozens of beaches from which to choose and they are long, sandy and sheltered, with clear, #sparkling water.
a meal consisting of several dishes from which guests serve themselves.
A #buffet supper will be served and full bar facilities will be available.
watery liquid secreted into the mouth by glands, providing lubrication for chewing and swallowing, and aiding digestion.
His lower lip was slack and a dribble of #saliva appeared at the corner of his mouth.
physically and mentally dependent on a particular substance, and unable to stop taking it without incurring adverse effects.
At the time of his arrest he was heavily #addicted to heroin and funded his habit by selling at a profit to pay for his own drugs.
the standard of something as measured against other things of a similar kind; the degree of excellence of something.
If it were restricted to a few sniggers among the public at large about the academic #quality of these degrees, it wouldn’t be too bad.
any of a group of organic compounds that are essential for normal growth and nutrition and are required in small quantities in the diet because they cannot be synthesized by the body.
Not so long ago, most people would not have had an ideal regular intake of #vitamin C, a vitamin the human body cannot synthesize.
a substance added to something in small quantities, typically to improve or preserve it.
Imagine a company sneaking #additives and preservatives into something you eat without telling you.
a set of instructions for preparing a particular dish, including a list of the ingredients required.
As it is almost upon us, I have opted for some quick, easy #recipes using ingredients that you probably have at home.
a person or thing that starts in a specified way.
Throughout my whole career I’ve basically been a slow #starter.