84. Borna disease, avian diseases caused by bornaviruses. Flashcards
Bornaviruses info?
- Bornaviridae, Bornavirus genus
- Ss RNA, enveloped
- Low resistance
- Replication in nucleus of nerve cells
- Encephalomyelitis
- Nerve cell degeneration
• Hosts: mammals, birds, reptiles
Borna disease Occurrence?
Borna disease
- Uniform virus, 1 serotype, enveloped
- Occurrence
- Borna 1894-1896, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, France, Sweden, USA, Japan
- More widespread seropositivity
- Free virions produced in low number
- Virus remains cell bound
- Low resistance
- Horse, sheep, cattle, goat, rabbit, cat, human, rodent, lab mice, rats, shrew-mouse, voles
Epidemiology of Borna disease?
• Reservoir
- Shrew-mouse, rodents
- Frequently asymptomatic infection
- Shed in saliva, urine, faeces
• Infection
- Transmission with lymphoid cells
- Nasal discharge, saliva
- Pasture
- Contact with deceased animals
- Eating infected animals (carnivores)
- Endemic (only in certain parts of village)
- Spring-Summer
- Sporadic in horses, massive in sheep
- Low morbidity, High lethality
- Subclinical infection common
Pathogenesis of Borna disease?
- Infection: aerosol, PO
- Nasal mucous membrane ➝ N. Olfactorius ➝ Brain (long persisted infection)
- Replication in grey material of brain
- Spread: cell-to-cell ➝ slow spread within host ➝ into spinal cord ➝ eye and organs along nerves (appears in discharge: saliva, nasal discharge, urine, faeces)
- Antibody production (do not inhibit viral replication)
- Long carriage of virus
- Many asymptomatic infections
- Pathological lesions ➝ meningoencephalitis, slow degeneration
- Reasons for pathological lesions
- Infected cells + T-cell cytotoxic reaction
- Death of cells of limbic system - 90% animals with clinical signs die soon
Clinical signs of Borna disease?
Clinical signs
• Horse
- Incubation: 1-3 months
- Appears slowly
- Depression, excitation, spasms, salivation, weakness, hyperaesthesia, apathy, somnolence, dullness, slowing down, ataxia, balance
- Lameness, death
• Sheep, cattle, cat ➝ ataxia, spasm, paralysis
Pathology of Borna disease?
- There are no gross pathological lesions
- Histopathology
- Meningeal plethora, brain oedema
- Polioencephalomyelitis (brain stem, limbic system)
Diagnosis of Borna disease?
- Epidemiology, clinical signs, pathology, histology (inclusion bodies)
- Virus detection ➝ PCR, IF, ELISA, isolation
- Serology (blood, liquor) ➝ IF, ELISA, blot
- DD: rabies, viral encephalitis of horses, tetanus, scrapie, BSE
Prevention and Public health aspects of borna disease?
- Diseased animals ➝ isolation, killing
- Infected herd
- Closed herd, removal of infected animals
- Vaccination
‣ Attenuated vaccine
‣ Vector vaccine
Public health aspects
- Psychiatric patients ➝ depression, schizophrenia ➝ seropositivity, presence of virus
- Way of infection unknown
- Rodent connection, Germany: squirrel breeders
Proventricular dilation disease Ethiology and epidemiology?
Proventricular Dilatation Disease
- Worldwide
- Avian bornaviruses
- Parrot, canary, wild living birds
- Several genotypes
- Parrot breeding units
- Virus shed in faeces
- Disease in young and adult birds
Pathogenesis of Proventricular dilation disease?
- Infection PO
- Viraemia
- Brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves, eye ➝ inflammation, perivascular infiltration, damage of nerve cells
- Alimentary signs because of peripheral nerve inflammation
- Shedding in urine and faeces
Clinical signs of Proventricular dilation disease?
Clinical signs
- 2-4 weeks old, also adult birds ➝ alimentary and CNS signs
- Alimentary ➝ anorexia, difficulties swallowing, regurgitation, undigested feed in faeces
- Neurological ➝ ataxia, weakness, convulsion
- Diseased animals die
Pathology and diagnosis of Proventricular dilation diagnosis?
- Atrophy and dilatation of proventriculus
- Histology ➝ encephalomyelitis, inflammation and degeneration of peripheral nerves
- Epidemiology, clinical signs, pathology
- Virus detection ➝ PCR, IF, immunohistochemistry, virus isolation
- Antibody detection ➝ iIF, immune blot
- Control ➝ general epidemiological measures