47. business 4 Flashcards
a meeting of people face to face, especially for consultation.
Some 45% of asylum seekers do not turn up for official meetings or #interviews with State authorities.
a person who applies for a job or is nominated for election.
The job will be offered to one of the 16 unsuccessful #candidates who applied for the job last year.
economic activity concerned with the processing of raw materials and manufacture of goods in factories.
In North America factories and jobs in #industry migrated from north to south.
right or appropriate for a particular person, purpose, or situation.
It will have to be taped though I am not sure how #suitable it is for a five-year-old.
observe and direct the execution of (a task, project, or activity).
That might mean working as a consultant while a hiring freeze is on, filling in for a military reservist called to duty, or #supervising a short-term project.
a group or collection of things that belong together, resemble one another, or are usually found together.
We could transmit it by a set of abridged accounts, with a full #set of accounts available on the website.
the state or fact of having a duty to deal with something or of having control over someone.
Aside from the actual injury they can cause, these realistic-looking BB guns need to be treated with the same #responsibility as any other firearm.
an objective or result toward which efforts are directed.
India’s fiscal deficit widened further in December amid concerns that the country would breach its budgeted #target for the third straight year.
stretch out an arm in a specified direction in order to touch or grasp something.
He yawned, stretching his arms and #reaching down to his pocket when he felt his phone vibrating.
the action of teaching a person or animal a particular skill or type of behavior.
You can have all the musical skill and #training in the world, but it doesn’t mean a lick if you don’t love and feel what you are doing.
the publicization of a product, organization, or venture so as to increase sales or public awareness.
The agency has recently completed projects for major clients in web, print, packaging, advertising, sales #promotion and exhibition design.
the cost required for something; the money spent on something.
How do those costs compare with the #expense incurred in buying into and getting out of a managed fund?
having many details or facts; showing attention to detail.
Identification of the exact defect requires #detailed biochemical studies, which are not available in most laboratories.
the position of a student or trainee who works in an organization, sometimes without pay, in order to gain work experience or satisfy requirements for a qualification.
It’s recruiting season, and offers for summer #internships are rolling in, while applications are closing up.
giving or ready to give help.
The two officers were very #helpful and did a lot to calm my shaken brother and mother down.
fulfill or comply with (a social, legal, ethical, or religious obligation).
For good hand-washing habits, section members will stress that the following steps must be #observed.
all the way through, in particular.
Conditions #throughout the event were difficult, with continuous rain and a cold wind.
a piece of work to be done or undertaken.
There are plenty of difficult #tasks out there that would be perfect for this phrase.
clearly defined or identified.
A narrator defines #specific passages to be reflected in the music.
the latest time or date by which something should be completed.
The scattering of the bargaining unit across a whole state and a looming strike #deadline only augment the confusion.
having all the necessary or appropriate parts.
Elements of each of those explanations may well be necessary components of a #complete picture, but they are insufficient.
time in addition to what is normal, as time worked beyond one’s scheduled working hours.
There will also be a tiebreaker, to guess my #overtime hours, in case there is a draw.
an amount of money added to wages on a seasonal basis, especially as a reward for good performance.
Cost cuts gave companies more money to pass on to employees in the form of higher wages and #bonuses, economists said.
a written or spoken agreement, especially one concerning employment, sales, or tenancy, that is intended to be enforceable by law.
After a #contract on the bid is made, the declarer decides whether to set the rank for that hand high or low.