8b. Vocabulary Basics: Common Greek Suffixes Flashcards
mode of living, way of life
symbiosis - the living together of two dissimilar organism
formative, embryonic
mesoblast - the mesoderm
Mercurochrome - a brand of membromin
round, seed, kernel
streptococcus - any of several spherical or oval bacteria which are pathogenic for humans
pouch, sac
trichocyst - an organ of offense and defense embedded in certain protozoans
pentadactyl - having five digits on each hand or foot
-derm, -dermis
skin, layer
epidermis - the outer layer of the skin
blood disease
anemia - a quantitative deficiency of the hemoglobin
-gamous, -gamy
marriage, sexual union
polygamy - the practice of having more than one spouse
-gen, -geny
origin, production
progeny - a descendant or offspring
hydrogen - colorless, odorless, flammable gas
drawing, writing
chromatograph - a piece of equipment used to produce a chromatogram
-hedral, hedron
polyhedral - of, relating ot, or having the shape of a polyhedron
compound formed by union of water with other substances
carbohydrate - any of a class of organic compounds that are polyhydroxy aldehydes
act, practice, or result of
terrorism - act of violence or threats to intimidate or coerce
inflammation or infection
appendicitis - inflammation of the appendix
science or study of
biology - the science of life or living matter
loosening, separation
photolysis - the chemical decompositioin of materials under the influence of light
a part, piece
polymer - a compound formed from two or more polymeric compounds
a measurement
diameter - straight line passing through the center of a circle or sphere and meeting the circumference at each
endomorph - a mineral enclosed within another mineral
systematized knowledge of
astronomy - the science that deals with the material universe beyond the earth’s atmosphere
carcinoma - malignant tumor, cancer
-osis, -otic
abnormal condition, disease
neurosis - a relatively mild personality disorder typified by excessive anxiety
a stage or condition
metaphase - a stage of mitosis or meiosis
-phil, -phile
fear, fearing
hydrophobia - abnormal fear of water
chlorophyll - the green coloring matter of leaves and plants
-phyta, phyte
epiphyte - a plnat that grows above the ground
formative substance
cytoplasm - a plant that grows above the ground
-pod, -poda
arthropod - any invertebrate of the phylum Arthropoda
chromosome - any of several threadlike bodies that cary genes in a linear order
a stationary position
homeostatis - the tendency of a system to maintain internal stability
-stat, -static
stationary, still
hemostat - an instrument or agent used to treat bleeding vessels in order to arrest hemorrhage
opening into
colostomy - the construction of an opening from the colon through the abnormal wall
homeotherm - an organism, such as a mammal or bird, having a body temperature that is constant and largely independent of the temperature of its surroundings
-thes, -thesis
arrangment, in order
hypothesis - a proposition assumed as a premise or argument
-tom, -tomy
dividing, surgery
lobotomy - the operation of cutting into a lobe, as of the brain or the lung
-trope, -tropic
phototropic - growing toward or away from the light
-zoa, -zoan, -zoic
animal, life
protozoa - a major grouping or the kingdom Protista, comprising the protozoans