2. pathogenesis, course, epidemiology of infectious diseases, factors influencing the spread of infectious diseases. Flashcards
Course of an infectious disease?
Course of an infectious disease
Local infection (e.g. tetanus, papillomatosis)
- Lesions at the place of entry
- Entry ➝ colonisation ➝ replication ➝ alterations -
Infections of different organs (localised) - e.g. rabies
- Lesions only in one organ
‣ Entry, getting into the target organ
‣ Colonisation ➝ replication ➝ damage
Generalised infections (e.g. anthrax, ASF)
- Lesions in more organs
- Incubation: hours (e.g. anthrax) ➝ months (e.g. maedi)
‣ Infection
‣ Colonisation
‣ Start of replication
- Generalisation: viraemia, septicaemia, bacteraemia
‣ Spreading by blood, lymphatic vessels, perineural
- Manifestation
‣ Clinical signs, lesions (virulence factors), intracanalicular spreading in the case of chronic diseases
‣ Foetus (foetopathogenic agents)
๏ Embryonic death, resorption, abortion
๏ Teratogenic
๏ Decreased resistance
๏ Tolerated infections
- Outcome of the disease: healing or death
Course of Infectious diseases caused by viruses?
Course of infectious diseases caused by viruses
Replication at the place of entry and in the regional lymph nodes ➝ exceptions: rotavirus, papillomatosis
- Basic system is the same (generalisation)
- Localisation by macrophages
- Replication in infected macrophages, lymphocytes, blood ➝ cell bound viraemia, bacteraemia
- Replication in lymphoid cells ➝ immune suppression (increased resistance) and damage of blood vessels (haemorrhages) ➝
viraemia ➝ organs reached
• Secondary replication in tissues ➝ damage of cells of organ ➝ clinical signs (only partially caused directly by virus, allergic
reaction by host can worsen the clinical signs)
• Reactive inflammation, start of immune reactions, allergic reactions ➝ clinical signs
Start and course of infectious diseases: Course of the disease?
Start and course of infectious diseases: Course of the disease
- Incubation time (flexible): between infection and appearance of clinical signs
- Seroconversion time: the time between infection and appearance of immune reaction ➝ important to know the immune reaction
• Course of an infection in time
- Peracute
- Acute
- Subacute
- Chronic
Outcome of the disease?
Outcome of the disease
- Complete or partial recovery ➝ residual symptoms such as pneumonia, arthritis and infertility
- Death
- Carriage and shedding of the agent
- Temporary or long-lasting (even in case of immunity e.g. TBC)
- Also in case of asymptomatic infection
- Maintains chain of infection
Asymptomatic infection?
Asymptomatic infection
- Abortive infection
- Inapparent (subclinical) infection
- Persistent infection (virus) e.g. ASF, Marek’s disease ➝ agent is present in lymphoid cells, antibodies, immune complexes, allergic
processes, tumor transformation
- Latent infection (virus): infection before self-recognition of the immune system
- Tolerated infection (virus): infection before self-recognition of the immune system
- Epidemiological importance of asymptomatic system
- Asymptomatic infections can manifest
Epidemiology of infectious diseases?
Epidemiology of infectious diseases
• Data collection using statistic methods
- Susceptible species, vectors
- Characteristics of the populations
- Spreading: geography, time
- Aetiology
- Epidemiological follow-up
- Analysis
- Non-infective diseases as well
Characteristics of infectious diseases?
Characteristics of infectious diseases
- Epidemic diseases: spread, disease in larger animal population
- Contagious diseases: fast spread, animal-to-animal
- ‘Dead end hosts’ ➝ e.g. WNV: horse, humans (do not shed the agent, virus does not infected further)
- Soil infections
Statistical evaluation of infectious diseases?
Statistical evaluation of infectious diseases
Statistical evaluation of infectious diseases
- Morbidity ➝ diseased/herd (%)
- Mortality ➝ dead/herd (%)
- Lethality ➝ dead/diseased (%)
- Incidence ➝ diseased/whole population/year (%000)
- Prevalence ➝ existing disease cases/whole population (%000)
Analysing methods of infectious diseases?
Analysing methods of infectious diseases
• Data collection to diagnostic work
- Monitoring: routine collection of data of a disease
- Screening
‣ Aimed testing of animals
‣ Differentiation of healthy and diseased (infected) ones
- Surveillance: strategy
‣ Recording and analysis of data
‣ Advise the owner
‣ Actions to control a disease
‣ Types: passive and active
• Sampling, sample size
- Statistical methods
- 95% confidence
- 5% precision (1%, 10%)
- Prevalence influences
Extension of infectious diseases?
Extension of infectious diseases:?
Extension of infectious diseases
- Sporadic diseases
- Endemic diseases (enzootia) ➝ small, limited area, one stock or a few herds
- Epidemic diseases (epizootia) ➝ spreading disease, larger area
- Pandemic diseases (panzootia) ➝ extended epidemics, continents
Factors influencing infections?
Factors influencing infections
• Susceptible hosts
- Number of the susceptible hosts
- Number of the maintaining animals
- Life cycle of susceptible animals ➝ mating, leave of the offspring
- Reservoirs ➝ wild animals, vectors
- Geographical factors
- Island, desert, mountain, river
- Soil
- Transport: road, rail, harbour
• Climatic factors
- Sunshine, temperature, wind, vapour content
- Seasonal diseases (arthropod-borne)
• Management
- Keeping animals indoors or on pasture
- Stable ➝ temperature, draught, NH3
- Overcrowding
- Mixing animals
• Nutrition
- Pasture
- Nutritional deficiencies ➝ quality of feed, starvation, toxins