8th Grade Science Test 6 (Semester Exam) Flashcards
A volcano consisting primarily of erupted volcanic ash and rock fragments held together loosely is a
cinder-cone volcano
The upper layers of the ground stripped away by surface mining are the
Some glaciers extend into the ocean without breaking to form
ice shelves
Which type of weathering involves the breaking or peeling away of rock into layers?
What is an alloy of iron and carbon?
What is the land that borders a river and is covered by river water in flood time?
The amount of matter in an object is the
Man is classified as Homo
What type of mountain formed when rocks on one side of a fault were forced upward and the rocks on the other side were forced downward?
What is the narrow zone of active volcanoes that encircles the Pacific basin?
Ring of Fire
What is the resistance of a smooth surface of a mineral to being scratched?
The largest group of minerals, which compose over 90% of the earth’s crust, are the ___.
What plant food element promotes the ripening of fruits?
What is the upper surface of ground water?
water table
Lava that hardens into rough, jagged rocks with a crumbly or “blockY” texture is ___ lava.
What deep-sea-fish living fossil was once thought to be the ancestor of the first amphibians?
What are crystalline substances found naturally in the earth?
A fan-shaped deposit of sediments at the mouth of a river is a(n)
The sudden appearance of life in the fossil record is called the
Cambrian explosion
Which australopithecine was known as “upright man”?
Homo erectus
sandy, gently sloping underwater plain near a continent
continental shelf
underwater mountain range
mid-oceanic ridge
one of the deep depressions in the earth’s surface where the oceans are contained
ocean basin
underwater mountain