(9) [CPA] Anterior C/T/L Counterstrain Flashcards
What are the (7) steps involved in counterstrain treatment?
- Regional exam
- Find worst TP
- Establish a tenderness scale
- Wrap around TP, Reduce pain to less than 70%
- Hold 90 seconds
- Slow return to neutral
- Retest TP/SD
When performing counterstrain, the patient position in geared to reduce strain.
How do you place the patient to do this?
Place pt. in position of EASE

What are the (5) Anterior cervical CS points?
AC1 (Mandible)
AC 2-6
AC 7
AC 8

Where is the AC1 MandibleTP?
Posterior surface of ramus of mandible
-Push posterior to anterior

Where is the AC1 TP?
Midway b/w ramus and mastoid process on the transverse process of C1
(Push lateral to medial)

Where is the AC2-6 TP?
Anterior surface of transverse processes

Where is the AC7 TP?
2cm lateral to the medial end of the clavicle
(clavicular head of SCM)

Where is the AC8 TP?
Medial end of clavicle
(sternal head of SCM at sternal notch)

What is the treatment for AC1 Mandible?
Which direction do you push?
Posterior to anterior
What is the treatment for AC1 TP?
Which direction do you push?
Lateral to medial
What is the treatment for AC2-6 TP?
Which direction do you push?
Anterior to posterior
What is the treatment for AC7 TP?
What is the treatment for AC7 TP?
Cumulative table review
Fill out the entire table for the location and treatment of each TP

Take home points:
All of the Anterior Cervical CS points are treated with FLEXION except for???
Take home points:
All of the Anterior Cervical CS points are treated with SaRa except for???
That point is treated w/?

Where is AT1 TP?
AT1 = Suprasternal notch

Where is AT2 TP?
AT2 = Angle of the manubrium (louis)

Where are AT3-AT6?
AT3-AT6 = on the sternum at the same numbered costal level

Where are AT7 TP?
Inferior tip of xiphoid
1/4 distance from tip of xiphoid and umbilicus

Where is AT8?
Halfway b/w tip of xiphoid and umbilicus

Where is AT9?
3/4 distance from tip of xiphoid and umbilicus

Where is AT10?
1/4 distance from the umbilicus to the pubic symphysis

Where is AT11?
Halfway b/w the umbilicus and pubic symphysis

Where is AT12?
On the anterior superior surface of the iliac crest at the midaxillary line

What is the treatment position for AT1-T6?
Cervical and thoracic flextion to the level of TP

What is the treatment for AT7-T9?
Thoracic flexion w/ sidebending toward and rotation away

What is the treatment position for AT10-12?
Hip flexion
SIdebending torso toward
Rotate torso away

Where are the posterior thoracic tender points?
Either midline (spinous) or lateral (transverse)
Spinous= Midline, inferior aspect/tip of spinous process
Transverse = On transverse process of each thoracic vertebrae

Treatment for PT 1-3?

Treatment for PT 4-9 TP?

If you are moving the lower extremity towards the tender point, the TORSO and LUMBARS would be rotating __________
If you are moving the lower extremity towards the tender point, the TORSO and LUMBARS would be rotating AWAY
Treatment for PT 10-12?
e-E SaRa (pelvis)

Anterior Lumbar Counterstain
Describe where AL1-5 are:

Treatment for AL1?

Treatment for AL 2-4?
Doc: Contralateral w/ ft on table. Flex knees/hips to 90 degrees
Ankles (SB) and knees (Rot) towards doc, away from TP

Treatment for AL5?
Doc: Ipsilateral w/ ft on table
Flex hip to 135, ankles SB away from TP

What are the other (4) Major pelvic tenderpoints?
Psoas major
Low ilium

Treatment for Iliacus?
Doc: Ipsilateral w/ foot on table
Flex hips/knees to 90, crossing ankles over doc’s knee. Inducing marked ER

Treatment for low ilium?
Doc: Ipsilateral, flex hip and knee to >90, fine tune as needed

Treatment for inguinal ligament?
Doc: ipsilateral w/ foot on table
Flex hips/knees to 90 degrees, rest on docs knee
Cross c/l ankle over i/l leg, pull ankles towards doc
IR of dysfunctional hip

Treatment of psoas major?
Doc: ipsilateral w/ foot on table
Marked hip flexion
Pull feet and ankles toward TP side