7. people Flashcards
of strong, solid construction.
Ford has certainly improved its Super Duty trucks tremendously in the past two decades but those old trucks were still pretty #well-built.
above a weight considered normal or desirable.
As long as you’re not considerably #overweight for your height and age according to your doctor, don’t worry about it.
(especially of children) disobedient; badly behaved.
She had a funny look on her face, like a #naughty child who’s just been found stealing cookies from the cookie jar before dinner.
a small depression in the flesh, either one that exists permanently or one that forms in the cheeks when one smiles.
The smile stretched pink generous lips and produced a #dimple on his left cheek.
pleasant or attractive.
Deeply enchanted by the #charming environment, he decided to settle down for good.
become pale in one’s face from shock or fear.
What lay before her struck her like a dagger, causing her to #pale with fear, even begin to sob silently.
(of a person, action, or motive) lacking consideration for others; concerned chiefly with one’s own personal profit or pleasure.
To do good deeds simply to obtain good karma would be to act from a #selfish motive, and would not earn much merit.
cosmetics such as lipstick or powder applied to the face, used to enhance or alter the appearance.
In pursuit of the ultimate #makeup and skin-care toolkit, we turned to the pros themselves to find out what they’re really using to get the job done.
each of the upper and lower bony structures in vertebrates forming the framework of the mouth and containing the teeth.
Most diprotodonts have three pairs of incisors in their upper #jaws , but this number is reduced to one pair in one family, the wombats.
cut the hair off one’s face with a razor.
I noticed he had #shaved and cut his hair so he resembled that boyish man I thought I knew three years ago.
absorbed in or involving thought.
She is #thoughtful and reflective, and I have enormous respect for her passionate dedication.
the combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual’s distinctive character.
Drawings and dialogue combine to create distinctive #personalities for these birds.
beautiful; very attractive.
The new designer on Scarlet is a genius and has made the mag look all glossy and sexy and generally even more #gorgeous than it was.
unpleasant or repulsive, especially in appearance.
American society, on the other hand, has always regarded the fat person as #ugly and offensive.
having or showing dogged determination not to change one’s attitude or position on something, especially in spite of good arguments or reasons to do so.
They are, alas, meeting with the same #stubborn resistance as Cliff.
a small burrowing insectivorous mammal with dark velvety fur, a long muzzle, and very small eyes.
After I’d mowed the other day, a #mole burrowed just under the surface of the lawn, leaving mounds of dirt and raised tunnel-bumps all over the place.
feeling or showing envy of someone or their achievements and advantages.
His house is huge and his dogs were so happy and friendly when I arrived, but now the oldest seems #jealous of the attention he is giving me.
highly unpleasant, especially to the senses; physically nauseating.
Dinner was disgustingly gross and #nasty; it was some custom British food that they all loved but non-British hated.
the front surface of a person’s or animal’s body between the neck and the abdomen.
She had her arms crossed in front of her #chest and one eyebrow raised.
(of an object) having an edge or point that is able to cut or pierce something.
Use #sharp tools no matter what type of plant you’re pruning.
offensively impolite or ill-mannered.
She instantly felt guilty for the times she had been #rude to him.
(of a person) old or aging.
Two historic almshouses have been put up for sale as they are no longer suitable for #elderly people.