8. family & relationships 1 Flashcards
dismiss as inadequate, inappropriate, or not to one’s taste.
An immediate, but quickly #rejected option is to drop the selling price by 10 percent.
the day of the month or year as specified by a number.
He spoke with a distinct American accent as he gave his #date of birth as June 28, 1968.
a person who holds an undergraduate degree from a university or college (only in titles or set expressions).
Minton earned a #bachelors degree from the University of Maryland, where he studied economics, chemistry, and mathematics.
having formally agreed to marry.
His parents look at each other and back at the #engaged couple on the bed.
a relationship in which a person, thing, or idea is linked or associated with something else.
This one-sided view of health also ignores what has been learnt about the broader social determinants of disease and the two-way #connections between well-being and illness.
a married person.
Things haven’t been so quick to change: young #marrieds no longer live in the same flat as their parents, but they are unlikely to live very far away.
an angry argument or disagreement, typically between people who are usually on good terms.
Customers often asked the kindly gentleman to help crack their problems, which could be anything from domestic #quarrels to housing disputes.
not likely to change or fail; firmly established.
The release contains network improvements that should both reduce technical debt and ensure a more #stable network, he added.
a person trained to give guidance on personal, social, or psychological problems.
At a time when there were far fewer social workers, guidance #counselors , and psychologists, parishioners flocked to their priest in times of trouble.
one of three children or animals born at the same birth.
If #triplets or more were born, only two lambs were allowed to be reared with the dam, and the extra lambs were removed at 12 to 24 h of age and reared artificially.
an unmarried woman, typically an older woman beyond the usual age for marriage.
Jane is the bright spot in her lonely #spinster ‘s life, and a letter from Jane is what she lives and waits for.
the action or fact of legally taking another’s child and bringing it up as one’s own, or the fact of being adopted.
Israel and Russia have signed on Wednesday an #adoption agreement, under which LGBT couples will not be able to adopt babies in Russia.
a person or animal with whom one spends a lot of time or with whom one travels.
Just five people were appointed as a #Companion of the Order of Australia, the highest honour.
make someone aware of or familiar with.
After two afternoon workouts before the All-Star break to #acquaint Caminiti with his new position, he started the second half at first base.
the way in which two or more concepts, objects, or people are connected, or the state of being connected.
There was an intimate #relationship between the virtues of a society and the virtues of the people in it.
a marriage ceremony, especially considered as including the associated celebrations.
Even with #weddings , friends have told me that loads of people don’t reply, and they have to chase them.
a house and its occupants regarded as a unit.
Just eight per cent of #households throwing away full card numbers had made attempts to destroy them.
cause to move or be apart.
He and his wife have been #separated for only a year, and I’m ready to start a family.
loyal, constant, and steadfast.
Their work has taken them to many exotic spots around the world, but they remain #faithful to home.
legally dissolve one’s marriage with (someone).
But Asif’s parents pressurised him to #divorce her within a few months of marriage.
one of two children or animals born at the same birth.
The #twins were born in April, yellow-haired like Quintus’s brothers.
similar in every detail; exactly alike.
As with the prints in the palm of human beings, which varies from person to person, no cobra is #identical to another, he said.
liable to fall or shake; not firm.
He appeared drunk and #unsteady and after a positive roadside breath test was taken to the police station.
a person connected by blood or marriage.
Four patients in our study had #relatives with renal failure of unknown origin.