50. trade & commerce 2 Flashcards
an owner of shares in a company.
My job as a businessman is to be a profit centre and to maximise return to the #shareholders.
including or involving several countries or individuals of several nationalities.
And the State Department has already indicated that a #multinational force will be sent to the Haiti soon.
a person or organization using the services of a lawyer or other professional person or company.
It would transform the role of the lawyer - sometimes leading him to say no to a client when a #client-centered lawyer would say yes.
harmony or accordance in opinion or feeling; a position or result of agreeing.
We are in agreement or partial #agreement on many of the most significant issues, but we shall have to remain at odds on a few.
an article or substance that is manufactured or refined for sale.
They succeeded by manufacturing commercially viable #product that people found beneficial to their lives.
a commodity, article, or service sold abroad.
The country grows 70% of the world’s supply of jute, and jute products are an important #export, despite falling world demand.
a gradual and continuous loss of strength, numbers, quality, or value.
A drop in fundraising will produce a further #decline in educational quality.
one of the equal parts into which a company’s capital is divided, entitling the holder to a proportion of the profits.
They want us to read brokers’ reports before we buy #shares and before we sell them.
the management of large amounts of money, especially by governments or large companies.
I am not fully convinced that the designated #finance minister is up to the task and she has a lot to prove still.
eat, drink, or ingest (food or drink).
If sugary food or drinks are #consumed too often, the saliva doesn’t get long enough to fully remineralise the teeth.
a point at which goods are paid for in a supermarket or other store.
Always up for a laugh when he worked on the grocery #checkouts , Brian used to send his co-workers off around the building on wild goose chases looking for something that didn’t exist.
the action or process of investing money for profit or material result.
Like all share #investments, index funds are too volatile for short-term investing.
(of a business or activity) yielding profit or financial gain.
This has become a #profitable business for a few, and an effortless one for that.
acquire (something) by paying for it; buy.
Mr. Gill spotted the manuscript at a local auction and #purchased it for $1,500.
need for a particular purpose.
Excavation of a temporary surface may have been #required for some purpose or combination of purposes.
a commodity, article, or service brought in from abroad for sale.
Everybody knows that a falling dollar will boost the economy by making exports cheaper and #imports pricier.
the action or process of paying someone or something, or of being paid.
The workers were demanding the #payment of wage arrears and improved working conditions.
have an obligation to pay or repay (something, especially money) in return for something received.
‘We have now repaid all our loans, and we #owe no money at all to anyone,’ says Robin.
having or showing the capacity to become or develop into something in the future.
It’s a version of last year’s winning car, but perhaps near the end of its #potential development.
take part in commercial trading of a particular commodity.
He was employed as a sewing machine operator at a factory owned by Goodwill Industries of South Florida, a non-profit organisation #dealing in used clothing and furniture.
the activity of buying and selling, especially on a large scale.
The renewed relationship can now lead to better trade and #commerce between the two nations
conduct or carry out (business).
It is suggested that Indian traders may be allowed to move only up to the nearest Bangladesh trading point where the Indian traders can #transact business.
a decline in economic, business, or other activity.
Like many other dotcoms it’s been hit by the economic #downturn and the global decline in advertising revenues.