3. shopping 1 Flashcards
the action or process of collecting someone or something.
Best practice recommends that all refuse left out for #collection should be protected by a hard container, with a fitted lid firmly closed.
acquire (something) by paying for it; buy.
Mr. Gill spotted the manuscript at a local auction and #purchased it for $1,500.
a large building or series of connected buildings containing a variety of retail stores and typically also restaurants.
We went to a little restaurant in the #mall , and I tried sushi which was gross.
a room used to display goods for sale, such as appliances, cars, or furniture.
Prices will start from about £10,000 when it arrives in UK #showrooms in October or November.
a large metal basket or frame on wheels, used for transporting heavy or large items, such as supermarket purchases or luggage at an airport or railroad station.
We pay for #trolleys in airports and supermarkets, and for parking we either scratch a permit, ‘pay and display’ or ‘park and ride’.
elegant or stylishly luxurious.
Many of those calls he says come from #posh hotels and prestigious New York addresses dispelling the myth that bed bugs only reside in filth.
extremely impressive or attractive.
For some exciting winter fishing in #stunning surroundings, try Loch Alvie near Aviemore or the western fjords of Quoich or Arkaig.
in poor condition through long or hard use or lack of care.
The boy, wearing a formal but slightly #shabby overcoat, is standing, while his mother is seated, so his head is slightly higher than hers.
in or according to styles or types no longer current or common; not modern.
If you are trying to connect or reconnect with your children, you may consider bringing back some #old-fashioned fun.
as much as is appropriate or fair; moderate.
The highest burden of proof is enshrined within criminal proceedings and is based upon ‘beyond #reasonable doubt’.
the amount or number of a material or immaterial thing not usually estimated by spatial measurement.
The company, over the last few years, had shifted its focus from #quantity and volumes to quality and design.
a passage between rows of seats in a building such as a church or theater, an airplane, or a train.
Then my eyes fell on those three women, sitting on alternate seats across the #aisle from each other.
survey goods for sale in a leisurely and casual way.
We shopped at a leisurely pace in the supermarket, #browsing and thinking rather than madly grabbing the same products as last week in order to get it over with.
negotiate the terms and conditions of a transaction.
The administration seems to have #bargained pretty effectively so far, and it doesn’t appear that the resolution will significantly compromise the effort to bring stability to Iraq.
a compulsive shopper.
My husband is a compulsive hoarder and #shopaholic , filling every inch of our six-bedroom house.
a container used to hold or carry things, typically made from interwoven strips of cane or wire.
She was carrying a large #basket of laundry in her hands, and looked more than a little surprised to see her there.
a person who owns something.
This led the #owner to spend quite a bit of money in medical expenses on the injured dog.
characteristic of, influenced by, or representing a current popular trend or style.
Clowning became more #fashionable in the mid seventeenth century when interest in spectacle superseded that for dialogue.
very unusual or remarkable.
He’s an #extraordinary father and a remarkable husband, a terrific human being.
shabby and untidy or dirty.
I always promised to do better but I was an incurably #scruffy boy who never did do well on the pulled-up socks side of life.
the matter from which a thing is or can be made.
Many of the males and a few of the females wear stuff that looks like leather, but most is woven animal fur or plant #material of kinds I do not know.
charge too high a price for.
Sometimes, the house is #overpriced , or there are factors like being on a busy road, that we can’t change.
a large, tall cabinet in which clothes may be hung or stored.
Be prepared for potential buyers to root around in cupboards and #wardrobes , even under the beds, and ensure they are neat as a pin.
a cash register or drawer for money in a store, bank, or restaurant.
That went fine until they opened the #till to pull out the cash.