8.4 WWII 1922-1942 Flashcards
background of germany
treaty of versailles: reparations too tough, military restrictions wound german pride
Weimar republic: ineffectual governance leads to rise in extremism
nationlist fervor begins to take over: Nazi (national socialist party) begins to hold rallies and build support
background on japan
waashington and london naval conferences: widely viewed with hostility with japan, splits japanese navy with treaty faction and fleet faction.
Japan becomes more militaristic: general staff reports directly to Emperor not to diet or prime minister therefore military yields power.
political assassinations:
lack of natural resources
Preludes to war
1931: Japan invades Manchuria, establishes puppet state violates 9 power and 4 power treaty
1933: hitler becomes chancellor & declares the reich, germany and japan withdraw from leagueofnations
1936: germany occupies the Rhineland, Japan terminates 5 power treaty
1937: March-Germany unifies w/ austria. July- Japan invades China starting the 2nd Sino-Japanese war
1938: Germany annexes Sudentland - munich conference
1939: Germany occupies remainder of Czechoslovakia
Sep 1940: Japan concluded treaty with axis powers
Jul 1941: Japan and Vichy government had agreed to joint protectorateof all Indo china
Nov 1941: US demanded Japan abandon her conquest of china
War in europe
April 1940: Germany invades Denmark & Norway
may 1940: Germany invades netherlands & france
June 1940: France surrenders
Summer 1940: battle britain
Sep 1940: tripartite pact signed
June 1941: germany invades soviet union
US responses to war and rising tensions
1933-1940: naval funding increased $1B emphasis on battleships and carriers
1939: US declared neutrality
June 1940: PACIFIC FLEET moved to Peral harbor
Oct 1940: scrap metal embargo against Japan & Panama canal
1941: lend-lease program
June 1941: neutrality patrols in atlantic
August 1941: oil/gas embargo against japan
German threat
ABC-1 staff agreement: (early 1941) America, Britain, canada. 2 front war, europe first
Justification: germany’s advanced industrial development, scientific achievements, proximity to britain & military achievements
British sea power thought to be “shield of republic”
Battle of Atlantic
German sub strategy: ADM Karl donitz, “Tonnage warfare” unrestricted, wolfpacks U-boats groupos
significance of battle of atlantic
stepping stone to victory in europe. without open SLOCS, US & UK unable to help fight
Japanese WWII objectives
Capture souther resources (east indies) so britain and Dutch
war with US was inevitable invaded Philippines concurrently with east indies invasion, needed to prevent US pac fleet and US getting involved
ADM yamamoto
JAPANESE combined fleet
lived in the US, BOSTON STUDIES english, washington DC naval attache
against war with US
demanded pearl harbor attack
russo-japanese lessons learned
Pearl Harbor
7 dec1941: between 0742 and 0850 hours US casualties: 2,403 killed, 169 aircraft destroyed, 21 ships sunk or damaged
after pearl harbor
FDR: “YESTERDAY, dec 7 1941 a date which will live in infamy- the united states of america was suddenly and deliberately attackedby naval and air forces of the empire of Japan”
aftermath of pearl harbor
8 dec 1941 US declares war on Japan, American public opinion changes, carriers become capital ships
subs, aux ships, repair facilities and oil tanks unharmed
Germany declares war on US: us begins to fight 2 ocean war, priority given to Europe.
Battle of atlantic expands: coastal/carribbean convoys , maritime, patrol flights, american shipyards, advancements in decoding
UK vs US strategy
US: cross channel invasion of france 1942.
UK: peripheral attack on europe
Result: british strategy is adopted and allies invade thru north africa, american general (Eisenhower) chosen for supreme allied commander
Asiatic fleet 1941-1942
Dutch east indies: series of disasturous naval and land battles
Philippine island defense: gen MacArthur evacuated Manila and retreated to Bataan Peninsula after american air and naval power destroyed BATAAN DEATH MARCH
US defensive
post pearl harbor main goal: guard SLOCs between Hawaii, midway and australia
controversialcommand structure: divide pacific theater into two separate operational theaters Macarthuer (southwest pacific) Nimitz (central pacific)
doolittle raid
apr 1942 raid on Tokyo admiral BULL Halsey commands TF16
USS HORNET & USS ENTERPRISE, lieutenant colonel doolittle
Boosted American morale, demonstrated applied critical thinking, US capable of projecting power from sea
BATTLE OF coral sea
first pure carrier engagemnet
japanese tactical victory
Japan: 2 CVs damaged, 1CVL , 1 DD sunk, 92 A/c lost
Allies: 1 CV, 1DD, 1AOsunk, 1 CV damaged and 69 A/C lost
US strategic victory: halted Japanese advance, prevented japanese from cutting communication with australia
US sub campaign
EARLY sub warfare and faulty torpedos limited effectiveness