8d. Vocabulary Basics: List of Common Latin Suffixes Flashcards
-cidal, -cide
killer, a killing
insecticide - a substance or preparation used for killing insects
-elle, -ule, -la, -le
small, diminutive endings
globule - a small spherical body
piglet - a little pig
bearer, produces, carry
conifer any of numerous, chiefly evergreen trees or shrub
transfer - to convey or move from place to place
origin, development
embryogenesis - the formation and development of the embryo
something produced
cosmogony - the study of the origin and development of the universe
a division or part
somite - any of the longitudinal series of segments or parts into which the body of certain animals is divided
-jugal, -jugate
to yoke, join together
conjugate - to join together, especially in marriage
-vor, -vore
carnivore - an animal that eats flesh