9. Anatomy of the lens and vitreous. Intraocular spaces and fluids. Flashcards
what is the physical charecteristics of the lens ?
transparent, biconvex structure in the eye
what is the function of the lens ?
along with the cornea, helps to refract light to be focused on the retina by changing its shape
change the focal distance of the eye so that it can focus on objects at various distances - accommodation
what is the refractive power of the lens ?
in its natural environment is approximately 18 dioptres- 1/3rd of eye total power
what is the anatomy of the lens
the lens capsule
the lens epithelium found only on the anterior side of the lens
cortical fibres
then nucleus with the nuclear fibres
Zonular fibers originate in the basal lamina of the pars plana and pars plicata of the ciliary body and insert on the equatorial region o
does the lens have any nerves , blood vessels or connective tissue ?
what located anterior and posterior to the lens
anterioir to lens - posterioir chamber
posterioir to lens - vitreous humour
what are the intra ocular spaces ?
anterioir chamber (between cornea and iris) posterioir chamber
filled with aqueous humour , split by the iris
vitreous chamber - splits b the ciliary body
what is the function of the aqueous humour?
transparent, watery fluid
intraocular pressure inflates the globe of the eye -> It is this hydrostatic pressure which keeps the eyeball in a roughly spherical shape and keeps the walls of the eyeball taut.
Provides nutrition (e.g. amino acids and glucose) for the avascular ocular tissues; posterior cornea, trabecular meshwork, lens, and anterior vitreous
what is the circulation of aqueous humour?
Aqueous humour is secreted into the posterior chamber by the ciliary body
flow through the narrow space between the posterior iris and the anterior lens
flows through the pupil and enters into the anterior chamber
From there, the aqueous humour exits the eye through the trabecular meshwork into Schlemm’s canal - a channel at the limbus
into the episcleral veins
Small variations in the production or outflow of aqueous humour will have a large influence on?
massive effect on intraoccqular pressure
angle between iris and cornea , this angle can be obstructed if so what happens
fluid cannot reach schlemm’s canal anymore and cannot be drained anymore
what space does the vitreous humour occupy ?
area between the lens and the retina
what is the vitreous humour characteristically ?
gel like substance
where is the vitreous humour derived from
embryonic mesenchyme cells, which degenerate after birth and thus no more synthesis can take place
is the vitreous humour drained ?
no - stangant
therefore of blood cells , byproducts of inflammation get into vitreous humour it will remain there unless surgically removed
1mm forward shift of lens causes what ?
increase about 1.4D in power
what is the Refractive index of aqueous humor
what is the accommodative power of the ;end ?
at birth
25 years - 7-8d
50 years
1-2 d
Visual Acuity reduction. Myopic shift. Monocular diplopia. Glare. Color shift.
what is the refractive index of vitreous humour ?
same as aqueous